
20 december 2005


SO THAT'S ALL for now. There is more that I wanted to write about, but I'm just flat out of time.

As I type this, it's August 26, not December 20; but the latter date is about when I will be home next, and the main index of this site will need something to mark the spot in my absence.

After November I might be able to put up an occasional post from my AIT. But regular blogging probably will not resume here until my training is completed next April.

For those who have either frequented or occasioned this site over the past twenty-two months, my thanks. Hope to see you next year.

And now, basic training. I'm trying to consider boot camp as something like a nine-week dentist appointment. But with guns.

Update 082905: Comments and trackbacks now closed sitewide.

Anthony Perez-Miller | 12:30 am | personal notes


Wow, I just found you. Bless you for what you are doing. I admire you tremendously,
your wife, too. Thank you.

Maggie | 27 august 2005, 11:45 am | link

Thank you, Maggie. One of the rewarding things about writing a blog is getting kind feedback from people you've never met.

Believe me, it makes a difference.

Anthony | 27 august 2005, 02:23 pm | link


Just picked up on your leaving for BMT from Solomonia. As the father of one currently serving, please let me say thanks, and offer the following that my father gave to my brothers and I as we left for previous wars.

May the road rise with you,
And the wind be always at your back.
May the rain fall soft upon your fields, the sun shine warm upon your face, and until your safe return; May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Tom Glennon | 27 august 2005, 08:30 pm | link


Many thanks. Prayers always gratefully accepted.

And I pray that your son (or daughter, as the case may be) returns safely home.

Anthony | 28 august 2005, 02:06 pm | link

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