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" You can only protect your liberties by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free..."

Clarence Darrow


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حمایت مردم از اهداف
بنیاد غیر انتفاعی آینه

spacer  Ayeneh

Boniad Ayeneh (Ayeneh Foundation) is a non-profit organization, which has been established to provide realistic and organized services to the Iranian community in need. To provide a better and healthier living conditions for them.

spacer  Goals and objectives:

1. The organization, preparation and presentation of educational programming through radio and television broadcastings, literature, conferences and seminars, to bring awareness with regards to the nature of the disease of substance abuse and addiction, all the related side effects and diseases, such as AIDS, addressing the old and sadly wrong, traditional viewpoint of the middle eastern society towards this entity. As well as, educating the family and friends of those suffering, especially the younger generation, to learn how to institute a more constructive and complementary relationship and attitude towards their loved ones, to ensure a more effective preventative approach as well as a successful recovery.


2. To address human rights violations and other social maladies, such as the plight of the street children, the issue of prostitution, divorce and suicide widespread in the Iranian community, especially in Iran. In addition, to increase public awareness regarding human rights issues, and to bring the plight of our countrymen to the attention of International organizations, in an attempt to allow a constructive approach in reaching a more timely resolution of the conditions under which they are struggling to survive.


3. The establishment of an organized process to address the plight and the needs of Iranian refugees, including their family, especially the children of refugees, throughout the world. Issues such as deportation, substance abuse, education and unemployment. In addition, to bring the attention of the Iranian community as well as the International institutions and entities to provide a more substantial and fundamental system of solving their problems in a constructive manner paving the path towards self-sufficiency.


4. The preparation of educational books, literature, and audiovisual materials for children and adults, in different languages, addressing such important issues as substance abuse, AIDS, and other social maladies in an attempt to reach out to them through their own language, thus providing an effective mean of prevention of such maladies and addressing their plight in a more realistic and logical manner.




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