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Python: Better Software, Faster.

"Since adopting it 2 years ago, Python has provided us with a measurable productivity gain that allows us to stay competitive in the online travel space" -- Michael Engelhart, CTO of Gusto!

"We consider Python to be our 'secret sauce'" --Paul Everitt, in reference to Digital Creations (now Zope Corp), circa 1996

This web site is dedicated to helping software developers and managers evaluate and adopt the Python programming language by reading about the experiences of others that have used the language successfully.

Python is a dynamic object oriented programming language that can be compared with Java and Microsoft's .NET-based languages as a general-purpose substrate for many kinds of software development. It offers strong support for integrating with other technologies, higher programmer productivity throughout the development life cycle, and is particularly well suited for large or complex projects with changing requirements.

Here are the things every software engineer should know about Python:

spacer Python is an object-oriented programming language that can help you get two to ten times as much done as in C, C++, Java, Perl, VB, and others.

spacer Python can be applied to just about every form of software development, either as the primary development language, or as a companion to other languages and tools.

spacer Python is the most rapidly growing open source programming language. According to InfoWorld its user base nearly doubled in 2004 to include about 14% of all programmers; it has continued to grow since.

spacer Python isn't just a scripting or glue language. It is fast, every bit as robust and scalable as C, C++, and C#, substantially easier to learn and use than Java, and much cleaner than Visual Basic or Perl.

spacer Python comes with powerful support libraries that already do much of what you'll spend time writing if you use another language.

spacer Python integrates tightly with C, C++, or Java code, and with COM and .NET objects. Use it to turbocharge your existing projects.

spacer Python can be learned in a few days time, and can literally save you years of effort.

For details and links for specific application areas, see our sponsor's Python overview pages.

Try Python today!

Python Success Story

At Philips, The Semiconductor Line in Fishkill Runs on Python


At Philips, Python encodes business logic used to control its semiconductor manufacturing line in Fishkill, NY.

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