
The C elegans Parts List

From Sulston, JE and White, JG (1988), "Parts list", in The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, eds WB Wood et al, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, pp 415 - 431.

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Cell             Lineage name          Description

AB               P0.a                  Embryonic founder cell
ADAL             AB.plapaaaapp         Ring interneurons
ADAR             AB.prapaaaapp         Ring interneurons
ADEL             AB.plapaaaapa         Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic
ADER             AB.prapaaaapa         Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic
ADEshL           AB.arppaaaa           Anterior deirid sheath
ADEshR           AB.arpppaaa           Anterior deirid sheath
ADFL             AB.alpppppaa          Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory
ADFR             AB.praaappaa          Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory
ADLL             AB.alppppaad          Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory
ADLR             AB.praaapaad          Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory
AFDL             AB.alpppapav          Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath
AFDR             AB.praaaapav          Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath
AIAL             AB.plppaappa          Amphid interneuron
AIAR             AB.prppaappa          Amphid interneuron
AIBL             AB.plaapappa          Amphid interneuron
AIBR             AB.praapappa          Amphid interneuron
AIML             AB.plpaapppa          Ring interneuron
AIMR             AB.prpaapppa          Ring interneuron
AINL             AB.alaaaalal          Ring interneuron
AINR             AB.alaapaaar          Ring interneuron
AIYL             AB.plpapaaap          Amphid interneuron
AIYR             AB.prpapaaap          Amphid interneuron
AIZL             AB.plapaaapav         Amphid interneuron
AIZR             AB.prapaaapav         Amphid interneuron
ALA              AB.alapppaaa          Neuron, sends processes laterally and along dorsal cord
ALML             AB.arppaappa          Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor
ALMR             AB.arpppappa          Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor
ALNL             AB.plapappppap        Neuron associated with ALM
ALNR             AB.prapappppap        Neuron associated with ALM
AMshL            AB.plaapaap           Amphid sheath
AMshR            AB.praapaap           Amphid sheath
AMsoL            AB.plpaapapa          Amphid socket
AMsoR            AB.prpaapapa          Amphid sheath
AQR              QR.ap                 Neuron, basal body. not part of a sensillum, projects into ring
AS1              P1.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS2              P2.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS3              P3.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS4              P4.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS5              P5.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS6              P6.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS7              P7.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS8              P8.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS9              P9.apa                Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS10             P10.apa               Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
AS11             P11.apa               Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart
ASEL             AB.alppppppaa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASER             AB.praaapppaa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASGL             AB.plaapapap          Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASGR             AB.praapapap          Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASHL             AB.plpaappaa          Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASHR             AB.prpaappaa          Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASIL             AB.plaapapppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASIR             AB.praapapppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASJL             AB.alpppppppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASJR             AB.praaappppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASKL             AB.alpppapppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
ASKR             AB.praaaapppa         Amphid neurons, single ciliated endngs, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptie connections in ring neuropil
AUAL             AB.alpppppppp         Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending
AUAR             AB.praaappppp         Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending
AVAL             AB.alppaaapa          Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha
AVAR             AB.alaappapa          Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha
AVBL             AB.plpaapaap          Ventral cord interneuron, synapsesonto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta
AVBR             AB.prpaapaap          Ventral cord interneuron, synapsesonto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta
AVDL             AB.alaaapalr          Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta
AVDR             AB.alaaapprl          Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta
AVEL             AB.alpppaaaa          Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restrict-ed to anterior cord
AVER             AB.praaaaaaa          Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restrict-ed to anterior cord
AVFL/R                 Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses
AVFL/R                  Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses
AVG              AB.prpapppap          Ventral cord interneuron, few synapses
AVHL             AB.alapaaaaa          Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring
AVHR             AB.alappapaa          Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring
AVJL             AB.alapapppa          Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R
AVJR             AB.alapppppa          Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R
AVKL             AB.plpapapap          Ring and ventral cord interneuron
AVKR             AB.prpapapap          Ring and ventral cord interneuron
AVL              AB.prpappaap          Ring and ventral cord interneuron, few synapses
AVM              QR.paa                Anterior ventral microtubule cell, touch receptor
AWAL             AB.plaapapaa          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
AWAR             AB.praapapaa          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
AWBL             AB.alpppppap          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
AWBR             AB.praaappap          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
AWCL             AB.plpaaaaap          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
AWCR             AB.prpaaaaap          Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath
B                AB.prppppapa          Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male
BAGL             AB.alppappap          Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso
BAGR             AB.arappppap          Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso
BDUL             AB.arppaappp          Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles
BDUR             AB.arpppappp          Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles
C                P0.ppa                Embryonic founder cell
CA1              P3.aapa               Male specific cell, not reconstructed
CA2              P4.aapa               Male specific cell, not reconstructed
CA3              P5.aapa               Male specific cell, not reconstructed
CA4              P6.aapa               Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles
CA5              P7.aapa               Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles
CA6              P8.aapa               Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles
CA7              P9.aapa               Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles
CA8              P10.aapa              Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses
CA9              P11.aapa              Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses
CANL             AB.alapaaapa          Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival
CANR             AB.alappappa          Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival
CEMDL            AB.plaaaaaap          Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite.
CEMDR            AB.arpapaaap          Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite.
CEMVL            AB.plpaapapp          Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite.
CEMVR            AB.prpaapapp          Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite.
CEPDL            AB.plaaaaappa         Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine
CEPDR            AB.arpapaappa         Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine
CEPVL            AB.plpaappppa         Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine
CEPVR            AB.prpaappppa         Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine
CEPshDL          AB.arpaaaapp          Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion
CEPshDR          AB.arpaaapap          Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion
CEPshVL          AB.plpaaapap          Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion
CEPshVR          AB.prpaaapap          Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion
CEPsoDL          AB.alapapppp          Cephalic socket
CEPsoDR          AB.alapppppp          Cephalic socket
CEPsoVL          AB.alppaappp          Cephalic socket
CEPsoVR          AB.alaapappp          Cephalic socket
CPO              P2.aap                Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed
CP1              P3.aapp               Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed
CP2              P4.aapp               Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed
CP3              P5.aapp               Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed
CP4              P6.aapp               Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord
CP5              P7.aapp               Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord
CP6              P8.aapp               Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord
CP7              P9.aapp               Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord
CP8              P10.aapp              Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion
CP9              P11.aapp              Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion
D                P0.pppa               Embryonic founder cell
DA1              AB.prppapaap          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA2              AB.plppapapa          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA3              AB.prppapapa          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA4              AB.plppapapp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA5              AB.prppapapp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA6              AB.plpppaaap          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA7              AB.prpppaaap          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA8              AB.prpapappp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DA9              AB.plpppaaaa          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB1/3            AB.plpaaaapp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB2              AB.arappappa          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB3/1            AB.prpaaaapp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB4              AB.prpappapp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB5              AB.plpapappp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB6              AB.plppaappp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DB7              AB.prppaappp          Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles
DD1              AB.plppappap          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DD2              AB.prppappap          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DD3              AB.plppapppa          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DD4              AB.prppapppa          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DD5              AB.plppapppp          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DD6              AB.prppapppp          Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development
DVA              AB.prppppapp          Ring interneurons, cell bodies in dorsorectal ganglion
DVB              K.p                   Ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion, inervates rectal muscles
DVC              C.aapaa               Ring interneurons, cell bodies in dorsorectal ganglion
DVE              B.ppap                Male specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion
DVF              B.ppppa               Male specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion
DX1/2            F.lvda                Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles
DX1/2            F.rvda                Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles
DX3/4            U.laa                 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles
DX3/4            U.raa                 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles
E                P0.pap                Embryonic founder cell
EF1/2            F.lvda                Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons.
EF1/2            F.rvda                Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons.
EF3/4            U.lap                 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons.
EF3/4            U.rap                 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons.
F                AB.plppppapp          Rectal cell, blast cell in male
FLPL             AB.plapaaapad         Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso
FLPR             AB.prapaaapad         Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso
GLRDL            MS.aaaaaal            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
GLRDR            MS.aaaaaar            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
GLRL             MS.apaaaad            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
GLRR             MS.ppaaaad            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
GLRVL            MS.apaaaav            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
GLRVR            MS.ppaaaav            Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons
G1               AB.prpaaaapa          Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in embryo
G2               AB.plapaapa           Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in L1, G2.p becomes socket later
HOL              AB.plaaappa           Seam hypodermal cell
HOR              AB.arpapppa           Seam hypodermal cell
H1L              AB.plaaappp           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
H1R              AB.arpapppp           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
H2L              AB.arppaaap           Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket
H2R              AB.arpppaap           Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket
HOA              P10.pppa              Neuron of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male
HOB              P10.ppap              Neuron of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male
HOsh             P10.ppppp             Sheath of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male
HOso             P10.ppaa              Socket of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male
HSNL             AB.plapppappa         Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic
HSNR             AB.prapppappa         Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic
I1L              AB.alpapppaa          Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP
I1R              AB.arapappaa          Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP
I2L              AB.alpappaapa         Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory.
I2R              AB.arapapaapa         Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory.
I3               MS.aaaaapaa           Pharyngeal interneuron, ant sensory.
I4               MS.aaaapaa            Pharyngeal interneuron.
I5               AB.arapapapp          Pharyngeal interneuron, post sensory.
I6               MS.paaapaa            Pharyngeal interneuron, post sensory.
IL1DL            AB.alapappaaa         Inner labial neuron
IL1DR            AB.alappppaaa         Inner labial neuron
IL1L             AB.alapaappaa         Inner labial neuron
IL1R             AB.alaappppaa         Inner labial neuron
IL1VL            AB.alppapppaa         Inner labial neuron
IL1VR            AB.arapppppaa         Inner labial neuron
IL2DL            AB.alapappap          Inner labial neuron
IL2DR            AB.alappppap          Inner labial neuron
IL2L             AB.alapaappp          Inner labial neuron
IL2R             AB.alaappppp          Inner labial neuron
IL2VL            AB.alppapppp          Inner labial neuron
IL2VR            AB.arapppppp          Inner labial neuron
ILshDL           AB.alaaaparr          Inner labial sheath
ILshDR           AB.alaaappll          Inner labial sheath
ILshL            AB.alaaaalpp          Inner labial sheath
ILshR            AB.alaapaapp          Inner labial sheath
ILshVL           AB.alppapaap          Inner labial sheath
ILshVR           AB.arapppaap          Inner labial sheath
ILsoDL           AB.plaapaaap          Inner labial socket
ILsoDR           AB.praapaaap          Inner labial socket
ILsoL            AB.alaaapall          Inner labial socket
ILsoR            AB.alaaapprr          Inner labial socket
ILsoVL           AB.alppapapp          Inner labial socket
ILsoVR           AB.arapppapp          Inner labial socket
K                AB.plpapppaa          Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell
K'               AB.plpapppap          Rectal cell
K.a              K.a                   Rectal cell
LUAL             AB.plpppaapap         Interneuron, short process in post ventral cord
LUAR             AB.prpppaapap         Interneuron, short process in post ventral cord
M                MS.apaap              Postembryonic mesoblast
M1               MS.paapaaa            Pharyngeal motorneurons
M2L              AB.araapappa          Pharyngeal motorneurons
M2R              AB.araappppa          Pharyngeal motorneurons
M3L              AB.araapappp          Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons
M3R              AB.araappppp          Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons
M4               MS.paaaaaa            Pharyngeal motorneurons
M5               MS.paaapap            Pharyngeal motorneurons
MCL              AB.alpaaappp          Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells
MCR              AB.arapaappp          Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells
MI               AB.araappaaa          Pharyngeal motor neuron/interneuron
MS               P0.paa                Embryonic founder cell
NSML             AB.araapapaav         Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin
NSMR             AB.araapppaav         Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin
OLLL             AB.alppppapaa         Lateral outer labial neurons
OLLR             AB.praaapapaa         Lateral outer labial neurons
OLLshL           AB.alpppaapd          Lateral outer labial sheath
OLLshR           AB.praaaaapd          Lateral outer labial sheath
OLLsoL           AB.alapaaapp          Lateral outer labial socket
OLLsoR           AB.alappappp          Lateral outer labial socket
OLQDL            AB.alapapapaa         Quadrant outer labial neuron
OLQDR            AB.alapppapaa         Quadrant outer labial neuron
OLQVL            AB.plpaaappaa         Quadrant outer labial neuron
OLQVR            AB.prpaaappaa         Quadrant outer labial neuron
OLQshDL          AB.arpaaaapa          Quadrant outer labial sheath
OLQshSR          AB.arpaaapaa          Quadrant outer labial sheath
OLQshVL          AB.alpppaaap          Quadrant outer labial sheath
OLQshVR          AB.praaaaaap          Quadrant outer labial sheath
OLQsoDL          AB.arpaaaaal          Quadrant outer labial socket
OLQsoDR          AB.arpaaaaar          Quadrant outer labial socket
OLQsoVL          AB.alppaaapp          Quadrant outer labial socket
OLQsoVR          AB.alaappapp          Quadrant outer labial socket
P0               Z                     Single cell zygote
P4               P0.pppp               Embryonic founder cell of germ line
P1/2L            AB.plapaapp           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P1/2R            AB.prapaapp           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P3/4L            AB.plappaaa           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P3/4R            AB.prappaaa           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P5/6L            AB.plappaap           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P5/6R            AB.prappaap           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P7/8L            AB.plappapp           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P7/8R            AB.prappapp           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P9/10L           AB.plapapap           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P9/10R           AB.prapapap           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P11              AB.plapappa           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
P12              AB.prapappa           Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1
PCAL             Y.plppd               Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCAR             Y.prppd               Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCBL             Y.plpa                Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCBR             Y.prpa                Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCCL             B.arpaaa              Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCCR             B.alpaaa              Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male
PChL             Y.plaa                Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male
PChR             Y.praa                Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCshL            Y.plppv               Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCshR            Y.prppv               Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCsoL            Y.plap                Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male
PCsoR            Y.prap                Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male
PDA              AB.prpppaaaa          Motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, same as Y cell in hermaphrodite, Y.a in male
PDB              P12.apa               Motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, cell body in pre-anal ganglion
PDC              P11.papa              Male specific interneuron, preanal ganglion
PDEL             V5L.paaa              Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum
PDER             V5R.paaa              Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum
PDEshL           V5L.papp              Sheath of PDE
PDEshR           V5R.papp              Sheath of PDE
PdEsoL           V5L.papa              Socket of PDE
PdEsoR           V5R.papa              Socket of PDE
PGA              P11.papp              Male specific interneuron, preanal ganglion
PHAL             AB.plpppaapp          Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory
PHAR             AB.prpppaapp          Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory
PHBL             AB.plapppappp         Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory
PHRB             AB.prapppappp         Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory
PHCL             TL.pppaa              Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike
PHCR             TR.pppaa              Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike
PHshL            AB.plpppapaa          Phasmid sheath
PHshR            AB.prpppapaa          Phasmid sheath
PHso1L           TL.paa                Phasmid sockets
PHso1R           TR.paa                Phasmid sockets
PHso2L           TL.pap                Phasmid sockets
PHso2R           TR.pap                Phasmid sockets
PLML             AB.plapappppaa        Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor
PLMR             AB.prapappppaa        Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor
PLNL             TL.pppap              Interneuron, associated with PLM
PLNR             TR.pppap              Interneuron, associated with PLM
PQR              QL.ap                 Neuron, basal body, not part of a sensillum, projects into preanal gangion
PVCL             AB.plpppaapaa         Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB andDB motor neurons, formerly called delta.
PVCR             AB.prpppaapaa         Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB andDB motor neurons, formerly called delta.
PVDL             V5L.paapa             Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal
PVDR             V5R.paapa             Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal
PVM              QL.paa                Posterior ventral microtuble cell, touch receptor
PVNL             TL.appp               Interneuron/motor neuron, post. vent. cord, few synapses
PVNR             TR.appp               Interneuron/motor neuron, post. vent. cord, few synapses
PVPL             AB.plppppaaa          Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring
PVPR             AB.prppppaaa          Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring
PVQL             AB.plapppaaa          Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring
PVQR             AB.prapppaaa          Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring
PVR              C.aappa               Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring
PVT              AB.plpappppa          Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring
PVV              P11.paaa              Male specific motor neuron, ventral cord
PVWL             TL.ppa                Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses
PVWR             TR.ppa                Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses
PVX              P12.aap               Male specific interneuron, postsynaptic in ring and ventral cord
PVY              P11.paap              
PVZ              P10.ppppa             Male specific motor neuron, ventral cord
QL               AB.plapapaaa          Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates anteriorly
QR               AB.prapapaaa          Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates posteriorly
R1AL             V5L.pppppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R1AR             V5R.pppppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R1BL             V5L.pppppapa, R1.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R1BR             V5R.pppppapa, R1.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R1stL            V5L.pppppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R1stR            V5R.pppppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R2AL             V6L.papapaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R2AR             V6R.papapaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R2BL             V6L.papapapa, R2.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R2BR             V6R.papapapa, R2.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R2stL            V6L.papapapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R2stR            V6R.papapapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R3AL             V6L.papppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R3AR             V6R.papppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R3BL             V6L.papppapa, R3.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R3BR             V6R.papppapa, R3.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R3stL            V6L.papppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R3stR            V6R.papppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R4AL             V6L.pppapaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R4AR             V6R.pppapaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R4BL             V6L.pppapapa, R4.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R4BR             V6R.pppapapa, R4.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R4stL            V6L.pppapapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R4stR            V6R.pppapapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R5AL             V6L.pppppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R5AR             V6R.pppppaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R5BL             V6L.pppppapa, R5.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R5BR             V6R.pppppapa, R5.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R5stL            V6L.pppppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R5stR            V6R.pppppapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R6AL             V6L.ppppaaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R6AR             V6R.ppppaaaa,  Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R6BL             V6L.ppppaapa, R6.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside
R6BR             V6R.ppppaapa, R6.apa  Male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside
R6stL            V6L.ppppaapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R6stR            V6R.ppppaapp,  Male sensory rays, structural cell
R7AL             TL.apappaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R7AR             TR.apappaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R7BL             TL.apappapa, R7.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R7BR             TR.apappapa, R7.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R7stL            TL.apappapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
R7stR            TR.apappapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
R8AL             TL.appaaaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R8AR             TR.appaaaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R8BL             TL.appaaapa, R8.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R8BR             TR.appaaapa, R8.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R8stL            TL.appaaapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
R8stR            TR.appaaapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
R9AL             TL.appapaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R9AR             TR.appapaaa,   Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet
R9BL             TL.appapapa, R9.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R9BR             TR.appapapa, R9.apa   Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside
R9stL            TL.appapapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
R9stR            TR.appapapp,   Male sensory rays, structural cell
RIAL             AB.alapaapaa          Ring interneuron, many synapses
RIAR             AB.alaapppaa          Ring interneuron, many synapses
RIBL             AB.plpaappap          Ring interneuron
RIBR             AB.prpaappap          Ring interneuron
RICL             AB.plppaaaapp         Ring interneuron
RICR             AB.prppaaaapp         Ring interneuron
RID              AB.alappaapa          Ring interneuron, projects along dorsal cord
RIFL             AB.plppapaaap         Ring interneuron
RIFR             AB.prppapaaap         Ring interneuron
RIGL             AB.plppappaa          Ring interneuron
RIGR             AB.prppappaa          Ring interneuron
RIH              AB.prpappaaa          Ring interneuron
RIML             AB.plppaapap          Ring motor neuron
RIMR             AB.prppaapap          Ring motor neuron
RIPL             AB.alpapaaaa          Ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring
RIPR             AB.prappaaaa          Ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring
RIR              AB.prpapppaa          Ring interneuron
RIS              AB.prpappapa          Ring interneuron
RIVL             AB.plpaapaaa          Ring interneuron
RIVR             AB.prpaapaaa          Ring interneuron
RMDDL            AB.alpapapaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMDDR            AB.arappapaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMDL             AB.alpppapad          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMDR             AB.praaaapad          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMDVL            AB.alppapaaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMDVR            AB.arapppaaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses
RMED             AB.alapppaap          Ring motor neuron
RMEL             AB.alaaaarlp          Ring motor neuron
RMER             AB.alaaaarrp          Ring motor neuron
RMEV             AB.plpappaaa          Ring motor neuron
RMFL                    Ring motor neuron/interneuron
RMFR                    Ring motor neuron/interneuron
RMGL             AB.plapaaapp          Ring interneuron
RMGR             AB.prapaaapp          Ring interneuron
RMHL             G1.l                  Ring motor neuron/interneuron
RMHR             G1.r                  Ring motor neuron/interneuron
SAADL            AB.alppapapa          Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally
SAADR            AB.arapppapa          Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally
SAAVL            AB.plpaaaaaa          Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally
SAAVR            AB.prpaaaaaa          Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally
SABD             AB.plppapaap          Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1
SABVL            AB.plppapaaaa         Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1
SABVR            AB.prppapaaaa         Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1
SDQL             QL.pap                Post. lateral interneuron, process projects into ring
SDQR             QR.pap                Ant. lateral interneuron, process projects into ring
SIADL            AB.plpapaapa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIADR            AB.prpapaapa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIAVL            AB.plpapappa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIAVR            AB.prpapappa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIBDL            AB.plppaaaaa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIBDR            AB.prppaaaaa          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIBVL            AB.plpapaapp          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SIBVR            AB.prpapaapp          Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally
SMBDL            AB.alpapapapp         Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMBDR            AB.arappapapp         Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMBVL            AB.alpapappp          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMBVR            AB.arappappp          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMDDL            AB.plpapaaaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMDDR            AB.prpapaaaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMDVL            AB.alppappaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SMDVR            AB.arappppaa          Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally
SPCL             B.alpaap              Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle
SPCR             B.arpaap              Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle
SPDL             B.alpapaa             Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule
SPDR             B.arpapaa             Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule
SPVL              Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule
SPVR              Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule
SPshDL           B.alpapap             Sheath of male copulatory spicule
SPshDR           B.arpapap             Sheath of male copulatory spicule
SPshVL            Sheath of male copulatory spicule
SpshVR            Sheath of male copulatory spicule
SPso1L             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso1R             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso2L             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso2R             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso3L             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso3R             Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso4L           B.alpapp              Socket of male copulatory spicule
SPso4r           B.arpapp              Socket of male copulatory spicule
TL               AB.plappppp           Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1
TR               AB.prappppp           Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1
U                AB.plppppapa          Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male
URADL            AB.plaaaaaaa          Ring motor neuron
URADR            AB.arpapaaaa          Ring motor neuron
URAVL            AB.plpaaapaa          Ring motor neuron
URAVR            AB.prpaaapaa          Ring motor neuron
URBL             AB.plaapaapa          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
URBR             AB.praapaapa          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
URXL             AB.plaaaaappp         Ring interneuron
URXR             AB.arpapaappp         Ring interneuron
URYDL            AB.alapapapp          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
URYDR            AB.alapppapp          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
URYVL            AB.plpaaappp          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
URYVR            AB.prpaaappp          Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head
V1L              AB.arppapaa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V1R              AB.arppppaa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V2L              AB.arppapap           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V2R              AB.arppppap           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V3L              AB.plappapa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V3R              AB.prappapa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V4L              AB.arppappa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V4R              AB.arpppppa           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V5L              AB.plapapaap          Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V5R              AB.prapapaap          Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V6L              AB.arppappp           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
V6R              AB.arpppppp           Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell
VA1                      Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA2              P2.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA3              P3.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA4              P4.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA5              P5.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA6              P6.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA7              P7.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA8              P8.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA9              P9.aaaa               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA10             P10.aaaa              Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA11             P11.aaaa              Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VA12             P12.aaaa              Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles, but also interneuron in preanal ganglion
VB1              P1.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles, also interneuron in ring
VB2              W.aap                 Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB3              P2.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB4              P3.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB5              P4.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB6              P5.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB7              P6.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB8              P7.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB9              P8.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB10             P9.aaap               Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VB11             P10.aaap              Vent. cord motor neuron, innervates vent. body muscles
VC1              P3.aap                Hermaphrodite specific vent cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and vent body muscles
VC2              P4.aap                Hermaphrodite specific vent cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and vent body muscles
VC3              P5.aap                Hermaphrodite specific vent cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and vent body muscles
VC4              P6.aap                Hermaphro is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.