
The power of
.NET Reflector
now inside
Visual Studio

Decompile and understand code in Visual Studio

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Developers use .NET Reflector to:

  • Get insight
    Understand how APIs, components, frameworks, and all the critical code you use really works by decompiling and seeing inside. Having the source means you’re no longer blocked by poor or missing documentation.
  • Fix bugs
    Follow bugs through your own code, 3rd party components, and any compiled .NET code you work with. You can see 3rd party code in Visual Studio, just like your own.
  • Check builds
    Need to make sure you’re shipping the right code, or that your intellectual property is protected? Check your builds for obfuscation, and ensure the right versions of the right components are present.

Get more stuff done

Development is increasingly dependent on 3rd party technologies – using available frameworks and libraries is a great way to get stuff done fast without re-inventing the wheel.

But the problem with using code you didn’t write is that you’re dependent on the documentation, and it’s hard to debug. Documentation is often missing or incomplete, and debugging stops where your own code stops. This gets even worse with a legacy code base.

.NET Reflector saves time and simplifies development by letting you see and debug into the source of all the .NET code you work with.

14 day free trial

spacer .NET Reflector is one of the most useful, practical debugging tools that I have ever worked with in .NET!
It provides complete browsing and debugging features for .NET assemblies and has clean integration with Visual Studio.spacer

Tom Baker, Consultant Software Engineer, EMC Corporation

Technical requirements

  • Windows XP or later
  • .NET 3.5 or later
  • 128 MB RAM
  • 16 MB hard disk space
  • Visual Studio 2010 or 2012

Learn more:

  • Working with SharePoint
  • Compare the different versions
  • Installing .NET Reflector
  • Purchasing FAQs
  • Move beyond decompilation with Reflector VSPro
  • Team pricing

Decompile and explore assemblies on the fly:

Dynamic decompilation

With Reflector VS, assemblies decompile seamlessly in Visual Studio. So source code is always available for your libraries, and you can go straight to the definition of any code, either from the context menu, or by hitting F12

spacer Decompile any referenced assembly

Browse decompiled assemblies

.NET Reflector VS adds the Reflector Object Browser into Visual Studio. Use the simple tree view to navigate through all types and members, and click to see the decompiled code.

spacer Browse decompiled assemblies

Additionally, in Reflector VSPro the Object Browser lets you enable debugging for 3rd party assembles.

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Advanced .NET decompilation

Decompile any .NET assembly

Cutting-edge C# decompilation

.NET Reflector supports C# 5, and .NET 4.5. So you can decompile and learn async code.

.NET Reflector decompiles high level C# features such as Iterator blocks, Lambda expressions, and LINQ queries.

spacer See how async code works in C# 5
spacer Support for Iterator blocks
spacer Support for Lambda expressions
spacer Support for LINQ queries
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