Author Archives: Preetam Rai


About Preetam Rai

Educator and traveler.

Mobile Photography Workshop

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Why Mobile Photography

Almost all of us have an iPhone or a similar phone that can take good pictures. The phone is alway with us and we hardly carry a dedicated camera device anymore. For me, it is not just the camera. Using my iPhone as camera has also enabled me to get rid of the bulky power charger and the cables. The ‘lightness of being’ has resulted in me exploring a wider range of photographic creativity.

This course aims to make participants get more perceptive about people, places and situations helping you become more creative mobile photographers. We will explore techniques used by street photographers to get close to our subjects and looking at our subjects differently. We will try the best mobile photography and photo processing apps on iOS, Android and WindowsPhone.

  1. Pre-research on what to shoot. Use Flickr to find interesting shots, stories that people have shot about your subject or the place you are visiting.

  2. Some of the best photos are one that shows the audience something they don’t see everyday. Looking for the un-obvious, seeing and observing what we may miss otherwise.

  3. Knowing your camera, the limitations, the characteristics, best camera apps for your mobile phone.

  4. Mobile photo shooting techniques and ideas – composing, playing with light and shadow, waiting for the picture, street photography, telling photo stories.

  5. Processing photos with apps – using filters and effects, black and white photography

  6. Sharing and publishing – learning about publishing platforms, building and learning from your photo community. Privacy aspects of photography. Copyrights and Creative Commons.

  7. Mobile photography at work – use Evernote and scanning apps on your mobile for documentation and archival.


This entry was posted in Mobile and Gadgets on by Preetam Rai.

Pinning an Evernote Note as a Windows Tile

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It is a nice feature that the Windows Phone version of Evernote has.

You can pin a note as a tile. I often do this with notes that I need for a meeting or a class.

And here is the note appearing as a tile.

This entry was posted in Mobile and Gadgets and tagged evernote, lumia, nokia on by Preetam Rai.

Coming Undone

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I have been thinking about moving full time to iPad. Earlier this week, I deleted my account from my MacBook Air.


I have been experimenting for some time with iPad as the main computing and publishing device. My work involves running education workshops, talking at events, research and writing. I have been using the iPad for many of these activities. I actually like using Keynote on the iPad and find working on it faster compared to the desktop version. In my presentations, I like to use the pictures that I take. And I shoot solely via iPad camera these days. I have a shorter turnaround time making my content.

The last straw was a Blackboard Collaborate, a software that I had to use to run webinars. The software needed Java so I had to keep a computer around. It is now available as an app. Here is how I work on the iPad.

Keynote, for designing presentations and quick how to guides. I publish the Keynote presentation as a PDF or PowerPoint file onto DropBox and send the links to my students or seminar attendees. IOS6 has a open in feature that is really great for this.

Draft, for writing almost anything long. A lot of my notes are on Google Drive, the eponymous app works well for quick changes to these documents.

Post and Poster for blog writing. Both work well with WordPress. If you post a lot of pictures, I will recommend Post.

Snapseed for image editing. for light editing, I use Instagram. Pro Camera is the photo taking app of choice for me.

Safari and Chrome browsers.

Evernote for archiving stuff and making quick presentations.

Kindle app for ebooks.

Skype and FaceTime for communications.

There is also the constant drive to try out smaller power adapters. This one made by Innergie accommodates two USB cables.

Trying multiple keyboards too. I like keyboards that are not latched on to the iPad. This helps me position the keyboard and the iPad for maximum comfort (and less glare). Microsoft makes the Mobile Keyboard 5000. It is larger than other bluetooth keyboards, but it makes for a comfortable typing experience. I will recommend getting this if you have to type a lot and if your traveling bag can fit it. It does not have iOS specific keys but volume up down and mute keys work and so does scroll keys. It costs around 50USD or less.


This entry was posted in Mobile and Gadgets and tagged ipad, mobility on by Preetam Rai.

Thinking about photography and privacy in the deepest undersea tunnel

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I took the express train from Aomori in Honshu to Hakodate in Hokkaido. This train passes through the longest and deepest undersea tunnel in the world. While in the tunnel, the ride is as comfortable as it can be, it is not scary at all and there is nothing much to look at. So I started looking at the travel magazine in the seat pocket. 
I noticed that whenever a public space is shown, the editors blurred out the faces of the people. I had always assumed that posting images of people in public is fine. I like to study how people use technology and I probably have dozens of such images (of people in various countries using their mobiles etc) on my web. Now more I think about it, I feel I should respect people’s privacy more. These days I take pictures in ways where the faces cannot be identified or I try to blur the face just like in this picture. 

Some questions 
Do we inform people at an event that we will be posting the pictures online?
Would camera apps in future rather than tagging the faces you have shot will instead blur them out by default? 

IPhone photo app to hide parts of your body and face (Warning, the site has some naughty pics)

Android app to hide faces and other recognizable aspects from a picture.

This entry was posted in Learning on by Preetam Rai.

Apple’s Map beats Google Maps for PyongYang

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spacer Google’s map makes our PyongYang look empty.

Apple does much better.
This entry was posted in Travels on by Preetam Rai.

Media and Engagement Workshop

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Short url:

Part 1 Making Videos, Publishing and Promoting

The Storyboard (you only have 30 seconds or so to keep them glued to your video)
Editing – Download sample clips for editing
Publishing to YouTube
Writing description and keywords
Promotion ideas

Part 2 Facebook and Twitter

1. Why use Facebook
2. Searching for groups, events and pages that is of interest to us
3. Collaboration ideas – Ideas for interaction. how to connect with our community without being spammy
4. Analytics
5. Creating and promoting hashtags
6. Posting schedule
7. Pages or Groups

Part 3 Content ideas

What information or entertainment your community needs. Deciding on the medium you will use to communicate.
1. Demographics of your community and figuring out the main platform you will use
2. Writing an informative blog post
3. Making an informative video (what can make for a good video that your community will watch and share)
4. Replying on forums and emails
5. Designing interesting presentations and infographics
6. Posting pictures and privacy
7. Basic stuff on your web
8. Mobile apps (mobilifying your content)
9. Podcasts (how much time do people spend in public transit in your area)

Part 4 Listening and getting a sense of your community

What are platforms, online and offline where your community is active, sites that your community refers to, people they trust.
YouTube, Facebook, Meetup, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, Quora, LinkedIn groups
Let us make a list of these. Let us find out how active these spaces are (do people respond often to comments, is the blog owner active in offline events, how often is the twitter hashtag used)

Part 5  Collaboration

1. Making people trust you and your project
2. Collaboration technology and platforms
3. Strategies for inviting collaboration
4. Polling and surveying tools (writing good survey questions and making surveys smaller)
5. Mailing list tools
6. Events in your area

Part 6 Gear and Gadgets

1. Simple

Part 7 Online/Offline

1. Taking online engagement offline and vice-versa
2. Putting up events
3. Putting up webinars
This entry was posted in Miscellaneous on by Preetam Rai.

Tsoi Lives

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You often spot such markings on the walls in Russia and countries that were part of the Soviet Union. The words Цой жив mean Tsoi Lives. Who is this Tsoi? Long before the Korean wave, in the late 1980s, one of he top musician in Soviet Union was Soviet-Korean Viktor Tsoi. Tsoi was the vocalist of a band called Kino and he was much loved. He died in a accident in 1990 at the peak of his musical career. His music is still loved and often remixed, like the video posted below. Hence, Tsoi lives. More about Tsoi on Wikipedia

This entry was posted in Travels on by Preetam Rai.

Visiting Smallworld, a co-working and hackspace in Phnom Penh

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Smallworld is located in a nice house not too far from the city centre in Phnom Penh.
We are at the main entrance.
This is the co-working area. There is good wi-if coverage here.
And a busy events calendar. I like the way they have pictures of the events on the calendar, makes you want to join. In addition to technology and business session, Smallworld has sessions on filmmaking and mediation too.
Smallworld also helps locals to incubate businesses. Smiling books is one such project. Smiling books helps locals make money by running  culture immersion tours and educational services.
Upstairs are private offices for Smallworld resident members. There is another open area for activities.
And out in the balcony, they have the electronics lab. Some members are working on Android based home automation system.
We are back downstairs. There is a nice open cafe.
You can serve yourself some tea.
Or order some local ice coffee.
And chat with the friendly fellow Smallworld members.
Smallworld is online at  
Physical address: 
Number 17, street 604, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

 Oh yes, they have their own band too
This entry was posted in Learning, Travels on by Preetam Rai.

Time we start going through the privacy and data policy of tools we teach in our technology sessions

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I am often running technology sessions for educators and professionals. Lately, I have been updating my lesson plans with an activity where I ask the participants to research the privacy and data policy of the services we are exploring. I feel it is important for us to know the company and their policies before we start posting our data. It is also a good idea to know if a service is popular, are their any negative comments regarding the service and how well has the company supported users.
Below  is an excerpt from a workshop on Evernote. The participants will have to  google for the answer to these questions. I am hoping it becomes a habit with me and my students. We should’nt join a service unless we spend some time looking at the policies or at least finding more information about the company. 
Trusting the service.

What is Evernote’s data policy? Who owns your data? Under what conditions will Evernote pass your information to other services? 
How long have they been in business? 
Who are the competitors and alternative services? 

The full lesson plan is here

This entry was posted in Learning on by Preetam Rai.

An old raincoat won’t ever let you down – Nokia 1280

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These traveling companions are worn and falling apart. Yet they are comfortable. Such are the times when I miss my Saigon backstreets where an equally weathered man can fix my shoes and gives me the news of the town. 

People often ask me the best phone for travel.  I will recommend the Nokia 1280. This is the sole phone I am using at the moment. The reason I like this phone is that you’ll only need to charge it once every 10 days or less.


The screen easy to read in bright sun. At night the backlight is bright enough. There is also a flashlight feature that is helpful when you in places where power is often out.  The phone is light. This phone was launched in 2010 and it is probably the last non color phone you can buy. I bought mine about a year back in Vietnam and it was 20 USD.
I will highly recommend getting this phone while they are still selling them. Just keep it in your travel bag. Even if you have a smartphone, just buy a cheap sim card and slot it in the Nokia 1280. It is a good backup to have. I also bought an USB to Nokia charging cable, this lets you ditch the charger. A caution though, this phone will not work in Japan as it has no 3G radio.
The title of this post is another song from the 70s that I like. 
This entry was posted in Travels on by Preetam Rai.