Weight Loss Week 5

Posted on by Evil Weasel

I weighed in at 98.9kg tonight which represents a weight loss of 1.2kg during the week. This is a big turnaround from the disaster I had last week. I have averaged a 1.22kg weight loss per week overall so I am a lot happier than I was last week.

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Another Drunk Aussie Slut

Posted on by Evil Weasel

Have a look at this vid taken at the 2012 Melbourne Cup in Australia……….


Keep an eye on the slut in the blue dress – the kind of dress that literally screams “Fuck me” – and high heels.She is obviously pissed out of her mind and decides to go on a violent rampage punching at least two innocent bystanders before being wrestled to the ground by security staff. Whilst the security dudes were restraining her, this great example of Australian womanhood is running her foul mouth off in top gear. Eventually the security staff can be seen escorting the sotted whore from the grounds. No pussy pass here, either. Good to see that no one in the audience seemed to have any sympathy for the silly bitch either. I hope when the numb cunt sobered up she got a chance to see the vid of herself acting like the worst kind of white trash. The only good thing about this is that her complete act of assholery has been captured on the internet for all eternity.

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No Pussy-Pass For You

Posted on by Evil Weasel

Have a look at this vid……


Some drunk cunt goes about punching, slapping and kicking a group of men and at about two minutes in, gets her fucking lights knocked out. I am amazed that it took that long. The guy that finally gave the pissed bitch her comeuppance was about the tenth guy she assaulted. Do I feel she has been hard done by? No fucking way. If a man went around assaulting people at random, he would have his lights punched out too. Welcome to the new world order, bitches. You hit us, we hit you. Fuck pussy-passes and whiney manginas.

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Weight Loss Week 4

Posted on by Evil Weasel

WTF??? I actually gained 0.1kg this week. Dunno how that happened. I am still using diet shakes and hitting the physical worout regime. I am a little depondant at the moment. I will have to try a bit harder and hopefully have a better outcome next week.

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Male Birth Control

Posted on by Evil Weasel

I found this interesting article via Reddit. Essentially, the world is on the verge of the male contraceptive. Given that women got the female contraceptive pill about fifty years ago, the advent of the male contraceptive is not before time. The article at large is a good read and quite informative. I thought I’d pick a few particular quotes from the link and give my thoughts on them……

The female contraceptive pill “allowed your wife to go sleep with that dude with the 12″ pecker next door and not get knocked up. Either way, it was an official Game Changer, like industrialization, digital technology, or liberalized divorce laws.”

The main reason for women lauding the female contraceptive pill was that it allowed them to do what they had always wanted: to have unlimited sex with as many partners as they could squeeze into a day with zero consequences. Essentially, the FCP legitimised the slut lifestyle that permeates the fabric of society today. Given the effect the FCP had on society, it was certainly a game changer and not for the better. Now it’s the lads’ turn; we will be able to fuck around as much as we want and no baby-momma is going to have the power to compel a man to become a father against his will. I have never understood why women can’t understand one basic reality: that a man has sex with a woman does not mean he consents to having a child with the said woman. In future, men will have the capability to avoid the problem of women having “oops” pregnancies and them paying for it for the next eighteen years.

“Indeed, it’s always been the ambitious girl’s fall-back plan: find some rich dude, fuck him, get pregnant, let him support her and the kid so she doesn’t have to work so hard.”

That about sums up a lot of women out there. Make no mistake, the law gives any woman you stick your dick in the power to make you a (paying) daddy against your will. Given that single moms are great for doing this to avoid ever having to work, MBC is going to save a lot of young dudes some major life disasters.

“You could get your 15 year old testosterone-poisoned son “temporarily fixed”, teach him Game, and turn him loose on the unsuspecting female public with a box of condoms and you don’t have to worry about grandchildren until he’s 25”

And that will happen, too. MBC is going to give young men to treat young sluts the way they deserve to be treated with no issues regarding pregnancy. Guys are still going to have to watch out for various STD’s that are rife in the current crop of entitled sluts but basically, men are going to be able to treat modern women like the sperm buckets they are.

“This is going to hit the 30-something-and-only-five-eggs-left women who use one-night-stands as a last-ditch effort to get pregnant.”

A good thing, too as most women in that category are dried up, single career-whores who have nothing to offer a baby anyway. The smart man will get the MBC and then not happen to mention the fact to any prospective cougar. Given that most of these aging bags will fuck like rabbits in an effort to get pregnant, guys will be able to use the hyper sex drives of cougars against them.

“If men can ensure that they are infertile until they desire to have kids, then the onus of reproduction AND relationships suddenly goes back to the male, in a startling shift of power.”

That is going to cause the mother of all shit-storms as women have become very comfortable as the gatekeepers to human reproduction. In one fell swoop, that is going to end as men will be the ones who determine when children occur. No doubt feminists will kick up a stink and perhaps even go as far as lobby for the MBC to be banned but given we already have the FCP (and have had for many years) this would just be another example of feminist hypocrisy.

Fear of inadvertent pregnancy as the resulting consequences have always had some inhibitory function when pursuing a woman for sex. In the past, many a man has been ruined by women who lie about being on the pill in order to trap a man into funding her lifestyle. Make no mistake, family courts always rule favourably towards the woman in paternity issues so a woman’s deceit can be disastrous for the unwary man. With MBC, women are no longer going to have the baby-momma option to fall back on. Rather, women are going to have to beg men to impregnate them. Personally, I would be happy to have a woman as a fuck toy whilst stringing her along with the promise of pregnancy one day. I would still have the option of dumping her at any stage.

MBC is here and about time. Men of the world rejoice.


Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged evil weasel, mens rights, paternity, pregnancy

Weight Loss Week 3

Posted on by Evil Weasel

At the end of the third week of my weight loss program tonight, I weighed in at an even 100kg. This represents a loss of 1.2kg during the week. I was a bit naughty on the weekend as I had a junk food pig out that I regretted as soon as I finished eating. I could use the excuse that I was hungry but aren’t we all. I had a momentary lapse in self discipline and that’s all there is to it. I will do better in future. Depite this, I have had three consecutive week of weight loss. I am averaging 1.67kg weight loss per week so despite all, I am headed in the right direction. It is obviously going to be a long slog but I have taken my first steps and I am up and moving!

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Tattoos on Women

Posted on by Evil Weasel

There once was a time when tattooed women were the exception and not the norm. More significantly, there was a time when women who had tattoos had small ones in discrete locations not likely to be viewed by the public. Needless to say, this was some time ago. Walk down the main street of any city today and tattooed women are about as common as cockroaches (and in many cases about as nice to look at). I can see the attraction of small, discrete tattoos for women; in many cases these can be quite hot but unfortunately, small and discrete does not describe the tattoos that most modern women go for. It is commonplace to see women with sleeve tattoos and large markings that either covers their whole chest or back. Let’s not forget about the seemingly obligatory tramp-stamp that so many young chicks festoon themselves with. Newsflash: it’s called a tramp-stamp for a reason – only tramps get them. I have never seen tattoos as being something women of quality have done to themselves. Quite the opposite, tattoos are generally viewed as something women of the lowest class adorn themselves with. My experience with women is that the more tattoos she has, the easier she will be to fuck.

The other thing that really gets me about tattoos in women is that the women who get them usually have no concept of future planning; if they did, they wouldn’t get tattoos in the first place. Seriously, do any of these tattooed young ho’s ever stop to wonder what their tatts are going to look like when they turn fifty? All tattoos stretch and blur over time and usually by the time their wearer reaches middle-age, the effect is pretty pronounced and most certainly not great to look at. Even apart from this, a middle-age woman (or older) with tatts looks plain ridiculous. Age being what it is, the body of a middle-age woman will look bad enough by itself without having crappy artwork added to the effect.

Even before a woman reaches middle-age tattoos are going to work against her. Most men will not be seen with – let alone go out with – a woman who is significantly tattooed. No doubt most women have the attitude of “my body, my choice” but in relation to tattoos, it is more like “my body, his choice”. Men can reject women for any reason and commonly this happens when a man of any quality meets a woman done up like a Picasso. The thing most women don’t realise is that when sizing a woman up for the first time, one of the things going through a man’s head is how his parents are going to react when it comes time to meet his new woman. I don’t know about you, but my parents would just about shit if I brought home some tattooed ho and rightly so. Parents like to think they instil some degree of common sense into their children and that said common sense translates into reasonable taste in choice of mate. Apart from that, when sizing up a woman for the first time, a man is also concerned about what his friends will think of her (and by extension, him).  Most men tend to assume that tattooed women are sluts and will tend to look down on any other man who is with a woman who is significantly marked. This bodes poorly for the tattooed woman is most men will do just about anything to avoid losing the respect of their friends. Whenever I see a tattooed woman, the first thing I think is whether she has ever thought what she will look like in her wedding photos. I have seen numerous wedding photos of tattooed women and they all look low-class. A wedding dress makes a tattoo look like a turd in a punchbowl.  I can only wonder what the said woman will think when she looks back on her ruined wedding photos years down the track.

This is obviously a matter of taste but to me, women and tattoos go together like a Jew and a pork chop. That women cover themselves in hideous artwork and then expect men to find them desirable is beyond credibility. Free will is all good and fine but women need to start thinking of the longer-term consequences of their actions. As much as I hate having to look at tattooed women now, I am really going to hate it in twenty years’ time when I have to look at a bunch of fat, ugly middle-age women who also happen to be wearing stretched and blurred tattoos.

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged evil weasel, sluts, tattoos, women

A Truly Chilling Story by Skeptic

Posted on by Evil Weasel

I just came across this great post by a writer named Skeptic on AVfM. The link is below and whilst lengthy, it is certainly worth a read…………


If you’re anything like me, by the end of the article you will be numb with disbelief. How can an institutionalised system abuse half of the population so badly? How did we get to the state whereby the abuse of men is so widespread and so justified by the misandric law (in all its forms)? When I read posts like this, I almost wish civilisation would come to a crashing halt so we could start again from scratch.

Whilst I find the histories of men like skeptic terrifying - and there are plenty of them out there on the net; this was by no means an isolated case – I also find them strangely defining; it is these very stories that have cemented my convictions to always remain single and to follow the Zeta way of life. It is probably not true to label all women as abusive psychos like Skeptic’s ex but enough of them are that finding a good women is not worth the more likely risk of finding a bad one. Keep in mind that regardless of how a marriage starts out, the laws gives a woman all the tools she needs to fuck up a man’s life with zero fallback on her. Whilst I have been lucky to avaoid the devastation wrought on men like Skeptic, I nonetheless have the greatest sympathy for them and what they have gone through at the hands of a misandric system designed by feminists. A common thread in these men’s tales is the complete lack of sympathy and empathy they received from feminists in a position abuse their authority. More than anything else, this reaffirms my convictions as an anti-feminist.

My hat goes off to Skeptic and men like him who have gone through feminist-created hell and have come out the other side sane and still striving. I have never met a woman with that kind of strength and I doubt I ever will.

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Rape “Survivors”

Posted on by Evil Weasel

If there is one term coined by feminists that truly gives me the shits, it is rape survivor. Quite frankly, there is no such thing. A survivor is some one who lived thorugh an experience that should have killed them. Obviously, this does not apply to rape victims. I am, of course, descibing real rape victims, not women who make it up or change their minds after the fact. Those women are called scum of the Earth and should be serving prison sentences. The term “rape survivor” is bullshit because as far as I know, it is medically impossible for a man to fuck a woman to death. The sooner feminidiots stop using exaggerated, emotionilistic terms to describe events, the sooner others might take them seriously.

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Down She Goes

Posted on by Evil Weasel

I found this vid of the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, falling flat on her face in India.


Last time I saw a chick go down that hard, I was sore for days afterward.

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