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This reasonably accurate as of August 2010. It will get progressively less accurate as time goes on.

Born in September 1972 which puts me in my late 30s.

Male, balding, frequently beardy, wears a cap. Looks a bit like this.


Lives with Fiona in Stirchley, Birmingham, UK.

Not a native of Birmingham but my dad is. The Ashton and Moore factory in the Jewellery Quarter was started by my late grandfather but it’s not in the family now. If you like the family history stuff here’s a site my dad did about his dad.

Takes photos in a wide variety of ways including Through the Viewfinder. All photos go on Flickr.

Has been blogging for over a decade and thinks about what this all means so much it’s become something of a career. Co-ordinates that career under the ASH-10 banner.

Started that Created in Birmingham blog back in 2008 before handing it on to Chris. Ran the Created in Birmingham shop this spring too. Has a feeling he’ll be connected to that CiB thing for a while yet.

Am on the board of Capsule, Birmingham based promoters who do the annual Supersonic festival. I say this purely because it’s an awesome thing that I have to pinch myself about sometimes.

Other stuff too. Read the blog.

And here’s another photo of me, smiling this time.
