Thingamagoop set at Theremin Day

Posted on March 29, 2010 by Pete Ashton


This one sort of came out of the blue but it seems on April 24th I’ll be performing with the Thingamagoops again. This last happened in November 2008 and was very strange. Here’s a video from then.

This time it’ll be in the context of a Build Your Own Theremin workshop and I’ll be opening for two proper musicians, Ms Hypnotique (aka chum Susi) and Mr Underwood (aka Glatze). Which is both a relief as odd noises will be both tolerated and expected, and rather daunting as I don’t really have a clue what I’m doing or how it all works. I’m a bit of a charlatan really.

But I do have a magic glove.


(If you’re wondering, they reckon the Thingamagoop is an “optical theremin” and who am I to argue.)

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