Thankful for a Year of BIG Moves and SMALL Ones Too…

by Justice Fergie on November 21, 2012

in family,food,life,success


As I sit on the couch, exhausted from trying to get a jumpstart on the Thanksgiving meal by prepping most of the menu today, I’m taking a moment to reflect on the past year.

So much has happened! The biggie?

I left my legal career to make a go at this entrepreneur thing.  And while it’s been more work than I ever imagined, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am just so, so thankful for the opportunity and the ability – and especially for the support from my husband to allow me to take this leap of faith. Trust me when I say, this was no easy pill for him to swallow!

The other biggie is that for the first time in the 8 years, I’ve been able to spend those quiet and mundane moments with my kids that I wished for for so long: random chatter on the way home from school; extra time for stories and hugs and impromptu trips to the park; volunteering in their classrooms; sitting with them while they do their homework; and an entire summer of just me and them (although it nearly killed me).  These were all little luxuries of life that I’ve missed because I worked a 9-to-5 job, 45 minutes away from home.  Let me tell you – I am overjoyed to be relishing in the mudane.

And speaking of relish, I’d better get back to mine. Cranberry relish, that is.

Before I go, I want to thank you. For reading what I write. For commenting. For sending me an email sharing your thoughts. For attending my events. For the sweet tweets and cards and phone calls. For trusting me to guide you in your journeys to live your passions. I do not take your support lightly. So…THANK YOU.

Wishing you a day filled with gratitude tomorrow. For the mundane moments and all.



Happy Holiday Countdown Week 3: Simplify Your Gift List

by Justice Fergie on November 19, 2012

in Happy Holiday Countdown,Sponsored,family,life


This is it. It’s here. Thanksgiving Week and all that it means:

The official kickoff to the holiday season.

Christmas carols playing in the background while the lady makes your Oven-Roasted Chicken Breast Sandwich at Subway (true story from today) and twinkling lights on the houses of overzealous neighbors (ditto).

The rapid approach of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday.

But the most daunting prospect of all is creating and shopping for those on your holiday gift list.

Not this year!

Here’s how we’re going to handle this. A lovely 3-step approach:

Tip No. 1: Pare Down Your List of Gift Recipients

This is hard, I know.  But just think about it for a moment: if you didn’t get a gift from everybody you knew, or even everyone in your family, you’d probably not mind one bit.  Before we get swept up in the materialistic madness, let’s remind ourselves what the season is all about. Love and family and kindness…and those can all be shown in ways beyond a wrapped package.  So take a moment to think about who you really and truly need or want to purchase a gift for (as opposed to bake some cookies for or send a card with a thoughtful note or treat to lunch) and write their names on a list.

Hopefully that took a little bit of the pressure off.

Tip No. 2:  Get Help Finding the Right Gifts

Ok, are you ready to hear about the coolest thing to hit Holiday Season 2012? just launched GiftPicks a social tool that allows you to get personalized recommendations for all of your friends.  Here’s how it works:


The tool quickly checks out your friends’ interests and likes and makes relevant recommendations (but none of your friends’ profile info is stored by the tool).  I tried this for a few of my friends to see how the tool worked and it was right on the mark! It pegged one of my friends as a Home Chef and another as a Gadget-Lover – both were totally right.  Then the tool shared a list of product suggestions based on their profiles and links to articles on the site where you can learn more about the items.

Gun-shy when it comes to using a tool like this? Go the old-fashioned route and ask someone close to your gift recipient what they could really use or what they might enjoy. TIP for all of my friends and fam: Don’t ask my husband – he has no idea. Ahem.

Tip No. 3: Set A Budget for Your Entire List

It’s oh so easy to get caught up in the spirit of giving (or in the excitement of a ‘sale’), but at the end of the day (or the year, as it were), you’ll be left with the credit card statement or suffering bank account to show for it.  I’ve done this for the past 3 years or so (more so to keep Santa in check) and it’s worked nicely.  But you have to stick to it! If you get something on the pricey side for one, then know that you’ll have to scale back a bit on another.  And that’s perfectly OK.

We’re saving your sanity here!

And that’s priceless.

**Tip No. 2 was inspired by my working relationship with and the Mommalogues videos that I do weekly and this post is sponsored in part.



Take a Look…I’m In a Book! “Legally Mom: Real Women’s Stories of Balancing Motherhood and Law Practice” Hits Shelves

November 14, 2012

Sometime last year, I was contacted by Anne Murphy Brown, a mom, attorney, and law professor who was writing a book featuring true stories about women attorneys balancing career and family.  She had stumbled across my first blog, Mamalaw and wanted to interview me for my story.  “Of course!” I said. It would be my [...]

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Happy Holiday Countdown Week 2: Gather a Set of Hostess Gifts to Keep Handy

November 12, 2012

Let’s just pretend that it’s Monday, ok? It’s been one of those weeks (already). In just a couple of weeks, Holiday Party season will officially be in full force.  Thanksgiving dinners, open houses, office parties, neighborhood parties, you name it.  It’s always in poor taste to show up to the party host’s event empty-handed (or [...]

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I’m a Proud Member of #TeamRenegades … Are You? {It’s a Giveaway!}

November 9, 2012

{UDPATED: Congratulations to Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama for winning the book! YOU are a Renegade, my dear!!} Let me let you in on a little secret: I’m a renegade. And I mean that in the most suburban-mom-non-cursing-non-threatening-never-leave-food-out-overnight-for-fear-of-bacteria sense of the word.  I’m not running off to go backpacking through Nepal or quitting civilization for a year [...]

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The Happy Holiday Countdown Starts….Now! Week 1: Create a Menu Board for Thanksgiving Dinner

November 5, 2012

This is it. November proper. There’s no more room for denial or avoidance, now that the Halloween candy is on clearance and you officially can’t find decent strawberries in the grocery store.  The reality of the matter is, we’ve got exactly 24 days until Thanksgiving, 50 days until Christmas, and 57 days until New Year’s. [...]

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That’s My Style: Howard Homecoming Weekend

November 1, 2012

The weekend of October 20th was a busy one.  I celebrated my 10-year anniversary of my graduation from Howard University School of Law during Homecoming Weekend; I attended and presented at the first-ever Power Up Weekend; and Hubby and I took advantage of the weekend to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary.  I threw together these [...]

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If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em: Technology As a Tool for Education

October 30, 2012

It’s the day after Hurricane Sandy descended upon the Northeast and the DC area gratefully was spared the worst of the storm.  Still, schools and businesses are closed and the wind and rains knocked out power across the region.  In anticipation of the outage, we charged up all of our electronics the day before the [...]

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On Celebrating Everyday {I’m Going Mighty!}

October 26, 2012

image credit: Eric Payne Photography In 2010, when I was undergoing a blog re-brand, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to focus on in my life. I truly wanted my blog to be a reflection of my world view and I wanted it to enrich my life and grow with [...]

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Reinvention Rocks! Successful Tales of Blogger Rebrands {+Tips!}

October 24, 2012

Oh how I love a good rebrand. To me, it signifies, evolution, adventure, daring, and another step closer to self-actualization. I’m sure this has to do with my positive worldview, because I realize that, to some, a rebrand signals just the opposite: confusion, indecision, and a lack of true identity.  And I suppose in some [...]

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