
Information on the data provided by the Article-Level Metrics API:

  • Provider – The name of the organization providing the data.
  • Source – The source name used by the Article-Level Metrics API to return data for the Provider.
  • Public URL – If the Provider has a human-readable landing page.
  • Descriptiong – Description of the data provided by the Article-Level Metrics API

Usage Statistics

Provider Source Public URL Description
Public Library of Science counter No HTML page views, PDF downloads and XML downloads for an article from Public Library of Science. The usage stats are COUNTER 3 compliant. For more information, see Usage Data Help.
PubMed Central pmc No HTML page views, PDF downloads and XML downloads for an article from PubMed Central.


Provider Source Public URL Description
PubMed Central pubmed Yes The citation data reported for an article from PubMed Central.
CrossRef crossref No The citation data reported for an article from CrossRef.
Scopus scopus Yes The citation data reported for an article from Scopus.

Social Networks

Provider Source Public URL Description
Twitter twitter Yes Tweets for an article.
Facebook facebook Yes The number of Facebook Likes for an article.
Mendeley mendeley Yes The number of times that a user has bookmarked an article in Mendeley.
CiteULike citeulike Yes The number of times that a user has bookmarked an article in CiteULike.

Blog Entries

Provider Source Public URL Description
Nature Blogs nature Yes The number of blog articles in Nature Blogs that have mentioned an article.
Research Blogging researchblogging Yes The number of blog articles in Research Blogging that have mentioned an article.

Inactive Sources

Article-Level Metrics may contain data from these sources but the data is no longer up to date.

Provider Source Public URL Description
Connotea connotea No The Connotea API does not respond in a timely manner.
Bloglines bloglines No This service no longer responds to API requests.
Postgenomic postgenomic No This service was discontinued by Nature Publishing Group in 2009.