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Privacy Statement

At The Score Group, your privacy is of paramount importance to us. Any information that we collect about you is used strictly to process orders. The Score Group does not rent, sell, share or distribute any of the information that we collect about you (including the fact that you are a member, subscriber, or purchaser of any of our products) with any outside party under any circumstances.

What type of information is collected, and why?

When you place an order over the internet, the information that we need to process the order is your name, email address, mailing address, shipping address (if different from mailing address), credit card number and expiration date.

Is it safe to give my credit card number over the Internet?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to use your credit card to buy products on the Internet through Scoreland. Your browser and Scoreland's secure server use digital encryption technology to transmit confidential information, including your name, address, and credit card information, so that you can be confident that your transaction stays private.

THE SCORE GROUP and make no representation as to the veracity or truthfulness of the preceding claim as it applies to any other website or internet vendor. Before submitting confidential information to any Internet vendor, consumers should always verify that the information that they are submitting is through a secure server. Most Web browsers, including Netscape and Internet Explorer can be configured to notify you when you are entering and leaving a secure area.


It is a violation of federal and state law to buy or attempt to buy products with a credit card under a false name or with an invalid credit card. We have a sophisticated Fraud Control System that screens for suspicious transactions, which are subject to investigation and possible cancellation by our Fraud Control team. Unauthorized individuals using or attempting to use credit cards will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please be aware that even if you do not give Scoreland your real name, your Web browser transmits a unique address to us, which can be used by law enforcement officials to identify you. The FBI and the U.S. Secret Service are responsible for investigating Internet fraud cases. Scoreland and THE SCORE GROUP have an obligation to provide information regarding possible fraudulent credit card transactions to the appropriate law enforcement officials of any country where a fraudulent transaction originates and/or where a shipping address has been specified.

THE SCORE GROUP and will not tolerate fraud of any type.

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