
Andreas Muenchow works at the University of Delaware as a sea-going physical oceanographer whose puzzles range from the physics of river discharges in Argentina, Siberia, and Delaware to ice-ocean interactions and glaciers off northern Greenland and Canada. He also dabbles in statistics, ocean color remote sensing, computer modeling, and kids himself to be a writer.

He likes puzzles of all kinds, but presently tries to learn how air, water, ice, and people shape the physical, social, and political climate that we all live in.

For 18 years he was a resident alien from Germany, but in 2005 became one-quarter of an all-American family. Aged 27 to 51 the four voting adults of this family had  four different political party affiliations among them. All are all very proud of each other, fiercely independent, and vocal. All hold strong views on a range of political, social, and scientific subjects.

This blog is the result of a July 21/22, 2011 NSF workshop on building communication skills to bring scientific thought, reasoning, and results in non-technical form to a lay audience.

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