tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:/forums/28471 General on UserVoice 2012-11-24T18:36:24-08:00 tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12625577 2012-11-24T18:36:24-08:00 2012-11-24T18:36:24-08:00 Create a feature that lets the user choose when the survey starts and expires automatically. <p>Stephanie suggested:<br />This would be a feature that lets the user (creator of the survey) choose when the survey would open and close ahead of time, so it becomes available automatically without the user having to open it on the chosen day. Also perhaps a timer on the survey so there is a limited amount of time to do the survey, this could be used to make a quiz for classes.</p> Stephanie tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12611476 2012-11-22T12:11:51-08:00 2012-11-22T12:11:51-08:00 List what html is acceptable abigail tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12603129 2012-11-21T09:56:01-08:00 2012-11-21T09:56:01-08:00 to have a previous page button [updated] <p>It is necessary to have a button at every page where the respondents can go back an perhaps change their answer at the previous page.</p><p>snowshaker77 said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>yes please create this &quot;Previous Page&quot; button, it really is necessary for scatterbrains who forgot what they wrote and need to review their answers to double check etc.</p></div></p> snowshaker77 tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12602105 2012-11-21T07:48:24-08:00 2012-11-21T07:48:24-08:00 Is there a way to find in which country accessed the survey? <p>Ruby suggested:<br />Need to have a filter of where in the world filled in the survey. Is there one?</p> Ruby tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12587564 2012-11-19T12:40:26-08:00 2012-11-19T12:40:26-08:00 French translation! <p>antoine suggested:<br />Could we have a French translation, choosing in the options? because we, we do not understand everything ;)</p> antoine tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12562244 2012-11-16T02:55:36-08:00 2012-11-16T02:55:36-08:00 add additional comments after answers <p>Ruby suggested:<br />when answering a question adding to specify further, e.g. Do you know who the administrator or contact person for the department is? Yes, if yes please specify</p> Ruby tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12562117 2012-11-16T02:23:39-08:00 2012-11-16T02:23:39-08:00 Make a box to rate different statements after their importance. <p>Claus Nielsen suggested:<br />Give statements a rating from 1 to 5, each number only to be used once.</p> Claus Nielsen tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12548046 2012-11-14T10:01:26-08:00 2012-11-14T10:01:26-08:00 Be able to collaborate on a draft survey with another user <p>Kim Beiderman suggested:<br />I'd like to be able to create a survey with a colleague on a different computer. This person could also create an account with you and by hitting a &quot;shared survey&quot; button she could see a draft survey I had previously shared. </p> Kim Beiderman tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12539000 2012-11-13T10:22:21-08:00 2012-11-13T10:22:21-08:00 to make it possible to add a text box after each multiple choice text. This will e.g. enable respondents to elaborate on their answers <p>Camilla suggested:<br />E.g.: Did you like the conference? [] Yes, especially: [text box] [] No, it would have been better if: [text box] It would also be great to have the opportunity to add a text box under the multiple chioces for further elaboration - that is, one that is not connection to a specific answer, but where you can e.g. write: &quot;Please elaborate on your answer.&quot; As far as I can see, you can only add a text box for the last choice at the moment. The above mentioned would help me a lot. In general I really love your tool, though, and I've stayed true to it since I found it. It's by far the best I've tried.</p> Camilla tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12528511 2012-11-12T05:50:21-08:00 2012-11-12T05:50:21-08:00 My surveys: change in color when not accepting responses <p>Mette suggested:<br />It would be nice if it was easy to distinguish between open and closed surveys in the overview &quot;My Surveys&quot;. It could be done by changing the headline color to a grey when the survey was not accepting more input.</p> Mette tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12511810 2012-11-09T06:40:51-08:00 2012-11-09T06:40:51-08:00 to have a previous page button [updated] <p>It is necessary to have a button at every page where the respondents can go back an perhaps change their answer at the previous page.</p><p>Mirco said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>this must be a optional selection</p></div></p> Mirco tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12510510 2012-11-09T02:34:00-08:00 2012-11-09T02:34:00-08:00 Why does it display &quot;There was a problem connectiong to the server: Internal Server Error&quot; ? Help me :( [updated] <p>Will it continue to be like it? What's happened to my survey? </p><p>Moçambiliárias Mercado Imobiliário said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Having the same problem</p></div></p> Moçambiliárias Mercado Imobiliário tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12504335 2012-11-08T07:15:07-08:00 2012-11-08T07:15:07-08:00 improve your server. There have been numerous instances in the last week or so where your site has been inaccessible. Helen T tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12504054 2012-11-08T06:43:22-08:00 2012-11-08T06:43:22-08:00 Why does it display &quot;There was a problem connectiong to the server: Internal Server Error&quot; ? Help me :( <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Will it continue to be like it? What's happened to my survey? </p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12503966 2012-11-08T06:29:42-08:00 2012-11-08T06:29:42-08:00 internal sever error <p>jdip suggested:<br />i can't log on... there is an 'internal sever error' ... need help asap, need the answers from my survey for my dissertation! :( thank you! </p> jdip tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12497220 2012-11-07T09:41:22-08:00 2012-11-07T09:41:22-08:00 ...enable survey designers to rename collections. <p>Kevin A. Dougherty suggested:<br />I would like to be able to easily differentiate between test collections and actual live surveys.</p> Kevin A. Dougherty tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12466655 2012-11-02T13:30:14-07:00 2012-11-02T13:30:14-07:00 To make the site mobile friendly [updated] <p>So that we can browse it using mobile devices smoothly. Thanks</p><p>Paolo Calusi said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I get an annoying message when I try to access by mobile: &quot;enable javascript&quot;. It is enabled indeed! but so it's not possible to fulfill the survey! <br />Thanks Paolo </p></div></p> Paolo Calusi tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12466619 2012-11-02T13:26:08-07:00 2012-11-02T13:26:08-07:00 password <p>Paolo Calusi suggested:<br />password choice Is it possible to ask to retype the chosen password to avoid mistype errors?</p> Paolo Calusi tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12463164 2012-11-02T05:52:13-07:00 2012-11-02T05:52:13-07:00 Being able to stop the responses after a certain number of responses <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Maybe i just did not find this tool, but i would love to stop my survey, stop the responses at a certain point, so that i can have e.g 100 responses. It would be good to be able to stop anytime or to set at the begining to stop at 150 responses.</p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12454982 2012-11-01T05:16:52-07:00 2012-11-01T05:16:52-07:00 Survey folders <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Would it be possible to add survey folders so it would be possible to sort your surveys into different folders at &quot;My Surveys&quot;?</p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12446436 2012-10-31T02:21:37-07:00 2012-10-31T02:21:37-07:00 Include all responses in the pdf, not just the first 10. [updated] <p>Currently, the pdf download only includes the first 10 responses. It would be really helpful if it included all responses when there are more than 10 (e.g., 13 or 50).</p><p>Mathias Sørensen said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I still have the 10-comment limit when I try to create the PDF-report? </p></div></p> Mathias Sørensen tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12412435 2012-10-25T19:57:24-07:00 2012-10-25T19:57:24-07:00 results summary publicly available [updated] <p>I would like that everybody could see a short summary of the results, without knowing all the answers.</p><p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Create a link on the last page of your form where it says &quot;Thank you for participating in the survey&quot; <br />with the direction that gives in Share live report within Reports section. </p></div></p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12412115 2012-10-25T18:16:03-07:00 2012-10-25T18:16:03-07:00 Give people the option of viewing the responses as a bar, pie or column graph as it is easier to analyse the results [updated] <p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>yes, how to do that? it's important for the people </p></div></p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12406553 2012-10-25T04:21:12-07:00 2012-10-25T04:21:12-07:00 to have a type of exercise like: put things in importance order Kovács Zsuzsanna tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12397382 2012-10-24T03:10:31-07:00 2012-10-24T03:10:31-07:00 Is there a way to be notified by e-mial when someone completes a survey? [updated] <p>Manuel said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Yes, this would be a nice feature. <br />Gmail can be a option. <br />Still GMail daily sending limit is 2000. ( <a class="support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answer=166852" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answer=166852</a> ) <br />My proposal is that every registered user to receive only one email/day if gets more than zero answers to his surveys. </p></div></p> Manuel tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12370234 2012-10-19T20:44:08-07:00 2012-10-19T20:44:08-07:00 Awesome!! Does it show IP addresses of the voters? Art tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12347590 2012-10-17T05:56:51-07:00 2012-10-17T05:56:51-07:00 Export the survey itself (not the report) with all possible questions in a printable format. [updated] <p>Kirsty Guthrie said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>how do i access the pdf printable document?</p></div></p> Kirsty Guthrie tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12341906 2012-10-16T15:28:53-07:00 2012-10-16T15:28:53-07:00 Export the survey itself (not the report) with all possible questions in a printable format. [updated] <p>Carlos Cervantes said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Hello, I would adjust this suggestion slightly, opting to do this rather than to create an entirely new suggestion. It would be nice if the PDF printable document included the name of the survey at the top of the first page.</p></div></p> Carlos Cervantes tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12341258 2012-10-16T13:53:35-07:00 2012-10-16T13:53:35-07:00 To create a Ranking Question Feature... <p>Felipe suggested:<br />in which the respondent rank the importance of each answer!</p> Felipe tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12336952 2012-10-16T04:19:21-07:00 2012-10-16T04:19:21-07:00 Time limit for a survey <p>Remi suggested:<br />Having a timer to limit the time allowed to fill in a survey, useful for recruiting</p> Remi tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12328277 2012-10-15T03:17:00-07:00 2012-10-15T03:17:00-07:00 Create a trash bin for deleted surveys [updated] <p>Thank you for offering Obsurvey! It would be nice if I could retrieve deleted surveys in a trash bin of sorts of up to 30 days (maybe less)? Although there is an immediate way to retrieve a deleted survey at the moment it is deleted, there have been a few times that I have mistakenly deleted surveys or regretted deleting a survey but have no way to retrieve them if/when I close the browser.</p><p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I lose my work. I do not know how, but there is not my survey..... What's happen?</p></div></p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12325033 2012-10-14T12:22:42-07:00 2012-10-14T12:22:42-07:00 To make the site mobile friendly <p>Mr.Jobber suggested:<br />So that we can browse it using mobile devices smoothly. Thanks</p> Mr.Jobber tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12318264 2012-10-13T07:44:21-07:00 2012-10-13T07:44:21-07:00 Export the survey itself (not the report) with all possible questions in a printable format. [updated] <p>S. Corwin said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I found a work around for printing a pdf version! Click the URL as if completing a &quot;live&quot; survey. Once on the survey page, go to file&gt;print&gt; print preview. This will give you the option to print directly or to send to pdf creator (Adobe or other free program). Save doc as pdf and print or email!</p> <p>I need to do this because I have team members administering the survey to folks that don't have PC access (i.e., via phone, in person, etc.). Then the team member can click the URL and enter the person's responses in the database.</p> <p>Awesome program! Thanks for making the survey creation part so darn easy! Especially the skip patterns!!!</p></div></p> S. Corwin tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12285525 2012-10-08T21:42:19-07:00 2012-10-08T21:42:19-07:00 make a timed question option <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />I would like to be able to see how long a person was on a certain page in order to time their ability to do a task. I would also like the average of said time to be generated in a report</p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12284222 2012-10-08T16:08:51-07:00 2012-10-08T16:08:51-07:00 Text Alignment <p>Mr.Jobber suggested:<br />Hello I'm trying to align the some questions/text to be on the centre. I tried using HTML and css tag with no luck. Also I'm wondering if there is a way to make the survey page direction (right to left), because My survey is written using RTL language. Thanks</p> Mr.Jobber tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12235707 2012-10-02T03:44:35-07:00 2012-10-02T03:44:35-07:00 Hi, good job. Obsurvey is great :-) but with dark them, link to webpage are purple and almost not visible... colette tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12217679 2012-09-29T01:45:03-07:00 2012-09-29T01:45:03-07:00 I created my survey, tested it by by sending the link to myself. Now I want to send out the link, but reset the replies to zero. This could <p>Richard suggested:<br />How do I modify a survey and reset the responses to zero and re-send it?</p> Richard tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12198023 2012-09-26T13:03:37-07:00 2012-09-26T13:03:37-07:00 Create a trash bin for deleted surveys <p>Cervantes suggested:<br />Thank you for offering Obsurvey! It would be nice if I could retrieve deleted surveys in a trash bin of sorts of up to 30 days (maybe less)? Although there is an immediate way to retrieve a deleted survey at the moment it is deleted, there have been a few times that I have mistakenly deleted surveys or regretted deleting a survey but have no way to retrieve them if/when I close the browser.</p> Cervantes tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12179386 2012-09-24T10:47:27-07:00 2012-09-24T10:47:27-07:00 Is there a way to be notified by e-mial when someone completes a survey? [updated] <p>Ian Mellor said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>What about GMail?</p></div></p> Ian Mellor tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12176617 2012-09-24T04:51:08-07:00 2012-09-24T04:51:08-07:00 Cannot retrieve survey response data :( <p>alfie Dennen suggested:<br />Hi there, I have been trying to reach Obsurvey over the last 4 days via every possible channel - I can't retrieve my survey results :( I closed the creation window before I could create an account and so I cannot get at any of the respondent results from the survey I sent to around 800 respondents :( This is the culmination survey of over a years worth of work and I can't ask people to fill in the survey again so please can someone get in touch so we can tie that survey into my account? Please get in touch. Thank you, Alfie Dennen.</p> alfie Dennen tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12166046 2012-09-23T01:49:54-07:00 2012-09-23T01:49:54-07:00 I wanted to complete survey using a smartphone,Found radio button selection didn't display properly but did compete survey.could this be fix <p>Grace suggested:<br />I wanted to complete survey using a smartphone,Found radio button selection didn't display properly but did compete survey.could this be fixed so a respondent complete the survey and see clearly his selection. Text boxes work well now but radio buttions do not display the little dot at all. Having said that, the survey does complete with the selection if the respondent makes a selection, the problem is you just can't visually check what you have selected before going to next question and sometimes it won't easily make a selection.</p> Grace tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12165507 2012-09-22T22:40:20-07:00 2012-09-22T22:40:20-07:00 Only Show Page [updated] <p>Expand the &quot;Only Show When&quot;, so it isn't only questions, but full pages. It takes so long time to make show only when, on 6 questions, on 6 different pages. </p><p>Mette Bentzen said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Or the solution could be &quot;skip to&quot; if... <br />That way I could have a question on page one and depending on the answer to this question I could skip way down to the bottom.... I wouldn't have to create show when for each question in between...</p></div></p> Mette Bentzen tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12116873 2012-09-18T10:33:14-07:00 2012-09-18T10:33:14-07:00 Copy a survey and be able to send it to another obsurvey user so that they don't have to create the same survey again. [updated] <p>We are running different courses at our training organisation which different course staff being responsible for collecting survey data. However, a lot of the feedback forms are the same and it would be helpful if you could copy and send these surveys to them instead of each course staff having to create the same survey.</p><p>Mette said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I can tell you what I do: I create a new survey - but based on an old survey. It is as easy as copying. </p></div></p> Mette tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12107766 2012-09-17T05:38:53-07:00 2012-09-17T05:38:53-07:00 increase the possible filesize of images [updated] <p>75k is far too small for images that should be rated</p><p>Martha Herbst said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>keep your resolution at 300dpi but reduce your pixels, this will maintain the quality at whatever dimensions you have your image at.</p></div></p> Martha Herbst tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12093253 2012-09-14T06:36:32-07:00 2012-09-14T06:36:32-07:00 Is there any way I can acces the results of a survey that I made? [updated] <p>I made this survey: obsurvey.com/S2.aspx?id=d18f916a-65f1-4828-88c0-4dfd46af895c, but I wasnt logged in or anything so now I finished but I cant acces the results, is there any way that I can see them its really really important, please I would apreciate very much your help</p><p>Martha Herbst said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Im fairly sure you had to register before you could start building a survey? No? Check your email inbox for any emails from Obsurvey in case you did register</p></div></p> Martha Herbst tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12091896 2012-09-14T02:50:12-07:00 2012-09-14T02:50:12-07:00 to have a previous page button [updated] <p>It is necessary to have a button at every page where the respondents can go back an perhaps change their answer at the previous page.</p><p>Danijel said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I would suggest that it should be an option thru admin forms, while there are questionnaires that are supposed to be subsequent with no turning back to already finished answers/topics...</p></div></p> Danijel tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12073097 2012-09-11T14:23:08-07:00 2012-09-11T14:23:08-07:00 Export the survey itself (not the report) with all possible questions in a printable format. [updated] <p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I am writing surveys to get feedback from various groups in our school. Once I have written one survey, I would like to print it out to get some people to test it AND WRITE the FEEDBACK beside the questions, circling the bits that need changing etc. </p> <p>I have tried sending them the link for them to trial it, but then I get complicated descriptions of what to change etc that I find hard to follow.</p></div></p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12069807 2012-09-11T08:02:17-07:00 2012-09-11T08:02:17-07:00 I think you should be able to insert a multiple-choice option after one with a text-box as I wasn't able to do that. Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12038796 2012-09-06T21:58:19-07:00 2012-09-06T21:58:19-07:00 Hi Alan &amp; TeamThanks very much for obsurvey. It has come in very useful for me. <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Hi Alan &amp; Team Thanks very much for obsurvey. It has come in very useful for me. Keep up the good work. </p> Anonymous tag:obsurvey.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12038293 2012-09-06T19:26:23-07:00 2012-09-06T19:26:23-07:00 Individual answers [updated] <p>It would be awesome, if the individual answers could be compiled into a separate document for print </p><p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Survey Monkey does this and it's awesome! However, unlike Obsurvey, SM has limited questions in it's basic account(which is free), meaning you have to pay an expensive fee to get unlimited questions! Good suggestion! :)</p></div></p> Anonymous
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