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Stable Downloads

This page contains the latest Final releases of the RichFaces project.  These will contain the most stable bug fixes, features, and updates.

RichFaces 4.2.3.Final - Available!

We're proud to announce the 3rd mrico release for RichFaces 4.2! Together with our great community we have created a phenomenal enterprise grade component library and framework.  All the features, components, extensions can't fit is just one release announcement.  So please refer to RichFaces 4.2.3.Final announcement, our online Component Showcase, documentation, wiki, and blogs to see what is included in this release!

Download RichFaces 4.2.3.Final

This is the latest Final release of the RichFaces 4 series. The primary distribution includes all the artifacts needed to get started in single distribution archive. For more on getting stared please review the readme.txt in the distribution.
RichFaces 4.2.3.Final distribution (zip)Binaries, sources, examples, documentation for 4.2.3.Final release.LGPLDownload
Downloads: 2792
RichFaces CDK 4.2.3.Final distribution (zip)CDK source, plugins, archetypes for 4.2.3.Final release of the Component Development Kit (CDK)LGPLDownload
Downloads: 377
Note: Downloads counter is updated once per day.
RichFaces 4.2.3.Final Release Announcement

Getting Started With RichFaces 4.2.2.Final

The RichFaces community contains several guides to help you get started:

  • Getting started with RichFaces 4 (top page)
  • How to add RichFaces 4.X to Maven based projects
  • How to add RichFaces 4.X to non-Maven based projects
  • How to add RichFaces 4.X to use Ant, and Ivy
  • How to use RichFaced 4.X with Google App Engine

RichFaces 3.3.3.Final

This is the latest and last release of 3.3.x branch. This release introduces basic JSF 2 support to the 3.3.X branch. See the release announcement for all the details : RichFaces 3.3.3.Final is Released. For more on the JSF 2.0 support please see : RichFaces 3.3.3 and JSF 2 page wiki article.
RichFaces Binaries3.3.3.Final Binary (zip)LGPL 2.1richfaces-ui-3.3.3.Final-bin.zip
Downloads: 54578
RichFaces Binaries3.3.3 Final (tar.gz)LGPL 2.1richfaces-ui-3.3.3.Final-bin.tar.gz
Downloads: 4765
RichFaces Sources3.3.3 Final (zip)LGPL 2.1richfaces-ui-3.3.3.Final-src.zip
Downloads: 12070
RichFaces Sources3.3.3 Final (tar.gz)LGPL 2.1richfaces-ui-3.3.3.Final-src.tar.gz
Downloads: 1378
richfaces-examplesRichFaces Photo Album Example (zip)LGPL 2.1richfaces-examples-3.3.3.Final.zip
Downloads: 10948
richfaces-examplesRichFaces Photo Album Example (tar.gz)LGPL 2.1richfaces-examples-3.3.3.Final.tar.gz
Downloads: 1286
glassXPluggable skinLGPL 2.1glassX-3.3.3.Final.jar
Downloads: 3614
lagunaPluggable skinLGPL 2.1laguna-3.3.3.Final.jar
Downloads: 2778
darkXPluggable skinLGPL 2.1darkX-3.3.3.Final.jar
Downloads: 3078
Theme PackageSet of provided, and sample page themesLGPL 2.1themes-3.3.3.Final.jar
Downloads: 3832
Note: Downloads counter is updated once per day.

Complete Jira Release Notes can be found there.

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