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How to Disable and Hide the Facebook Chat


After hard and long resistance, I finally gave up and recently signed up for Facebook. I am still not excited about it and quite deeply believe it can mainly bring negatives to people who post all kind of personal stuff. But anyway, since I am using it already from time to time, the single most annoying thing that caught my attention immediately (in the otherwise clean and arguably intuitive interface) was the fixed positioned chat box at the bottom of all pages. There was simply no way to remove it even if I didn't want to use the chat at all. And guess what, it seems the past few days that small collapsed box at the bottom has been transformed into a complete sidebar pushing the rest of the page to the left which is even more annoying (this seems to happen if the browser window is wide enough). Me doesn't like this at all so I am now sharing my solution to this annoyance with you...

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Poshy Tip Updated to v1.1

May 17th, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

Full compatibility with jQuery 1.6, live events support, background image preloading, small fixes for IE9 & FF4 are amongst the new features...

offsetWidth/offsetHeight useless in IE9, FF4*

OK, I must admit "useless" is a too harsh word but the thing is our beloved offsetWidth/offsetHeight JavaScript DOM properties are now not accurate any more in Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4. Firstly introduced in IE4 in 1997, these DOM properties are the simplest and quickest way of getting the computed pixel dimensions (the border-box) of any page element and they used to work perfectly in all browsers released since then. Well, not any more in IE9 and FF4. Read on to learn why and what you can do to workaround the issue...

* A special note for Firefox on Windows/Linux
Firefox 4 on Windows and Linux has this issue only when hardware accelerated rendering is enabled in the Options/Preferences (and, of course, supported on the machine). I always get the issue on Mac.

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Fix for #NewTwitter: Scrolling the Details Pane


I am getting more and more used to #NewTwitter and generally like the new features. Particularly the details pane, which provides quick preview of images, videos, etc. is really very useful. However, there is something related to it that annoys me much - if you scroll it with the mouse wheel (which is definitely the case with the majority of users) once you reach the top or bottom and continue scrolling (e.g. by accident, which happens to me very often), the whole page begins scrolling and you can easily lose sight of the tweet on the left to which the pane is related. So I am now sharing a simple fix and if you like it, please help to let the guys at Twitter know about it.

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Zoom Image - (Greasemonkey) User Script


Zoom Image is small user script I originally wrote back in 2005 for Greasemonkey and Opera but nowadays Chrome (out of the box) and Safari (through GreaseKit) users could use it too. The basic idea is pretty simple - the script displays a small toolbar with some buttons in the top left corner of any image when you hover it allowing easily to zoom in/out just the image without the need to zoom the whole page.

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Poshy Tip - jQuery Plugin for Stylish Tooltips


I almost hear you asking - why another jQuery tooltip plugin? Well, I actually never planned creating this plugin until I reached the final stages of designing this website and decided to add some pretty tooltips. So I started looking for a tooltip plugin that allows easily creating stylish tooltips and also includes the most useful features for such a script. However, I wasn't pleased with the results I found so I ended up writing a completely new plugin and am now making it available for all.

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Up & Running

I am happy to finally reveal the curtain of this website. So what is it all about? Well, this is essentially a blog where I will post about whatever bugs my days as a web developer slash designer. I am mainly a front-end developer so this place is most likely to get filled over time with stuff related to the "visible" part of web development - free tools (e.g. jQuery plugins), short tutorials (CSS, JavaScript, etc.), design ideas and inspiration, news and topics that bother the regular web developer mates. Occasionally, you may also find a personal topic or two but I don't have any plans to make a personal diary out of all this, instead I will mostly cover here the professional part of my life.

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