
Open Projects

Active Ventures

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python

This opinionated guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best-practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis.

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Requests: Python HTTP for Humans

Requests is an ISC Licensed HTTP/1.1 library, written in Python, for human beings. Unlike most HTTP libraries, the goal of the project is to provide the best API and Developer Experience possible.

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Install the real GCC on your Mac without using Xcode.

{ kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer }

Tablib: Format-Agnostic Tabular Datasets

Tablib is a powerful module for working with tabular datasets. It allows you create tables of data using standard Python datatypes, manipulate them, and easily export them to Excel, JSON, YAML, CSV, TSV, HTML Tables, and OpenDocument Format.

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Legit: Git for Humans

Legit is a new tool that allows you to interface with a Git respository much like you would with GitHub for Mac—from the command line.

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HTTPBin: HTTP Client Testing Service

HTTPBin is a simple service, similar to, that simply reports HTTP Request data in a simple JSON format. It's extremely useful for debugging and testing HTTP Clients.

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Clint: Command Line Application Tools

Clint is a module filled with a set of awesome tools for developing commandline applications. Implicit argument parser, cross platform terminal colors, simple unix pipes, printable columns, indents, progress bars, and much much more.

{ kennethreitz/clint }

Envoy: Subprocess for Humans

A simple wrapper around the powerful subprocess module.

{ kennethreitz/envoy }

Autoenv: Automatic Shell Environments

Magic per-project shell environments. Very pretentious. If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be excecuted when you cd into it.

{ kennethreitz/autoenv }


This is a simple Postgres Connection Pooling backend for Django, powered by the lovely and beautiful SQLAlchemy.

{ `kennethreitz/django-postgrespool <`_ }

A Python wrapper for the Heroku API. Simple and elegant. Powered by Requests.

{ heroku/ }


Google Federated Logins for Flask.

{ kennethreitz/flask-googlefed }


Secure your web services with HTTPS and HSTS policies.

{ kennethreitz/flask-sslify }

Other Contributions

In addition to authoring new software, I contribute to other projects and teams as well.

Python Software Foundation

I am a proud member of the Python Software Foundation.



I am a comitter to the excellent Flask and Werkzeug projects.

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Archive Team

Archive Team is a loose collective of rouge archivists, programmers, writers, and loudmouths dedicated to saving our digital age.

I aggressively assist in the archival of our digital history.

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Mark Pilgrim

When Mark Pilgrim decided to 410 from the internet, I managed to find old copies of his works and host them on his old GitHub profile URL.

His wonderful open source projects are preserved, and occasionally updated.

{ github/diveintomark }


OAuthlib is the future of OAuth for Python. I assist the project through support via Requests, community outreach, increasing awareness, and occassional organizational assistance.

{ idan/oauthlib }

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 100); backlink

Unknown target name: "kennethreitz/django-postgrespool <".

Follow me on GitHub as kennethreitz. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.