Nexedi Values


...and never surrender to ignorance.


When Jean-Paul Smets founded the ERP5 project, neither researchers nor practitioners could explain him a universal model of management. Eventually he invented the Unified Business Model (UBM) and based ERP5 upon it. The model describes all business processes of a company relying on only five generic concepts. Thanks to this unification, a typical ERP5 implementation has far less tables than other ERPs which makes it more flexible, easier to implement and maintain. The UBM prevents error by design.

At Nexedi, we are continually repeating this story with a constant flow of innovative enterprise solutions like simulation based planning, our unified accounting model or automated software distribution for the cloud. From these stories we draw our vision: design elegant, rock-solid and sustainable solutions for enterprise problems and never surrender to ignorance.

Prevention cannot Wait

Nexedi's development guidelines are based on the idea that “prevention can not wait” because preventing is always more cost effective than repairing. Prevention is based on testing: unit tests, functional tests, performance tests and naming convention tests. Our software designed in a way, that tests can be run live at our clients systems.


Open Source

The open source nature of our software not only eliminates licensing costs. It also provides full freedom to update and customize the systems as business requirements change. This prevents vendor lock-in and adds to the sustainibility of our solutions.


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Nexedi Offices


Nexedi SA

270 bd Clémenceau

59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul


+33(0)6 62 05 76 14


Nexedi GmbH

Schnorrstr. 38

01069 Dresden




Nexedi KK

507 Hashimoto building 5-4-5

Asakusabashi, Taito-ku

Tokyo 111-0053



Nexedi Afrique

Imm. Sohkhna Anta, App 142

BP 14372 Dakar-Peytavin



Nexedi STI

Rafael Monnerat

Campos, Rio de Janeiro


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