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  • Add Watermark Text to a Word doc
  • Watermark Text in Word documennt
  • Watermark Text
  • build URI to add watermark text

Watermark Text Addition To Word Documents In .NET Applications

11/28/12 by Sherazam Khan in C#
                    //build URI to add watermark text
            string strURI = "";
            string signedURI = Sign(strURI);
            //serialize the JSON request content
            WatermarkText watermark = new WatermarkText();
            watermark.Text = "Watermark Text Here";
            watermark.RotationAngle = 45.0;
            string strJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(watermark);
            Stream responseStream = ProcessCommand(signedURI, "POST", strJSON);
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
            string strResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
            //Parse the json string to JObject
            JObject pJSON = JObject.Parse(strResponse);
            BaseResponse baseResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BaseResponse>(pJSON.ToString());
            if (baseResponse.Code == "200" && baseResponse.Status == "OK")
		Console.WriteLine("Watermark text has been added successfully");

	    //Here is the WatermarkText class    	    
            public class WatermarkText
                public string Text { get; set; }
                public double RotationAngle { get; set; }

            //Here is the BaseResponse class    	    
	    public class BaseResponse
        	public BaseResponse() { }
	        public string Code { get; set; }
        	public string Status { get; set; }
0 Replies
  • javascript

Toggling Default Value Of Textbox On Focus

11/28/12 by Arvind Bhardwaj in JavaScript
                    var t = document.getElementById('ID');
t.onfocus = hideText;
t.onblur = showText;

function hideText() {
	if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {
		this.value = '';

function showText() {
	if(this.value == '') {
		this.value = this.defaultValue;
0 Replies
  • java
  • REST
  • ssl
  • https

How To Call A Rest Webservice With An Untrusted SSL Certificate

11/16/12 by Rodrigo Asensio in Java
                    TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
	public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
		return null;
	public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {}
	public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {}
} };

SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
context.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom());

ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
config.getProperties().put(HTTPSProperties.PROPERTY_HTTPS_PROPERTIES, new HTTPSProperties(new HostnameVerifier() {
	public boolean verify(String s, SSLSession sslSession) {
		return true;
}, context));

Client client = Client.create(config);
WebResource resource = client.resource("https://myserver/myws");
String result =;                
0 Replies
  • read barcode from external image URL
  • Read Barcodes
  • display type of recognized barcodes
  • display recognized barcodes value
  • Barcodes REST API
  • Barcodes

Read & Recognize Barcode From External Image URL In Java Applications

11/16/12 by Sheraz Khan in Java
                    //build URI to read barcode
	    //type:  Codabar, Code11, Code128 and Code39Extended etc.
            String strURI = "";
            // Send the request to Saaspose server
            InputStream responseStream = ProcessCommand(Sign(strURI), "POST");
            // Read the response
            String strJSON = StreamToString(responseStream);
            //Parse and Deserializes the JSON to a object. 
            RecognitionResponse barcodeRecognitionResponse = gson.fromJson(strJSON,RecognitionResponse.class);
	    List<RecognizedBarCode> barcodes = barcodeRecognitionResponse.getBarcodes();
            // Display the value and type of all the recognized barcodes
	    for (RecognizedBarCode barcode : barcodes)
	        System.out.println("Codetext: " + barcode.BarcodeValue() + "\nType: " + barcode.getBarcodeType());

	    \\Here is the RecognitionResponse class
	    public class RecognitionResponse extends BaseResponse
	        private List<RecognizedBarCode> Barcodes ;
	        public List<RecognizedBarCode> getBarcodes(){return Barcodes;}

	    \\Here is the RecognizedBarCode class	    
	    public class RecognizedBarCode
	        private String BarcodeType ;
	        private String BarcodeValue;
	        public String getBarcodeType(){return BarcodeType;}
	        public String BarcodeValue(){return BarcodeValue;}

	    \\Here is the BaseResponse class	    
	    public class BaseResponse 
	        public BaseResponse() { }
	        private String Code;
	        private String Status;
	        public String getCode(){return Code;}
	        public String getStatus(){return Status;}
	        public void  setCode(String temCode){ Code=temCode;}
	        public void setStatus(String temStatus){ Status=temStatus;}
0 Replies
  • Apphp
  • php
  • element

Toggling Elements With JavaScript

11/04/12 by Chara Miteo in ActionScript
                        <script type="text/javascript">
/* Source: */
    function toggle(id, id2){  
        var toggle_one = document.getElementById(id);  
        var toggle_two = document.getElementById(id2);  
        if( == "block"){  
   = "none";  
            toggle_two.innerHTML = "Show";  
   = "block";  
            toggle_two.innerHTML = "Hide";  
    <a class="#" id="tlink">Show</a> Comments<br><br>  
    <div id="comments" style="display:none;padding 10px;">Now you can see the comments</div>
0 Replies
  • Apphp
  • php

Download File With A Speed Limit In PHP

11/04/12 by Chara Miteo in PHP
/* Source: */
    /* set here a limit of downloading rate (e.g. 10.20 Kb/s) */
    $download_rate = 10.20;
    $download_file = '';  
    $target_file = '';
        /* headers */
        header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
        header('Cache-control: private');
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
        header('Content-Length: '.filesize($download_file));
        header('Content-Disposition: filename='.$target_file);
        /* flush content */
        /* open file */
        $fh = @fopen($download_file, 'r');
            /* send only current part of the file to browser */
            print fread($fh, round($download_rate * 1024));
            /* flush the content to the browser */
            /* sleep for 1 sec */
        /* close file */
        die('Fatal error: the '.$download_file.' file does not exist!');
0 Replies
  • Apphp
  • php
  • directory

List Directory Contents In PHP

11/04/12 by Chara Miteo in PHP
/* Source: */
    function list_directory_content($dir){
            if($handle = opendir($dir)){
                while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){
                    if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.htaccess'){
                        echo '<a target="_blank" class="'.$dir.$file.'">'.$file.'</a><br>'."\n";
0 Replies
  • Apphp
  • php
  • Contents

List Directory Contents In PHP

11/04/12 by Chara Miteo in PHP
/* Source: */
    function list_directory_content($dir){
            if($handle = opendir($dir)){
                while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){
                    if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.htaccess'){
                        echo '<a target="_blank" class="'.$dir.$file.'">'.$file.'</a><br>'."\n";
0 Replies
  • Apphp
  • php
  • web
  • extention

Get File Extension In PHP

11/04/12 by Chara Miteo in PHP
/* Source: */
    function get_file_extension($file_name)
        /* may contain multiple dots */
        $string_parts = explode('.', $file_name);
        $extension = $string_parts[count($string_parts) - 1];
        $extension = strtolower($extension);
        return $extension;
0 Replies
  • C
  • C++
  • matrix
  • gaussian elimination
  • upper triangulization
  • back substitution
  • row reduced echelon form
  • gauss–jordan
  • linear algebra

Matrix Operations: Gaussian Elimination, Upper Triangulization And Back-substitution Example In C

11/03/12 by Adrian Boeing in C
                    /** Gaussian elimination / Upper triangulization / Back-substitution example by Adrian Boeing

#include <stdio.h>

void PrintMatrix(double **mat, int m, int n) {
    for (int j=0;j<n;j++) {
        for (int i=0;i<m;i++) {
            printf("%+5.2f ",mat[j][i]);

int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
    int m,n; //m - col, n - rows
    int i;
    //allocate the matrix
    double **mat = new double* [n];
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
        mat[i] = new double [m];
    //initialize matrix
    mat[0][0] = 1; mat[0][1] = 2; mat[0][2] = 1; mat[0][3] = 4; mat[0][4] = 13;
    mat[1][0] = 2; mat[1][1] = 0; mat[1][2] = 4; mat[1][3] = 3; mat[1][4] = 28;
    mat[2][0] = 4; mat[2][1] = 2; mat[2][2] = 2; mat[2][3] = 1; mat[2][4] = 20;
    mat[3][0] =-3; mat[3][1] = 1; mat[3][2] = 3; mat[3][3] = 2; mat[3][4] = 6;
    printf("Initial matrix\n");

    printf("Gaussian elimination\n");
    //p is the pivot - which row we will use to eliminate
    for (int p=0;p<n-1;p++) { //pivot through all the rows
        for (int r=p+1; r < n; r++) { //for each row that isn't the pivot
            float multiple = mat[r][p] / mat[p][p]; //how many multiples of the pivot row do we need (to eliminate this row)?
            for (int c = 0; c<m; c++) { //for each element in this row
                mat[r][c] = mat[r][c] - mat[p][c]*multiple; //subtract the pivot row element (multiple times)
    printf("Upper triangulization\n");
    //p is the pivot - which row we will normalize
    for (int p=0;p<n;p++) { //pivot through all the rows
        for (int c=p+1;c<m;c++) { //normalize the pivot row, so that the pivot element can be set to 1.
            mat[p][c] /= mat[p][p]; //divide all elements in the row by the pivot element
        mat[p][p] = 1; //set the pivot element to 1.
    for (int p=n-1;p>0;p--) { //pivot backwards through all the rows
        for (int r=p-1;r>=0;r--) { //for each row above the pivot
            float multiple = mat[r][p]; //how many multiples of the pivot row do we need (to subtract)?
            for (int c=p-1;c<m;c++) {
                mat[r][c] = mat[r][c] - mat[p][c]*multiple; //subtract the pivot row element (multiple times)

 Another example:
 m = 6;
 n = 3;
 mat[0][0] = 2; mat[0][1] = 4; mat[0][2] =-2; mat[0][3] = 1; mat[0][4] = 0; mat[0][5] = 0;
 mat[1][0] = 4; mat[1][1] = 9; mat[1][2] =-3; mat[1][3] = 0; mat[1][4] = 1; mat[1][5] = 0;
 mat[2][0] =-2; mat[2][1] =-3; mat[2][2] = 7; mat[2][3] = 0; mat[2][4] = 0; mat[2][5] = 1;
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