Neuerscheinung: Günther Jikeli – Antisemitismus und Diskriminierungswahrnehmungen junger Muslime in Europa

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Ergebnisse einer Studie unter jungen muslimischen Männern.
Antisemitismus. Geschichte und Strukturen, Band 7, 2012, Klartext Verlag, Essen
342 Seiten, 29,90 €, ISBN: 978-3-8375-0165-0

Zentrale Ergebnisse dspacer er vergleichenden Studie
Es gibt einen spezifisch muslimischen Antisemitismus in Europa. Dieser

  • kann sich in aggressiver Form äußern und ist eine Gefahr für Juden,
  • lässt sich nicht auf Israelhass reduzieren und
  • kann nicht durch Diskriminierungserfahrungen entschuldigt oder erklärt werden.


Posted in Deutsch, Publications, Uncategorized | Tagged Antisemitismus, Berlin, Deutschland, Diskriminierung, Diskriminierungswahrnehmungen, Europa., Frankreich, Großbritannien, Günther Jikeli, jung, London, Muslime, Paris

Forthcoming: Günther Jikeli; Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun – Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities

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spacer Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities. Sources, Comparisons and Educational Challenges
Series: Muslims in Global Societies Series, Vol. 7
Jikeli, Günther; Allouche-Benayoun, Joëlle (Eds.)
2013, 2013, VI, 264 p.
ISBN 978-94-007-5306-8

Due: October 31, 2012

Posted in English, Publications, Uncategorized

Berlin Conference: Confronting Antisemitism and Promoting Holocaust Education in Morocco

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10 April – 12 April 2012

organized by
International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA) [Germany]
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) [US]

in cooperation with
Organisation Dialogus [Morocco]
Mémoire Collective [Morocco]
Kreuzberger Inititiative to combat Antisemitism (KIGA) [Germany]


Posted in Conferences, English, Events, Germany, Morocco, Uncategorized

Madrid: International Conference on Antisemitism – IV Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo

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spacer 30 November and 01 December, 2011

Download Conference Program – Programa IV Seminario

The conference has been organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities (FCJE) in Spain in cooperation with the International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism and other organizations. The conference language was Spanish.

Please find here audio and video documentation and the final declaration (Spanish)

Posted in Conferences, Events, Publications, Spain, Spanish, Uncategorized

Article: Kim Robin Stoller – Antisemitism in Morocco

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14 November, 2011

Largest Moroccan newspaper AL MASSAE attacks attempts to combat antisemitism, the inclusion of Holocaust education in schools, ‘normalization with Israel’ and the organization Dialogus

Kim Robin Stoller – Antisemitism in Morocco (PDF)

Posted in English, Publications, Uncategorized

Berlin: Die Umbrüche in der arabischen und muslimischen Welt und die Rolle der neuen Medien für die demokratische Opposition

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Mittwoch, 26.10.2011, 18.30 Uhr
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin (U6-Oranienburger Tor)

Veranstaltung und Diskussion (auf Englisch) mit
Nir Boms, Mitgründer und Board Member von

VA Nir Boms CyberDissidents (PDF)

Posted in Deutsch, Events, Germany, Seminars, Uncategorized

Article: Robin Stoller and Alejandro Baer – Antisemitism in Spain: A survey to deny a problem

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Published in The Jerusalem Post, October 18, 2010

The results of a recent government-funded anti-Semitism poll in Spain proved to be an effort to address the phenomenon in the country by simply pretending it doesn’t exist.

On the eve of Rosh Hashana, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos presented results of the first sociological study on anti-Semitism in Spain. “Public opinion in Spain is not anti- Semitic,” he declared.

Article JPost

Posted in English, Publications, Uncategorized

Berlin: Contemporary Antisemitism and the Acquiescence of the West

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Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011, 19.30 Uhr
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin, (U6 – Oranienburger Tor)

Charles Asher Small, Ph.D., Executive Director, Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, USA

Dr. Small will speak about contemporary antisemitism. He will focus on the rise of radical Islamism as a social movement, and how this social movement is using genocidal antisemitism as a strategic weapon not only against Israel and Jews, but also the “West”. Dr. Small will also discuss the response of the “West” to this form of global antisemitism, with a focus on the “academic world”.

organized by the
International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA)

in cooperation with
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME-Germany)

Posted in English, Events, Germany, Seminars, Uncategorized

Berlin: International Symposium „Perceptions of the Holocaust and Contemporary Antisemitism”

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Program_Sympossium_Perceptions_of_the_Holocaust_and_Contemporary_Antisemitism (PDF)

3- 5 June, 2011 in Berlin
Location: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin (U6-Oranienburger Tor)

Many countries have implemented annual Holocaust commemoration events and educational programs on the Holocaust. However, antisemitism is on the rise and in fact often voiced with references to the Holocaust. Jews are accused of exploiting ‘the Holocaust’ while perpetrating a Holocaust-like genocide against the Pal-estinians and Jews and Israelis are inappropriately compared to Nazis. Previous research suggests that such tropes are common in Europe and that many Euro-peans believe that Jews try to take advantage of their status as victims during the Nazi era. However, no cross-country research has been done to estimate similarities and differences of this problem.
This international symposium explores the relation between specific perceptions of the Holocaust and antisemitism, and presents and discusses upcoming re-search projects on this topic. Several country specific case studies will be pre-sented and discussed in a cross-country perspective: How are Jews and the Holocaust perceived in different countries? What are the notions of the Holocaust and Jews which allow individuals or groups to voice antisemitic resentments with references to the Holocaust? Who is perceived to have perpetrated the Holocaust? How do the relations between antisemitism and the perception of the Holocaust in public and private discourses and at Holocaust commemoration events differ in the countries that were studied?

Posted in Conferences, English, Events, Germany, Uncategorized

London: Colloquium. Contemporary Antisemitism and the perceptions of the Holocaust

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in cooperation with the The Wiener Library Institute of Contemporary History

London_Colloquium_2011 (PDF)

location: Wiener Library, Main study hall, groung floor, 4 Devonshire Street, London W1W 5BH

SUNDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 2011, 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Doerte Letzmann: The Understanding of Antisemitism and anti-Muslim Resentment in Contemporary British Racism Studies
Rebecca Jinks: Eternal hatreds?: Representations of the Holocaust and Genocide
Antonia Schmid: Who is the ‘Other’ today? Antisemitism and Alterity in German film

SUNDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2011, 2:00 – 6:00 PM
Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun: Perceptions of the Holocaust Among Students In and Around Paris
Gunther Jikeli: Perceptions of the Holocaust Among Young Muslims in Europe
Hagai van der Horst: “Nosing After Blood”: Constructions of the Jew-Nazi Bi-Polarity and Palestinian-Israeli Bi-Polarity in the Guardian and the Independent
Robin Stoller: Holocaust Remembrance, National Identity and Antisemitism in Germany – Public and Private Discourses

SUNDAY, 13 MARCH 2011, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Lesley Klaff: R v Saibene and Others: Vigilante Justice Against Israel and the Rule of Law
Karin Stögner:  Antisemitism in Media Discourses on the Financial Crisis

Posted in English, Events, Seminars, UK, Uncategorized

Berlin: Seminar. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah. Islamist Antisemitism and the Reactions of the West

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Dienstag, 04. Januar 2011 von 11.00-15.00 Uhr

2011-01-04_Iran_Hamas_Hezbollah (PDF)

Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Senior Fellow European Foundation for Democracy
“A Genealogy of Islamist Antisemitism: From the godfathers of Iranian Islamism to Hezbollah and Hamas”

Charles A. Small, Director Yale Initiative for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Yale University
“The Role of Contemporary Antisemitism in Undermining Human Rights: The Iranian Regime and the Acquiescence of the West”

Posted in English, Events, Germany, Seminars, Uncategorized

Madrid: International Conference on Antisemitism – III Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo. Análisis, Políticas y Estrategias.

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24th & 25th of November 2010

download conference program

International conference on Antisemitism in Spain to be hold in Madrid, 24th and 25th of November 2010. The conference is organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain in cooperation with the International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism and other institutions. The conference language will be Spanish.


Posted in Conferences, English, Events, Spain, Spanish, Uncategorized

Article: Antisemitismo en España: Una encuesta para negar un problema. Por Robin Stoller y Alejandro Baer

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Antisemitismo en España: Una encuesta para negar un problema

Por Robin Stoller y Alejandro Baer*

Published in: Revista Raíces Raíces 85 – año XXIV – Invierno de 2010-2011

En la víspera del año nuevo judío, el pasado 9 de septiembre, el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores Miguel Angel Moratinos presentaba en rueda de prensa los resultados del primer estudio sociológico sobre antisemitismo en España. Según el Ministro Moratinos: “la opinión pública en España no es antisemita”. Los datos del estudio indican lo contrario y la Federacion de Comunidades Judías y el Movimiento contra la Intolerancia ve “resultados altamente preocupantes” (ver comunicado en Pero no solo los datos que no se han hecho públicos en la presentación a la prensa son preocupantes. El desarrollo del estudio, los métodos empleados, los resultados y su presentación transmiten una imagen lamentable de cómo se ha abordado en España el problema del antisemitismo. Continue reading

Posted in Publications, Spanish

Berlin: Methodenworkshop “Gruppendiskussionen in der Antisemitismus- und Erinnerungsforschung”

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Sonntag, den 20. Juni 2010 von 13.00-18.30 Uhr in Berlin

In unserem Methodenworkshop wollen wir, ausgehend von drei aktuellen Studien, Vorgehensweise, Vorzüge und Probleme der Methode Gruppendiskussion in der Antisemitismus- und Erinnerungsforschung diskutieren.
Ausgehend von den jeweiligen forschungsleitenden Fragen sollen dabei in einem e