a particular day

September 20, 2005

How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap



I had a little friend visit my apartment the other week, and for a while there I was ready to make peace with him and co-exist. But after I cleaned up the place and ordered pizza one night, and it crawled up the side of my chair onto the sleeve of my shirt, I knew it was time to bid farewell.

Here's how I caught the critter:

  1. Get a toilet paper tube and crease two lines to form a flat sided tunnel.
  2. Put a treat on one end of the tube: A cracker and dab of peanut butter works great.
  3. Get a tall (at least 20 inches) bucket. A trash can works well.
  4. Balance the tube precariously on the edge of a table or counter with the treat hanging directly over the tall sided receptacle.
  5. The mouse will scurry to the treat (they like tunnels) and fall into the trap.

Set the fella loose at least a mile away from your abode.

Postnote: It worked within the hour.

Also, folks have asked how this could work if you don't have a counter or table. Simple: get a piece of cardboard and crease it to make a ramp up to a small trashcan.


SEMI-RELATED ENTRY: How to kill a fly without a flyswatter

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Fantastic! After a month of trying out 3 tin traps (at a cost of about $70) I had caught exactly zero mice. On the first night of setting this up I had actually caught 2 mice at the same time in a single roll! I've now relocated about 12 mice - just a few fiendish ones to get now...

Posted by: happytrapper | Nov 29, 2012 2:58:20 PM


Just something of note to those asking about using things like carrots or other similar foods: I would avoid doing so. The mouse may end up choking to death on a big hard piece of vegetable like that. You could try placing a roasted pumpkin seed in the tube as an alternative.

Posted by: Drawberry | Nov 27, 2012 7:21:10 PM


Tried it... My mouse was too smart for this he pulled the tp tube fully onto the counter twice and got the pb out. I brought a humane trap but if he goes for the other two traps he's getting snapped. I'd rather not deal with a dead mouse but atleast it will be dead and not squirming on a glue trap.

Posted by: Tyra | Nov 23, 2012 2:30:38 PM


THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! We had one that got into our stove we set up this trap and within a few hours he was in the empty trash bin and is now outside. This was helpful and does work.

Posted by: Jamie | Nov 22, 2012 11:29:49 AM


Omg gotta try this I gotta mouse how is fond of cooking sheets after I cook somthing on it he ( I think )every night he is on nom noming on the crispy bits ugg he is soo messy and soo loud!

Posted by: OmNomNom | Nov 21, 2012 12:14:25 AM


About to try. I had rescued a baby mouse yesterday and lost him >.> but she is still in my room because I left peanut butter bait and he is eating it when I'm not there.

Posted by: Maya | Nov 18, 2012 3:58:39 PM


It didn't work we lost to bin bags of food and we had to use old fashion traps and kill them

Posted by: Cal | Nov 8, 2012 12:39:29 AM


Mouse traps are one of the most effective ways to capture mice and ultimately eradicate the mouse infestation that has invaded your home. Before professionals choose poisons and products with toxic chemicals, they will choose traps to honor the safety of your home. Not only are traps effective in mouse control, but mouse traps are economical in that they do not cost a lot of money to buyTo.

Posted by: traps mouse | Nov 5, 2012 2:49:33 AM


Just about to try it
Wish me LUCK!!

Posted by: Cal | Nov 4, 2012 5:36:47 PM


Left out for a couple of hours. The mouse is now in the local park!

Posted by: Miz | Nov 4, 2012 7:49:30 AM


I'm planning on using your method tomorrow, this poor little mouse must be terrified. I don't believe in killing an innocent mouse that got stuck in my house. Hopefully this works, wish me luck!

Posted by: Patty | Oct 25, 2012 8:25:14 PM


So glad to find this page. I was looking to find another no-kill trap. I have a holey house so it's really a mouse house rather than mine. I can't move and I can't be buddhist about living with them. I've trapped alot in a no-kill trap and then set them free into a wooded area far from my house. But I'm going to try this. I've gotten good results with peanut butter but will try the jerky. Also I learned that mice can die very quickly without water (and in some cases people drowning them) so if you have to wait for hours to return them alive to the wild - a bottle top of water should be in the bin.In my case I have a great mouser cat living with me and he always alerts me to the fact by bringing it to me much alive. He doesn't ever kill them. Then I take over the trapping process. It's worked pretty well and I'm working on fixing up all the holes. Since moving in 1989 I think I caught and released about 25 mice but they use to just stay in my attic. Thanks for the diy and all the comments and tips.

Posted by: Nancy | Oct 19, 2012 10:07:06 AM


Hi guys I gave this Mouse trap a try lastnight simply because the live traps I bought have had no success at all anyways I set the DIY trap up and returned the following morning to find that the tube was gone so I assumed I had caught my 1st Mouse however upon inspection of the box it was empty, completely empty! the cheeky little sod was too clever and was not fooled and instead of entering the tube it opted to drag it down the ramp and under the tv cabinet to enjoy it's spoils! despite failing in capturing said Mouse I must admit I tip my hat to the little fella

I'll try again tonight but with a modified version

Posted by: Mouse | Oct 16, 2012 2:09:04 PM


would carrot work?

Posted by: Marla | Sep 28, 2012 2:07:55 AM


This worked amazingly well and quickly, too. I used a few bits of a raspberry to tempt my little guy. He seemed a bit confused when I let him go outside.

Thank you!

Posted by: Jenne | Sep 17, 2012 11:39:08 PM


This is the first time I have had mice living in my house since I was a child. At first I thought I would have to go buy poison or traps but since I have been out of work I have been looking for more 'homemade' ideas. I just set the trap; 9:50am, Thursday, Sept 13, 2012. Let's see how long this takes. My little mouse or mice, not sure, is pretty brave. Coming from the living room behind the couch into the dining area and then on to the kitchen during the day while I am sitting at the table sewing or crafting. Yesterday we had a fight, he wanted to go into the kitchen and I kept seeing him and making a noise made him go back. We did this several times until i guess I missed it or he gave up. I'm pretty sure he didn't give up. Update when I catch him. Thanks for posting the idea. A thank you everyone for posting your updates!

Posted by: Tina Boyd | Sep 13, 2012 10:55:41 AM


I had a little friend ( means the mouse ) over at my house he chewed a whole tip
Of the door frame we flipped the bed over and moved everything to the bathroom it was crazyyy thanks for the tip :)

Posted by: Gggg | Sep 8, 2012 12:19:35 PM


great idea gonna try it

Posted by: @3:8@:1 | Sep 4, 2012 4:15:05 PM


hey so i have a hamster and so obviously i have food...well this little mouse has been around getting in to my hamsters food a few nights ago i thought i heard something but wasnt sure..i had my light off but looked anyways and i thought i saw something very small and dark colored run across the nightstand where my hamster was and down under my bed...i didnt do anything about it or say anything to my parents...then a few times tonight i heard it and saw it for sure so i found this and i gotta say its a great idea i just hope hes not to smart since i know he saw me looking around for him and setting it all up...either way thank you so much (:

Posted by: courtney | Aug 27, 2012 12:47:05 AM


I did this last night. I lined the inside end with peanut butter and set a 2ft tall plastic bin under it (no liner). This morning, tube is in the bin and nothing in the bin. Two droppings inside. Its black, short grain rice looking and hard. Is this mice? How the heck did it climb out?

Posted by: Robert | Aug 18, 2012 9:43:57 AM


I just had to leave a comment because if it wasn't for you I would still be living with those nasty mice.I set up the trap you recommended and have caught 3 mice in three days. Thank you soooo much!

Posted by: cleanfreak | Aug 14, 2012 9:08:50 AM


How do you get the mouse on the counter?

Posted by: Carlos | Aug 13, 2012 4:46:40 PM


Amazing!!!!! I thing that this really will work here is the story. So my friend got a mouse from a pet store. The mouse got lose, and he started scaring everyone. The mouse started to eat punut butter, jelly, crackers and grapes. It was a pain. Now all of that is going to go away!!!!!!!.

Posted by: Tara | Aug 11, 2012 2:34:46 PM


Seriously amazing! I set out some glue traps tonight because I recently discovered I had a mouse. While watching my little "friend" walk around them I researched and found this. Thank you !I set it up and started reading the comments lol im not even finished reading them yet and I already caught my mouse. I set it up again because after hearing other people's stories I imagine there is more than one. Genius!!!!!!

Posted by: Kaila | Aug 8, 2012 11:27:47 PM


This does work if you stick with it and maybe modify slightly. Initially I put the toilet paper roll on the edge of the counter and weighed it down with a couple coins, but the mouse took it upon his or herself to spin the toilet paper roll around towards itself, ate the peanut butter, and, of course, pooped for good measure. The next night my wife suggested we very weakly tape the roll to the counter with some electrical tape. This forced the mouse to actually enter the tunnel to get the treat, and its weight was enough to break the hold of the weak tape, and we caught it very easily. It's an excellent, no muss no fuss trap if you only get mice in your house once in a while, and don't like dealing with traps and gore.

Posted by: Jeremy | Aug 7, 2012 2:51:38 PM


Just wanted to let you know if you ever catch a mouse or anything on a glue board, use olive oil to release it. It works reall well. Also, will work if you step on a blue board. Use Olive Oil.

Posted by: C-Mouse | Jul 26, 2012 8:02:34 PM


Guys.. I saw a mouse on a Wednesday, following Saturday saw poop, and chewed up bags... Did a good clean up. Sunday, more food bags attacked. Monday, pest control came, spread traps around, and did catch anything. Tuesday night Ive set up Chris "trash can/tube/peanut butter" - genius idea. We got the he/she bastard. Saturday, found out that the bastard WAS a she - how? Saw 2 crawling/closed eyed babies on the kitchen floor. Got everything out of that cabinet, and found 2 more babies - and their nest. The mom made her nest in a mexican runner (in the trash now)... Moral of the story: if you have a hungry mouse, she may be eating to feed her babies. After an OCD clean up session, no more signs of droppings anywhere in the kitchen. Going to buy plastic bins to put all my table cloths, towels, linens or anything that could be used for nesting.

Posted by: mousemad | Jul 23, 2012 10:55:06 AM


I also never saw a mouse dropping, until I started cleaning really well after I killed that mouse. I followed along the wall, using carpet cleaner and bleach on walls. I opened my coat closet and there they were, but only about 7-8 droppings. So after I cleaned, I started checking and there's 1 area he was getting into my main house. You would've never guessed, it wasn't a hole, just a 2 inch wide and maybe 1/4 inch high if that, in the corner. Almost like the carpenter didn't mind his measurment was a little off, it was a coat closet, who would ever see it?!?!
Well I'll tell ya who saw it, THAT MOUSE, thats who... LOL

Posted by: Em "The Mighty Mouse Hunter" | Jul 19, 2012 7:05:27 AM


Here's A "BAIT IDEA"
I started spotting a mouse about a week ago, was able to corner it and yes I shot it. I have 2 kids, 1 small, also single mom and didnt have much choice at the time. But I just seen another today, so I know there is probably more.
I came across this site while doing research to get rid of problem.I'm not trying to sit and hunt them down 1 by 1, haha. Gonna try this first thing today, and I'll let u knw how it works.
But I wanted to pass on some advice I got from few people as what to use for bait. I hade 4 people tell me beef jerky, or better yet "slim jims" was the best and only bait they use.
This lady said she just caught 50, she moved into a new/old house And they have 4 CATS, but this was previous owner problem, she used "slim jims" and caught 50 in 1 week. and hasnt had any problems since. They closed up all the holes and cracks with wire mesh or steel wool pads u use to clean with. So hope this might help lure your mice into the tube/traps. She used the old slap traps with that bait. FYI

**Remember you have to fill in and close of any way for the mice to get in. As u get rid of them, follow there dropping, usually there will be an area with a concentrated poop and if you look real close, you will find a tiny crack and thats where they r coming in from the walls. So start there, then move outside/under house/basement, that my problem. they keep coming in where holes are drilled through brick in my basement for piping to come into mechanical needs. I tried caulk but it weathered, shrink in winter. Then they chewed insulation from around pipes and squeezed in. But I'm gonna use steel wool and wire meshing.
I'll keep u posted on what works and if I fish any mice this week. I'm a great fisherman, so i think I'll gettem.

Posted by: Em "The Mighty Mouse Hunter" | Jul 19, 2012 6:48:25 AM


Called pest control, set traps, glue traps, nothing... After losing lots of food to this (hopefully just one) ... I set the bucket/tube, and .......Caught the bastard.. tks

Posted by: mlima | Jul 18, 2012 9:58:41 AM


There's one in my grandmas den right now, gnawing in between the walls. I'm trying to sleep and am very tempted to shout "sod off!". Time to lay back with loud music and hope this bucket plan catches the furry little bugger... (-_-)`

Posted by: Moony | Jul 17, 2012 3:28:16 AM


Shouldn't of posted this as the smart people (like yourself) who have the intelligence to value life will think of a way to get the mouse out by themselves. Only the dumb fucks will use this to trap and kill the mouse since they have the brain capacity of a cat.

Posted by: Bratman | Jul 13, 2012 4:07:25 PM


I often wonder if this will happen to me one day as I meander down the aircraft boarding tunnel

Posted by: Ty Tower | Jul 12, 2012 3:59:12 AM


Just saying to Bert (the first comment)... I hope you drown just like the mouse/mice you drowned. You are an ignorant dick who stupidly thinks we are above mice.

Once again, I hope you die a horrible, slow, painful death.

Posted by: Kiara | Jul 11, 2012 4:43:35 AM


To prevent them from jumping, just fill the bucket one foot high with water. Cant jump and drowns then.

After so much damage experienced, absolutely no mercy.
If you catch a VD will you just take meds until the bacteria are dizzy then spread them to your neighbors?

Total extermination rulez!

Posted by: bert | Jul 9, 2012 6:47:58 AM


I set up the trap and i hope it works because I really want to see if my 3 year old brother really is seeing mice in our barn and i hope he isn't scared of them because he wants to keep it for a pet.

10 mins later we went out there and he saw want was at the bottom of the bucket and he and I were amazed me mostly because he was really seeing mice out their.....there were TWO mice in the bottom he called them Fuzzy 1 and Fuzzy 2.

Posted by: K.J.O | Jul 8, 2012 4:53:20 PM


it really worked fine, got 4 in a row ! the only problem is, if one escapes, forget it! The mice "talk between themselves" and they dรฒnt fall in the trap anymore...

Posted by: aldo | Jun 30, 2012 6:04:55 AM



Posted by: KERRY | Jun 29, 2012 7:23:09 PM


We caught him in 1-2 mins but we just spooked him into it but when we went to tell our aunt he scurried away so you need a tall bucket but we didnt need foot just scare him into it

Posted by: Ryan+willie | Jun 29, 2012 4:30:22 AM


wow, after 2 hours of setting this up OUTSIDE we had caught our mouse and dispatched it to 2 miles away near to the canal - thanks massively, Janet

Posted by: janet huyton | Jun 28, 2012 5:05:12 PM


Daughter and I tried it while staying in cabin w/family.It worked! Great
idea. Thanks for posting.

Posted by: rick garcia | Jun 26, 2012 7:45:33 PM


I have one running around in my drop ceiling and didnt want to kill it. Opened a panel put a roll up there with a big garbage can underneath. waiting to hear a plop. This is perfect thank you.

Posted by: Leo | Jun 22, 2012 1:06:23 AM


I don't want to release! I'm setting snap traps at the bottom of the bucket!!

Posted by: LC | Jun 19, 2012 1:23:26 AM


I am going to try this and see how it works. My concern is having to build a ramp since I wouldn't need it on the countertop. I dont know why there are people on here trying to drown the mice, that is incredibly cruel. I also suggest NOT using peanut butter, the peanut butter gets stuck to the mouses throat and eventually kills them, this is what I have read, so of you are trying to catch this mouse in the kind and compassionate way then I would recommend cereal or something like that, that will not get lodged in their throat.

Posted by: Laura | Jun 17, 2012 12:06:24 PM


Trap set. Lookn forward t catching the little bugger...

Posted by: Tomas | Jun 12, 2012 9:54:21 PM


Set this trap up last night after I went into my kitchen to find my mouse crawling through the burner holes on my stove. Woke up middle of the night and he had knocked the tub over in the garbage can. Set it up again and same thing this morning. If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong or have any tips let me know. This seems to be the only thing that works and we have had him for a month. Oh and he won't go anywhere near peanut butter.

Posted by: Amanda | Jun 12, 2012 7:30:55 AM


Unbelievable! Caught the mouse in 2 hours! Had so many sticky traps in our house and the mouse seems to know to avoid it. This really works!

Posted by: jun | Jun 11, 2012 2:49:29 AM


Not all mice like peanut butter. I eventually found out that salted cashews are irresistible.

Posted by: snook | Jun 5, 2012 3:45:23 AM


THANK YOU SO MUCH! The mouse I had was too small for any live capture trap I could find. It just slipped right through the bars. This method worked within 5 hours!

I used a paper towel tube; I think it might not have worked with a TP tube. The bucket was only about 35 cm tall, but there was no jumping (disappointing, actually.)

Thanks to this, I didn't have to resort to cruel methods or spend any more money on catching that adorable ball of fur that's been shitting under the pillow. This should be the #1 result on Google for mouse traps.

Posted by: junglejill | Jun 4, 2012 8:06:42 PM


Have the trap set. Can't wait to get this little ba$7@rd! I hate mice. As far as I'm concerned they are rats! Don't want them anywhere near my house, let alone in it!

Posted by: ditchdoc7893 | May 23, 2012 12:48:57 AM


one of my three cat's is a real killer this year, mice and shyte loads of baby rabbits. But, Sid the cat brings them in alive, plays with them in a corner of the kitchen where he knows they can't escape his Evil, long torture till you die game. Now, if we get there in time for the rabbits, we will retrieve rabbit and release far from home, But if it's a mouse, we leave him to it and clean up afterwards.

Mouses revenge;-

I'm sat in my living room at the moment while writing this knowing there's a mouse behind my piano, I've pushed Sid behind the piano but he turned a ran to his feeding bowl. So now I've set this trap of yours, I'm waiting patiently and if I catch him alive, I'm putting him in the special torture corner with Sid Vicious; I hope it works and I'll keep you's lot posted.

Posted by: billyXray | May 1, 2012 10:17:39 PM


Totally works!! Brilliant!!

Posted by: Mousecatcher | Apr 22, 2012 6:46:39 PM


OK, bucket trap set. Can't stand these little beasts any longer... Waiting for that sweet sound of a mouse dropping into a bucket (I never thought I'd find myself saying that...) Hopefully my partner is home to get rid of it by the time that happens:-)

Posted by: Carlie | Apr 20, 2012 9:17:53 AM


My mouse adores chocolates! Lindor and Ferrero Rocher! He even tried my box of biscuits that we bough in France...he tried every biscuit, and I guess he didnt fancy any of it!
We discovered he is leaving somewhere in the kitchen. He is a very clean mouse! trust me! that's why we cant find where is living. No droppings, no mess, we found the chocolates paper still in very good condition, just a few tears. he doesnt eat rubbish..but chocolates! he doesnt enter any of my units, but for safety, I wipe my work top with spray bleach every morning before even put the kettle on. We hide the chocolates and I guess he is on a diet now, as he is eating BANANAS! Really!

I kept looking for ideas online and came across with yours!, my husband and I are very positive with this one!

I had such great laughs reading tho the comments! Men are all much the same! I can see my husband saying things exactly the same I have red here! I cant wait to catch him, as we already confronted him one morning...he is quite cute, and definetely dont wanna kill him. But we dont have place for 3 here. I am quite sure it will work this time! and we will catch Stuart for once! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR IDEA! and THANKS EVERYBODY THAT SHARED YOUR COMIC COMMENTS! IT MADE ME LAUGH! IM HAPPY IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT CARES ABOUT LIVING CREATURES!

Posted by: Andrea | Apr 19, 2012 5:21:08 AM


Just set this trap. Not sure my bucket is going to be tall enough, Hoping that this will work as my Landlord will probably set poison or snap traps otherwise!

Fingers crossed.

Posted by: Pixie | Apr 15, 2012 4:22:07 PM


My husband and I are crediting your trap with catching our little visitor! Our two cats have been staring at the ceiling in our basement for a few weeks now, and I made a joke to my hubby about having some sort of infestation or another. Well, my husband saw the mouse tonight, and couldn't catch him! I found your trap online, and we set it up, and about an hour later we heard a noise in the basement. My husband went down to investigate, and our cats had cornered the little guy when he'd tried to come down for the peanut butter bait! He scooped the mouse up in a cup, and we just got back from releasing him at a nature park near our house. Hopefully that's the last of them, but we'll leave the trap up to be sure. Thank again! :)

Posted by: Dani | Apr 7, 2012 11:41:32 PM


I have so much experience in dealing with mice but this idea is a bit new for me. You have opened a new horizon of how to get rid of mice..I love sharing...

Posted by: Andy | Apr 2, 2012 10:55:26 AM


What time of year do they come?

Posted by: jake krongard | Mar 28, 2012 5:21:02 PM


This is fantastic information guys! I have been trying to catch my mouse for about two months now and no luck. I tried the black catch 'n' release traps but all he did was open the cage where the food was and took it out leaving the trap still set. Then I tried the regular snap traps, sprayed the bait with fly spray (lol I know, I was desperate), and again the food gone and trap still set.

Tonight, for the first time, I am trying the bucket method with the ramp, baited toilet roll on a stick and the bucket filled with beer/oil/water/detergent. Lol, I know, again I'm desperate!

I'm a little concerned after reading that if there's one then there's usually more. I hope I can catch all of them with this trap because I'm sick of that musty rodent smell, no matter how much I clean it's still there.

Now that I've read that mice can jump high, I won't underestimate it!

Thanks for the tips guys :)

Posted by: Cynthia | Mar 28, 2012 11:43:36 AM


Mice are nasty I have them in my car I have over 20 trapts in my trunck!!! Got one this morning. There pooping everywhere !!! And I got glue traps!!

Posted by: Zachary | Mar 21, 2012 10:53:39 PM


Yeah just realized how old this post is...

Bladders or no bladders, they're still pissing their filthy diseased urine in your home, next to your food and food prep area.

We've caught 3 mice in 4 days on a snap trap. And I clean like a maniac! What the freak!

MYTH: Mice are cute little critters
FACT: Mice are diseased carrying disgusting rodents, they bring fleas and many maladies into your home.
Puppies are cute mice are scary little monsters.

Posted by: claire bear | Mar 21, 2012 6:12:10 PM


I know this is a pretty old post, but people are still replying so I thought I'd share this.

Mice *do* have bladders (I had to look it up).

More facts from myths here: www.victorpest.com/advice/rodents-101/myths

Posted by: Janae | Mar 20, 2012 2:15:27 AM


UPDATE: First night, nothing. Second night, w.a small snap trap placed against the wall...Snap! Ew blech and on its back before it can make it to the nice trash can. No suffering and quick...mice don't see well and use the walls as guidance when they're scurrying about. But thanks for the bucket idea. We're going to set up a few more snappy snaps just in case. Omg they're as scary dead as they are alive.

Posted by: claire bear | Mar 16, 2012 11:00:30 AM


UPDATE: Mouse is caught! Did not catch the mouse on the first night w.the trash can...
BUT an old timer SNAP TRAP placed against the wall (mice use the wall for guidance when scurrying about bc they don't see very well) did the job before it could get to the tube/trash can area...I didn't want to have to use the snap traps bc it's messy. BUT it does kill them fast so they don't suffer. The snap trap hit so hard it flipped the mouse on its back ew ew ew it was gross, I won't say think goodness for guys bc many girls aren't afraid of a dead mouse but this girl is so thank goodness my boyfriend was here to clean it up...I felt terrible to see it but it was the only way to go.

Posted by: claire bear | Mar 16, 2012 10:49:45 AM


Interesting fact for you mouse lovers - mice do not have bladders - so they pee as they go aka if there is poop there is their pee close by if they are on your shelves or table tops they are leaving pee there too.

I too have a mouse problem - in my basement/crawl space the filthy little creatures have ruined alot of stored items and I face a massive clean up of their poop/pee etc - so far 1 stuck in a glue trap 1 in a snap trap I suspect there are more this weekend I will be spending many hours cleaning up and bleaching all the concrete and wood in the basement to remove the stench. I am going to add the bucket trick to my arsnel - I will however add 6 inches of water so the little bastards drown

Posted by: Islander | Mar 15, 2012 8:10:48 PM


My fiance and I moved to a brand new building...over a month ago we discovered mouse droppings under our sink eww blech...so we immediately set up a few glue traps (we freaked out) the next day I noticed it's small paw print on one of the traps (sh!t didn't work) and the treat from one of the "SAFE" catch and let it go traps was gone...AAAH the little FnCkER! Everyday I frantically mop and clean the counters and floors.

A few days later at the corner of my eye it came out and headed towards my puppy's food area. LAST straw, ran to home depot and bought 30 dollars worth of traps. And 3-4 weeks later, nothing, the smart fncker is eating my puppies food and crapping everywhere. I WANT IT DEAD!!!! DEAD!! YAH YAH, animal cruelty. I'm a vegetarian, I love animals, I feel bad for the little sh!t but I gave it the chance to leave in a nice safe trap filled with food.

BUT now it will (hopefully) fall in a trash can lined with glue traps. I just want it dead and out of the apartment, that's all Q_Q if I let it go it will come back or maybe go to a house of a family with a new born and crap on the baby. Okay let's hope this works!!!

Posted by: claire bear | Mar 15, 2012 1:00:25 AM


Weeks later, this still hasnt worked. I am beyond annoyed now. Have resorted to bait blocks.

Posted by: Kym | Mar 14, 2012 11:21:05 PM


So...found out we had a mouse in our house today. My boyfriend wanted to straight up kill it, but I said no. He knows me, and my love of all things living. So I googled ways to catch and release mice, and found this. Tried it, using two pennies as counterweight and a dab of peanut butter, and within the hour, we had one caught! A cute little bugger, too! Would love to keep it as a pet, but my boyfriend is afraid of any diseases it may be carrying, so going to leave it in the garbage can with some bread and then take it out to the park tomorrow. =) Leaving the ramp up for the night to see if there's anymore. Thanks a bunch for sharing this method!

Posted by: JuliaB | Mar 13, 2012 2:49:30 AM


I was playing outside with my bff at nite ( plannin 2 have a sleepover ) and we noticed a little hole in the side of the house. It was rite near the door, we thought it was nothin so we continued to play. Later, we started hearin scurrying and surely enough, it was a mouse. LOL me and me bff are BIG animal lovers and we obviously don't want to kill it. So I'm gonna try this trap! I'll keep ya posted!!!!!!

Posted by: Amanda | Mar 10, 2012 9:57:18 AM


Correction. In England!!

Posted by: F p | Mar 9, 2012 7:07:53 PM


Listening to the radio. Did u know there are more pest (rats, mice etc) in this world than humans!! Ridiculous! Wanna kill the little c@@ts!!

Posted by: F p | Mar 9, 2012 7:07:03 PM


So I have been trying a bin trap but no luck! !!!!! Have tried with a platform and bait on the end - with a can so they jump over it to get peanut butter doesn't work I may be to hasty as that he only been one night - as you never only have one mouse this is now creeping me out poison bait in chocolate is being taken at least 20 so far in different rooms of the house errrr.... I'm wondering could.my ramp be too steep I want rid of these everyday they are her

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