The Action


The Action

To end the Bush tax cuts
for the richest two percent


The election is over and it’s time to make it count. Grassroots power is not just for elections.

Congress has until December 31st to make a critical and historic choice. They can ask the richest 2% of Americans to pay their fair share, or they can put more money in wealthy pockets at the expense of the struggling middle class.

There is too much money and power in too few hands and the system is rigged to keep it that way. It’s time to level the playing field. It’s time to make things right.

The first step is telling Congress, loud and clear: Don’t give more tax breaks to the people who need them least.

Yesterday was The Election. Today is The Action.

The Action is a grassroots movement that demands Congress end the Bush-era tax cuts for the richest 2%—those making more than $250,000 per year. The Action is for critical investments that create and sustain jobs.

It’s time to join The Action.



Activists gathered in Orlando, Florida to rally in favor of extending tax cuts for the middle class and ending them for the richest 2% of Americans.

Belina, a local supporter, explained why she is taking action.

“I am here today because I am ready to move the country forward. The election is over and Congress needs to come together for the interest of America. The Bush Tax Cuts should be extended for the middle class and below … The Bush Tax Cuts should expire for the wealthy. They have had more than their break in tax cuts and benefits. $2,000 means a lot to my family and household at this time.”

Lawanna Gelzer recorded a message for Congress saying that we must extend tax cuts for the middle class and end them for the richest 2%.

Join Belina, Lawanna, and Americans across the country who are taking action. Call your representative today.


Meet the Patriotic Millionaires, a group of over 200 Americans with incomes over $1 million a year calling for higher taxes for the wealthy.

“Our country faces a choice – we can pay our debts and build for the future, or we can shirk our financial responsibilities and cripple our nation’s potential.

Our country has been good to us. It provided a foundation through which we could succeed. Now, we want to do our part to keep that foundation strong so that others can succeed as we have. Please do the right thing for our country. Raise our taxes.”

Now, these millionaires are contacting their members of Congress and asking for higher tax rates for the wealthy. Join them and call Congress today.

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