Three Hidden Keys Open Three Secret Gates

Posted by Ernie on June 5, 2012


Today marks the release of the Ready Player One trade paperback, and I’m announcing big news over at Boing Boing: I’m giving away a DeLorean!

Two Deloreans, both alike in dignity.

To celebrate the release of the Ready Player One trade paperback, I’m holding a contest inspired by the plot of my novel. I’ve hidden an “Easter egg” in the text of both the hardcover and paperback editions of Ready Player One. If readers can find this hidden clue, it will lead them to the first of three increasingly difficult video game challenges. The first video game challenge is an Atari 2600 game that contains another Easter Egg that will lead you to the Second Challenge. Completing the Second Challenge will lead you to the Third and Final Challenge.

The first person to complete all three of these challenges will win the grand prize, a 1981 DeLorean automobile, complete with a Flux Capacitor! I’ll be driving this DeLorean across the country on my book tour this June, so contestants will have a chance to see the grand prize in person at each of my book signings.

For more information about the contest rules, please visit

ecto88, geek, Ready Player One

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