Welcome to Aberystwyth Skeptics in the Pub.  Skeptics in the Pub was founded in London by Dr Scott Campbell in 1999.  The aim was to provide a place for rationalists to meet and hear about bizarre and extraordinary claims and to look at these scientifically. Doing this with beer seems to work.

The first Skeptics in the Pub group in Wales was founded in Cardiff by Alice Sheppard and Dean Burnett.  AberSITP, founded by Mark Burnley, is the third Welsh group to be founded (Swansea being the second). Meetings will usually take place in The Scholars or the Kings Brasserie.

A primary motivator for this group was witnessing Robin Ince say to an audience in Machynlleth "I'd better not say anything bad about homeopathy around here..."  AberSITP intends to provide the safe haven that skeptics seem to need in mid-Wales!

If you would like to be a speaker at a future AberSITP meeting, please email Mark at DrMarkBurnley@gmail.com

Mark can also be found in a laboratory in the Carwyn James building or in Scholars on Friday evenings.

Please fill in the form below to send us a message

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