
The Magic Card Market

The Magic Card Market Changes Quickly.

We make sure you don’t get left behind.

There are over 15,000 different Magic cards in existence.  How are you supposed to keep track of 15,000 prices?  There are major Magic tournaments almost every weekend.  How are you supposed to follow each one?  There are literally hundreds of card sellers online.  How are you supposed to find the best prices among all of those sellers?

We have contacts throughout the industry, on the floor of every Pro Tour, Grand Prix and Invitational event.  It’s our job to make sure that you know what’s happening in the Magic card market so you don’t lose money.

It’s our job to make you money. 

When was the last time you got an email worth $500?

QuietSpeculation.com Insider members got one during the most recent Pro Tour.

Here are some of the tips our members have received, verbatim, in their Inbox.  As you will see, each email we send is literally worth hundreds of dollars, if not more.

As an Insider member you can expect to get exclusive ‘Insider Alerts’ – up-to-the-minute reports from our highly informed coverage team, delivered  directly to your inbox.  (Click the chart to expand, prices quoted from tcgplayer.com)

02/10/2012 - “Brian Kibler is on the Channel-Fireball deck, as well as a number of other people. That deck is playing Huntmaster of the Fells, which was selling aggressively before the event began. Huntmaster is far from cheap, but if it’s a true 4-of in any of these top tier decks, $10 is dirt cheap.”  Our coverage team has eyes and ears everywhere.  We had Huntmaster of the Fells on our radar before Round 1 started and our Insiders were able to pick up as many as they wanted for $10 before this staple blew past the $20 mark.


Huntmaster of the Fells

11/17/2011 04:40 pm – “I’m getting reports that Olivia Voldaren and Devil’s Play are the big breakouts at Worlds right now. Patrick Chapin was using Olivia in his deck. Pay attention to what he plays! This is the guy who showed the world Punishing Fire + Grove and Thopter + Sword. They are already ticking up on MTGO, but there are doubtless copies to be had at local stores, even through this weekend.”  Olivia Voldaren shot past $10 within 48 hours, earning our subscribers over 100% gains.


Olivia Voldaren

04/19/2012 at 8:14 PM - [Misthollow Griffin] generates infinite mana with Food Chain…Food Chain is about $2-3 right now and I think it’s a fair card to speculate on for Legacy. I’d get a set or two. We saw what happened to Dream Halls when it took off, and Food Chain could easily climb to $8 or more in the next few days.  Food Chain did indeed spike, reaching $8 on May 1st 2012.


Food Chain

Our Insiders bought these alongside Huntmaster of the Fells. When was the last time you got an email worth that much money?


Dungeon Geists

May 11th 2012, 7:29 AM - “[Our sources] claimed that these were selling for $12 at the [Pro Tour Avacyn Restored] event site. The format doesn’t have great pinpoint creature kill and it’s got tons of creature-based mana acceleration, so a Silverheart that turns on a Borderland Ranger is a deal. It’s about $1.25 right now.”  Wolfir Silverheart’s retail price increased to almost $10 before the Pro Tour weekend was over.  Several subscribers saw gains of over $500 on that tip – one went deep and bought 300 copies.


Wolfir Silverheart

“Consecrated Sphinx needs to be bought by Insiders ASAP.  Multiple stores are sold out…and most stores now have them up to $5.   See what you can find, I tried to get in below $4 shipped….$10 is my hope, and $15+ is not entirely out of the question.”


Consecrated Sphinx

02/11/2012 3:25 PM – “We had a bit of discussion about Skirsdag High Priest in the QS forum and it turns out, it’s been seeing a bit of love in mono-black decks. Here’s a video deck tech featuring the card. The interviewee calls it a centerpiece of the deck and Sam Black said the card is “for real.”  They’re currently a quarter on TCGPlayer and other stores. At a dollar for a set, this card does not need to go up very much in value for the investment to pay off. This is the kind of cheap buy-in card everyone loves to look for.” Skirsdag High Priest steadily rose up to a dollar, 4 times our targeted purchase price.


Skirsdag High Priest

02/18/2012 04:41 PM - ”Kelly has told me that Vedalken Shackles is sold out all over the [Grand Prix Lincoln] event site and that many retailers are out online, too. This could be a real breakout card in Modern, so it’s worth trading for some and picking them up if you can get a good deal.Turns out that paying full retail would have been a good deal; Vedalken Shackles shot up to $20 and has settled at $15.


Vedalken Shackles

04/09/2012 01:35 AM – “The new Miracle Time Walk is making Personal Tutor heat up…They are selling for $15 right now. This could be a very hot card to snag. I suggest lightly buying in at this point unless you feel gutsy. Huge swathes of these have sold in the last hour on Ebay and the pre-hype price was about $14. If you have the cash to buy deeply into this, you do not stand to lose much.”  You probably don’t have the time to scan Ebay every hour in the middle of the night.  We do, and we’ll do it for you too.  Flipping a playset of Personal Tutors would have bought you almost a full year of Insider membership.


Personal Tutor

05/20/2011 11:18 AM – “In case you missed the announcement last night. There’s no indication if
this is a one-off format for the Community Cup, but it seems likely that this could become a real format. Speculation on MTGO has already begun, so tread carefully. The Ravnica shock-lands are mostly under 3 tix right now. If this becomes a real format, they’ll surely shoot way higher.It’s not often that we get to call an entire format, but the biggest change in the last 10 years made our members tens of thousands of dollars.  Whether you invested in MTGO or Cardboard, you likely enjoyed a full order of magnitude gain across dozens of cards.


Steam Vents


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What Our Members Are Saying:

“The Insider Alerts have helped me keep my store up-to-date. They let me get ahead of the curve and avoid inventory blowouts. My favorite part is not having to constantly check a website to get the benefit of my membership. The Insider Alerts alone have made and/or saved my store the cost of my subscriptions dozens of times in just a few months.”

- Geoff Caffo, USA, QS Enterprise Customer

“Picked up 14 copies of Primeval Titan at an average of 11.42 tix. Now priced at 33 tix on PureMTGO. That’s about 260 tix profit. I really appreciate the QS forum as a dedicated place to bounce financial ideas around for feedback and criticism.”

- Matthew Lewis, USA

“As an online MTG store owner, especially a store with a staff of one, I find my subscription to Quiet Speculation to be invaluable. On weekends where I have family obligations, or there are multiple top level events happening at once, I simply cannot watch all the coverage I would like to keep up with what’s going on. Then BAM, a QS Insider email hits my inbox with tips on the latest tech, and what cards to pick up. This allows me to adjust my prices ahead of other stores and stay competitive. And I can tell that I’m not the only one getting these tips, as I’ve had many of these cards sell even as I’m adjusting my pricing! The Insider subscription is well worth my investment!”

-Don Wiggins, Don’s Magic and Sundry, QS Enterprise Customer

“As a professional seller, even the small tips from QS pay my subscription fees ten times over, but it is the big tips that put a roof over my head. Thanks for maintaining a great website!”

- Daniel Lowenstein, NL, QS Enterprise Customer

“No Magic site can compare to QuietSpeculation when it comes to getting you financial information when you need it, rather than a day too late. Pays for itself many times over and provides a plethora of other articles to keep you entertained.”

- Andrew Stephens, UK

“Wow. First let me say that I am more than impressed with not only your response time to [the issue] but also the lengths you went to make it right. You have definitely kept me as a customer with your fix for the problem.”

- Andrew Dirks, USA

“I have always been a casual magic player, but after coming back from yet another break, I decided to dedicate my spare time with becoming a competitive player. After doing some research, I came across quietspeculation.com via an article, and quickly realized that the type of information provided by this site is exactly what I would need if I want to attempt to make a profit from my hobby. I had an issue with the registration, and the customer service contacted me within hours. Instead of an e-mail asking questions, I was informed that the issue had already been taken care of, and was compensated for the trouble. The representative has also kept in touch, which makes me feel like I matter to the company. The free content is pretty insightful, but the paid service offers some really good advice for those who have always wondered how that guy has so many tickets, or how that guy has so many money rares in his binder. I would highly recommend this website for anyone who is interested in turning a profit through Magic.”
- Alex Alkula

“Quiet Speculation Insider is a must-have for any Magic player who is serious about making their hobby work for them. Not only do you get your value back in spades by staying on top of the hottest cards to pick up and turn around profit on, but you also stay on the cutting edge of upcoming price drops and downward trends to save you money at the dealer table, trade table, and/or online shop. That equals savings in your pocket, and added value on your buy/sells.

“Whether you are a business looking to stay on top and protect your assets and turn a profit, or a casual player trying to get the most value out of your limited dollars, Quiet Speculation Insider is a must have! My business couldn’t survive without it.”

- Allen Campbell, Stormin’ Lion Games

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Kelly Reid

Co-founder & Content Dir.

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