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Home » Artists A-Z » Peter Smith's Biography


Peter Smith was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. He has undertaken a variety of different vocations throughout his life a particularly enjoyable one was working within the fashion industry as a graphic artist for 16 years. Peter Smith also worked as a computer programmer and a surveyor in his earlier years.

Throughout the last two years Peter Smith has spent his time heightening his profile within the art world and building on his existing abilities and talent. Peter Smith is influenced and inspired by other artists, Dali's surrealism and the strong characters and quirkiness of Will Bullas to name but two.

Fascinated by shape, form and colour coupled with his understanding of composition, accuracy and pure passion for his work, Peter Smith creates the stunningly simplistic and quirky works we see today. 'Turning a mass of colours and shapes into a picture locked in your imagination is an unforgettable experience; I hope you enjoy my world,' states Peter Smith.

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