Posts about Engines

JavaScript engines, like libraries and frameworks, can take care of a lot of the heavy lifting for you and minimize your need to toy with the underlying code. They are particularly popular in the world of HTML5 game development, where JavaScript plays a key role in providing functionality.

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Interfacing Java and JavaScript Using LiveConnect

Sandeep Panda on Advanced

LiveConnect is a technique that allows Java and JavaScript to communicate with each other. It allows your Java class to call JavaScript methods and access the JavaScript environment. JavaScript can also access Java objects and invoke methods on them. LiveConnect was first implemented in the Netscape browser, and currently Mozilla Firefox fully supports this feature. In this tutorial you will learn how to write code that makes the communication between Java and JavaScript possible.

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Other Advanced

  • Making HTTP Requests in Node.js
  • Prototypes in JavaScript
  • Debugging Unit Tests Using js-test-driver
  • Introducing the Geeksphone by Mozilla
  • The Return of the jQuery Plugin Registry

JavaScript and HTML5 Gaming: From Angry Birds to ZX Spectrum

Tom Museth on APIs

There’s been a bit of an explosion in the HTML5/JavaScript gaming sphere of late. Browser games have seen a surge in popularity, and developers are beginning to find a suite of handy APIs and other tools at their disposal. Rob Hawkes is keen to sing the praises of HTML5 and JavaScript and their application in browser gaming. Rob is a visual programmer, author and technical evangelist at Mozilla, leading the gaming side of Mozilla’s work within the developer community. He gave the closing keynote talk at Web Directions Code, held in Melbourne back in May, where he showed us all just how awesome HTML5 and JavaScript gaming is rapidly becoming.(more…)

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Other APIs

  • An Overview of the JavaScript History API
  • Navigation Timing API: How to Profile Page Loads Efficiently
  • Discovering the High Resolution Time API
  • Creating a Polyline Using Geolocation and the Google Maps API
  • Introducing the Battery Status API
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