NAACP Blowing Chimp Cartoon Out Of Proportion

The cartoon in the NY Post depicting two cops shooting a chimpanzee with the caption “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill” has been completely blown out of proportion by the NAACP.

I read the cartoon, published a day or two after the news incident involving a pet chimp that attacked a woman and literally ripped her face off.  The police had to shoot the animal.  I don’t normally find topics off limits as far as making fun and humor go, but sometimes, a little time needs to pass.  I thought it was way too soon to be making a joke out of this woman’s horror, she’s still hospitalized.

Then, I saw Rev. Al Sharpton all over the news talking about how that cartoon was a racial slur to Obama in that Obama wrote the stimulus, Obama is a black man and there are stereotypical depictions of black people being Simeon like, therefore the cartoon was depicting black people as monkeys.  I thought that was a big stretch.

But now, the NAACP is saying the cartoon was a call to assassinate President Obama.  I find this absurd, they are just making up some controversy now.  Apparently, neither Sharpton or the NAACP knew about the chimpanzee attack or they would have never come to this conclusion as political cartoons frequently satire current events.

I saw several cartoons, photoshopped pictures and other references to George Bush looking like, acting like, having the intelligence of a monkey.  How in the world are we going to get past some of the racial strife going on if we can’t refer to politicians as monkeys, apes, low brows and chimps if that politician happens to also be black?  White politicians don’t own acting like chimps.  Take Bobby Jindal, Michael Steele and Alberto Gonzales for example.
Posted in Politics | 1 Comment »

One Response

  1. Randy Johnson Says:
    May 5th, 2010 at 12:06 am

    This person claiming not to have connected the chimp to Obama, was either lying or really stupid. I’m white and live in Canada, I knew it was Obama before I finished reading the caption.

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