NNYLN Committee Registration

Staff of Northern New York Library Network member organizations are invited to complete the following form to sign up for one or more of the Network's seven committees.


I would like to participate in regional activities by joining the following committee(s):

Interlibrary Loan - The Interlibrary Loan Committee is responsible for recommending policy and encouraging resource sharing relationships among libraries in the region. The committee also assists in making recommendations concerning ICICILL, GAC, ARIEL and other regional resource sharing projects.

Continuing Education - The Continuing Education Committee is responsible for recommending continuing education programs and content. The committee is also charged with carrying out a biennial assessment to ascertain the professional development needs of library staff in the region.

Advocacy - The Advocacy Committee plans activities each year to promote awareness among state officials concerning needs of area libraries.

Library Assistants - The Library Assistants group is committed to providing opportunities for education, communication and staff development for support staff in area libraries.

Coordinated Collection Development - This committee assists in coordinating subject collection development for the region's Coordinated Collection Development Aid program.

Conservation/Preservation Committee - This group is responsible for recommending cooperative special collections projects such as disaster preparedness and digitization initiatives.

Regional Automation - The Regional Automation Committee is responsible for developing recommendations for the annual plan for automation activities. The Network's Board of Trustees appoints members of this committee for a three-year term. Checking this option means that your name will be submitted to the Board for their consideration when vacancies on this committee open.

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