Lone Star Ruby Conference 2010

Real Software Engineering
Glenn Vanderburg
This presentation, by Glenn Vanderburg , is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

Software engineering as it's taught in universities simply doesn't work. It doesn't produce software systems of high quality, and it doesn't produce them for low cost. Sometimes, even when practiced rigorously, it doesn't produce systems at all.

That's odd, because in every other field, the term "engineering" is reserved for methods that work.

What then, does real software engineering look like? How can we consistently deliver high-quality systems to our customers and employers in a timely fashion and for a reasonable cost? In this session, we'll discuss where software engineering went wrong, and build the case that disciplined Agile methods, far from being "anti-engineering" (as they are often described), actually represent the best of engineering principles applied to the task of software development.

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Rated: Everyone
Views: 86,449
Posted on: Aug 31, 2010

Conference Videos

Rails' Next Top Model: Using ActiveModel and ActiveRelation
Adam Keys
Decyphering Yehuda
Gregg Pollack
How to Build a Sustainably Awesome Development Team
Jim Remsik, Les Hill
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please", or why I love continuous learning with continuous deployment.
Steve Sanderson
Battle of NoSQL stars: Amazon's SDB vs Mongoid vs CouchDB vs RavenDB
Jesse Wolgamott
Taking Mongoid into the Future
Bernerd Schaefer
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
Bruce Tate
Keynote Address
Tom Preston-Werner
Grease your Suite: Tips and Tricks for Faster Testing
Nick Gauthier
JSON and the Argonauts - Building Mashups with Ruby
Wynn Netherland
Components in a Monolithic World
Nick Sutterer, Kevin Triplett
Beehive, scalable application deployment
Ari Lerner

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