tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:/activity NSScreencast on UserVoice 2013-02-09T02:28:12-08:00 tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13356567 2013-02-09T02:28:12-08:00 2013-02-09T02:28:12-08:00 Different OOP techniques in objective c <p>gerpg suggested:<br />Explain the mediator pattern, method pattern, singleton pattern ... in objective c</p> gerpg tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13342683 2013-02-07T05:54:11-08:00 2013-02-07T05:54:11-08:00 Core Plot <p>Don suggested:<br />Please explain how to make charts and graphs using Core Plot. code.google.com/p/core-plot/</p> Don tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13330097 2013-02-05T13:32:29-08:00 2013-02-05T13:32:29-08:00 Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app [updated] <p>Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app, where you scroll and the title remains for the section</p><p>Nick peachey said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Wow, thanks buddy</p></div></p> Nick peachey tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13329000 2013-02-05T11:25:36-08:00 2013-02-05T11:25:36-08:00 Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app [is now declined] <p>Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app, where you scroll and the title remains for the section</p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13328997 2013-02-05T11:25:15-08:00 2013-02-05T11:25:15-08:00 Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app [updated] <p>Table views, I.e.the scrolling asection title action in the pluralsight ipad app, where you scroll and the title remains for the section</p><p>Ben Scheirman said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>This is simply done by grouping your data into sections, typically in an NSDictionary. Then you create an NSArray of sections and return a title for each section in `tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:` method.</p> <p>This creates the effect you want. If you want to customize how it looks, implement the `tableView:viewForHeaderInSection` and return your own custom view.</p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13321057 2013-02-04T12:40:50-08:00 2013-02-04T12:40:50-08:00 CoconutKit ViewControllerContainer <p>Alex Kestner suggested:<br />Ran across the CoconutKit library (https://github.com/defagos/CoconutKit) recently doing some research for an iOS project I&#39;m working on and thought it provided a number of seriously useful features. I&#39;m particularly interested in the View Controller Container classes, which the CoconutKit dev writes about (at great length) here: subjective-objective-c.blogspot.com/2011/08/writing-high-quality-view-controller.html. Although it&#39;s a large library and I&#39;m sure there&#39;s much more to be explored.</p> Alex Kestner tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13315804 2013-02-03T21:07:21-08:00 2013-02-03T21:07:21-08:00 App Delegate and the Window heirarchy <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Can you explain how the window heirarchy works . How best to use app delegate, singletons, whats up with popRootViewController and all the presenting and subviews etc ... I cant find a simple walkthru of how that all fits together anywhere </p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298888 2013-02-01T05:37:57-08:00 2013-02-01T05:37:57-08:00 RestKit [is now completed] <p>would love to see an example app using RestKit</p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298887 2013-02-01T05:37:56-08:00 2013-02-01T05:37:56-08:00 RestKit [updated] <p>would love to see an example app using RestKit</p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p><a class="nsscreencast.com/episodes/51-intro-to-restkit-mapping" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">nsscreencast.com/episodes/51-intro-to-restkit-mapping</a></p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298869 2013-02-01T05:35:59-08:00 2013-02-01T05:35:59-08:00 Restkit 0.20.0 [is now completed] <p>New restkit has changed a lot, please talk about it</p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298868 2013-02-01T05:35:58-08:00 2013-02-01T05:35:58-08:00 Restkit 0.20.0 [updated] <p>New restkit has changed a lot, please talk about it</p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I just released an episode on RestKit mapping covering the latest version.</p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298859 2013-02-01T05:35:08-08:00 2013-02-01T05:35:08-08:00 You should do a screencast about remote json data into nsarray&#39;s of dictionaries for table view controllers [is now completed] <p>You should do a screencast about remote json data into nsarray&#39;s of dictionaries for table view controllers</p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13298858 2013-02-01T05:35:08-08:00 2013-02-01T05:35:08-08:00 You should do a screencast about remote json data into nsarray&#39;s of dictionaries for table view controllers [updated] <p>You should do a screencast about remote json data into nsarray&#39;s of dictionaries for table view controllers</p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>This is mostly covered already with a few episodes, including the latest one on RestKit mapping</p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13294921 2013-01-31T14:17:32-08:00 2013-01-31T14:17:32-08:00 Touch and CGRectContains <p>Nick peachey suggested:<br />Detecting when a view has been dragged over another view and do something when this occurs, like a chess board or puzzle</p> Nick peachey tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13166941 2013-01-26T08:15:13-08:00 2013-01-26T08:15:13-08:00 How to Create a Reusable UI Component gerpg tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13070283 2013-01-20T08:16:15-08:00 2013-01-20T08:16:15-08:00 Give the source code that you use at the start of video recording. <p>gerpg suggested:<br />For me it is very useful to have the same code that you when you begin to explain the video, so as the video goes I can be writing code like a tutorial. Thank you very much and keep doing these fantastic screencasts.</p> gerpg tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/13034979 2013-01-16T01:40:22-08:00 2013-01-16T01:40:22-08:00 Make it possible to mark which episodes were already viewed by the user, so the user doesn&#39;t have to remember what he had already seen. [updated] <p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I second this request.</p></div></p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12957196 2013-01-07T16:58:35-08:00 2013-01-07T16:58:35-08:00 You should do a screencast about RestKit and CoreData. I would like to see how you authenticate a user and then to a webservice. <p>Brian Shin suggested:<br />I would like to see how you authenticate a user and then to a webservice.</p> Brian Shin tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12944370 2013-01-06T13:24:36-08:00 2013-01-06T13:24:36-08:00 Xcode tips and tricks would be great [updated] <p>Vincent said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p><a class="nsscreencast.com/episodes/37-xcode-tips-tricks" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">nsscreencast.com/episodes/37-xcode-tips-tricks</a></p></div></p> Vincent tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12944368 2013-01-06T13:23:55-08:00 2013-01-06T13:23:55-08:00 Alternate videos between for subscribed and for free <p>Lucas Moreira suggested:<br />This will be nice for new people that would like to see how the service works before subscribing.</p> Lucas Moreira tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12944351 2013-01-06T13:20:40-08:00 2013-01-06T13:20:40-08:00 Make it possible to mark which episodes were already viewed by the user, so the user doesn&#39;t have to remember what he had already seen. [updated] <p>Vincent said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Or you just can get the episodes in iTunes ;).</p></div></p> Vincent tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12944284 2013-01-06T13:04:56-08:00 2013-01-06T13:04:56-08:00 Grand Central Dispatch <p>Lucas Moreira suggested:<br />You should do a screencast about Grand Central Dispatch since it was introduced into iOS/OSX in August 2010. It&#39;s definitely a lot powerful and useful and a bit hard to understand so It would be amazing you get to us a screencast about that.</p> Lucas Moreira tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12940220 2013-01-05T18:18:34-08:00 2013-01-05T18:18:34-08:00 Animations (UIView, etc) [updated] <p>I&#39;d like to see some animation stuff. Possible Examples: - UIViews popping up after clicking some button - Overlays (like SVProgressHUD) - Custom Transitions (Storyboard Segues) and so on</p><p>Ben said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>It would be great to learn how to do the slide-up navigation in the Target app. <br /><a class="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/target/id297430070?mt=8" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/target/id297430070?mt=8</a> </p></div></p> Ben tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12940160 2013-01-05T18:01:52-08:00 2013-01-05T18:01:52-08:00 Ruby or Ruby on Rails for iOS Developers <p>Ben suggested:<br />Areas of Ruby/Rails or to focus on for iOS Devs who do not yet have Ruby experience.</p> Ben tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12925264 2013-01-03T15:50:27-08:00 2013-01-03T15:50:27-08:00 Include RubyMotion code alongside Objective-C code in the show notes <p>Stephen suggested:<br />Although I wouldn&#39;t expect you to have alternative videos - one using Objective-C and one using Ruby - I&#39;d love to see alternative show notes showing how one would implement the same functionality in a RubyMotion environment... with much shorter code snippets.</p> Stephen tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12888262 2012-12-28T16:14:46-08:00 2012-12-28T16:14:46-08:00 Newstand Kit <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Writing and creating newsstand applications for iOS</p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12833664 2012-12-20T15:19:59-08:00 2012-12-20T15:19:59-08:00 Make it possible to mark which episodes were already viewed by the user, so the user doesn&#39;t have to remember what he had already seen. Aleksander Balicki tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12791078 2012-12-15T08:40:36-08:00 2012-12-15T08:40:36-08:00 UICollectionView Basics [updated] <p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I would love to hear this talk done and how it contrasts with UITableView.</p></div></p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12728363 2012-12-08T06:08:36-08:00 2012-12-08T06:08:36-08:00 In App Purchases [is now completed] <p>Whilst the API for In App Purchases is well documented, setting it up is not so clear. I would appreciate a walk through of setting it up in itunesconnect and getting a basic demo working with custom server side code. </p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12728362 2012-12-08T06:08:36-08:00 2012-12-08T06:08:36-08:00 In App Purchases [updated] <p>Whilst the API for In App Purchases is well documented, setting it up is not so clear. I would appreciate a walk through of setting it up in itunesconnect and getting a basic demo working with custom server side code. </p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>An episode on In App Purchases was just released: <a class="nsscreencast.com/episodes/44-in-app-purchases" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">nsscreencast.com/episodes/44-in-app-purchases</a></p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12726726 2012-12-07T21:25:30-08:00 2012-12-07T21:25:30-08:00 CoreLocation [updated] <p>CoreLocation is kind of complicated. Please show us the way.</p><p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I would agree and most app have some sort of geolocation stuff so would be nice to have especially if u have database of addresses , how to find the nearest address from current location and use maps to show the route/driving directions without getting out of app. </p></div></p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12703291 2012-12-04T21:43:29-08:00 2012-12-04T21:43:29-08:00 AFHTTPClient as a method of querying a web API instead of AFHTTPRequestOperation <p>cellgfx suggested:<br />Using the example web API already used in the AFNetworking tutorials, it would be great to see a tutorial on how to use AFHTTPClient to query the API instead. </p> cellgfx tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12702874 2012-12-04T19:38:46-08:00 2012-12-04T19:38:46-08:00 Using the iOS Keychain API [updated] <p>Apple provides the Keychain Services API for managing user passwords that are stored inside an application. I&#39;m not 100% sure I understand how to integrate it into my app. I&#39;d love to see a simple example of the best way to utilize it.</p><p>Matthew said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Check out SSKeychain on github. If you grok C you can just read up on the security framework docs. It explains it all right there. </p></div></p> Matthew tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12696326 2012-12-04T05:19:22-08:00 2012-12-04T05:19:22-08:00 Cover CoreText and NSAttributedStrings <p>Paul suggested:<br />I&#39;d like to see something covering NSAttributedStrings and displaying them using Core Text to remain compatible with iOS 5. </p> Paul tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12675107 2012-12-01T06:08:47-08:00 2012-12-01T06:08:47-08:00 Provide an annual subscription option [is now completed] <p>I think $9/mo is fair for content posted weekly... but I&#39;m trying to minimize the slew of monthly subscription fees for various web-based products and services. The services themselves are worthwhile, but I&#39;d prefer an option to pay annually and then forget about it for 11-ish months. Then I can decide whether to renew. Even if you make it a &quot;pay annually, get a free month&quot; option at $99 - you&#39;d still make more than currently (over the course of a year) than with the &quot;1/2 off for 3 months&quot;, which is going to be a few dollars less. I would think it&#39;d be helpful for you also because there&#39;d be some predictability for those months that someone has pre-paid.</p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12675106 2012-12-01T06:08:46-08:00 2012-12-01T06:08:46-08:00 Provide an annual subscription option [updated] <p>I think $9/mo is fair for content posted weekly... but I&#39;m trying to minimize the slew of monthly subscription fees for various web-based products and services. The services themselves are worthwhile, but I&#39;d prefer an option to pay annually and then forget about it for 11-ish months. Then I can decide whether to renew. Even if you make it a &quot;pay annually, get a free month&quot; option at $99 - you&#39;d still make more than currently (over the course of a year) than with the &quot;1/2 off for 3 months&quot;, which is going to be a few dollars less. I would think it&#39;d be helpful for you also because there&#39;d be some predictability for those months that someone has pre-paid.</p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Annual subscriptions are now available. If you&#39;d like to sign up, head on over to <a class="https://www.nsscreencast.com/users/new" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">https://www.nsscreencast.com/users/new</a></p> <p>Thanks!</p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12594261 2012-11-20T08:52:51-08:00 2012-11-20T08:52:51-08:00 Heroku Mobile <p>Francisco Martins suggested:<br />We have introduction screencasts do AFNetowking. I suggest screencast about AFIncrementalStore and after that, how to use it on Heroku Mobile. mobile.heroku.com/</p> Francisco Martins tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12567820 2012-11-16T15:18:58-08:00 2012-11-16T15:18:58-08:00 Working with Instruments [updated] <p>I&#39;d like to see a podcast regarding: Memory footprint and performance optimization. TIA, Thomas</p><p>Paul said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>I think this is an excellent idea. Instruments looks to be an incredibly useful application, but I&#39;ve barely scratched the surface.</p></div></p> Paul tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12541145 2012-11-13T14:43:04-08:00 2012-11-13T14:43:04-08:00 Make more Rubymotion videos Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12539415 2012-11-13T11:19:12-08:00 2012-11-13T11:19:12-08:00 JSONKit <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Show a tutorial on using JSONKit to parse and post JSON data to a web service.</p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12536390 2012-11-13T04:25:09-08:00 2012-11-13T04:25:09-08:00 RestKit [updated] <p>would love to see an example app using RestKit</p><p>Francisco Martins said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>would be great.</p></div></p> Francisco Martins tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12506272 2012-11-08T10:49:34-08:00 2012-11-08T10:49:34-08:00 Episode sorting <p>Jeremy Hardin suggested:<br />Would love to be able to sort episodes in ascending or descending order. As I go through the episodes from 1..n, I don&#39;t want to have to scroll a lot.</p> Jeremy Hardin tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12504468 2012-11-08T07:36:48-08:00 2012-11-08T07:36:48-08:00 App Authentication with AFNetworking [is now completed] <p>There are a lot of tutorials available on AFNetworking, however I haven&#39;t been able to find one that shows how to authenticate users. I think that such an important element of an app would have more attention but it seems that is not the case. So I would def pay for a tutorial on best practices for how to do this with a Rails backend if possible please ;) </p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12504467 2012-11-08T07:36:48-08:00 2012-11-08T07:36:48-08:00 App Authentication with AFNetworking [updated] <p>There are a lot of tutorials available on AFNetworking, however I haven&#39;t been able to find one that shows how to authenticate users. I think that such an important element of an app would have more attention but it seems that is not the case. So I would def pay for a tutorial on best practices for how to do this with a Rails backend if possible please ;) </p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Episode 41 is now out! Authentication with AFNetworking: <a class="nsscreencast.com/episodes/41-authentication-with-afnetworking" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">nsscreencast.com/episodes/41-authentication-with-afnetworking</a></p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12475061 2012-11-04T06:54:29-08:00 2012-11-04T06:54:29-08:00 Can&#39;t access the full list of my private itunes feed [updated] <p>Hello, I just subscribed to NSScreencast and was hoping to download all the paid videos to my itunes for offline viewing. But I get only your latest video. Not the other episodes that should be available to me as a subscriber. Can you please help me?</p><p>Amit Erandole said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Ben,</p> <p>I had my default setting in itunes set to &#39;Download latest episode&#39;. I changed that and now things are working. Please close this ticket. </p></div></p> Amit Erandole tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12474969 2012-11-04T06:26:33-08:00 2012-11-04T06:26:33-08:00 Can&#39;t access the full list of my private itunes feed [updated] <p>Hello, I just subscribed to NSScreencast and was hoping to download all the paid videos to my itunes for offline viewing. But I get only your latest video. Not the other episodes that should be available to me as a subscriber. Can you please help me?</p><p>Ben Scheirman (admin) responded:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Are you using the link found on your My Account page?</p> <p>I just checked your private feed URL and it&#39;s working for me. iTunes sees all of the episodes and I can click to download them.</p> <p>If you&#39;d like to open a private support ticket, I can verify that you are using the correct URL.</p></div></p> Ben Scheirman tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12469515 2012-11-03T02:28:46-07:00 2012-11-03T02:28:46-07:00 Code Refactoring <p>Panitan Vutthisomboon suggested:<br />I would like a talk about code refactoring, I know that you use it via other cast. But if would be nice if it all collect together wit how to and some idea why we should do it.</p> Panitan Vutthisomboon tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12468659 2012-11-02T20:41:04-07:00 2012-11-02T20:41:04-07:00 Simperium or another syncing solution [updated] <p>Similar to what you did for Parse</p><p>Anonymous said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p><a class="www.firebase.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">www.firebase.com</a> is good too</p></div></p> Anonymous tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12464502 2012-11-02T09:02:12-07:00 2012-11-02T09:02:12-07:00 Using Core Foundation with ARC <p>Thomas suggested:<br />Please explain the principles and show some best practices when Core Foundation meets ARC.</p> Thomas tag:nsscreencast.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12463788 2012-11-02T07:37:07-07:00 2012-11-02T07:37:07-07:00 Working with Instruments <p>Thomas suggested:<br />I&#39;d like to see a podcast regarding: Memory footprint and performance optimization. TIA, Thomas</p> Thomas
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