About n+1

“The best goddamn literary magazine in America.”
—Mary Karr

“Just when you’re thinking you’re intellectually alone in the world, something like n+1 falls into your hands.”
—Jonathan Franzen

n+1 is rigorous, curious and provocative. Intelligent thought is not dead in New York. It has simply moved to Brooklyn.”
—Malcolm Gladwell

n+1 is a print magazine of politics, literature, and culture founded in 2004 and published three times yearly. Issue Fifteen, “Amnesty,” is now available by subscription.

The website is updated with new, usually web-only content several times each week.

We do not post most of the print magazine online and especially encourage web readers to subscribe. We rely on subscriptions for most of our financial support.

We also receive financial support from private donors, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.


We welcome letters, comments, and questions. Please send them to the editors.

Questions about orders and subscriptions may be sent to subscriptions. If you would like to stock the magazine or our small books, please write orders.


Writers interested in contributing to n+1 should note that we come out only three times each year, and that most of the slots available for a given issue will have been filled by the editors many months before publication.

That said, the best submissions guidelines are those implied by the magazine itself. Read an issue or two through to get a sense of whether your piece might fit into n+1. Then send a query or finished piece to the editors.

The website runs content that because of its timeliness or genre cannot appear in the print issue. The best guidelines in this case are our web archives. Queries and finished pieces again may be sent to the editors.

We do our best to respond to all submissions, but our resources are limited, and we are not always able to reply.


n+1 accepts interns at our New York office for the spring, summer, and fall. The internship is an intensive, three-day-a-week commitment and is expected to last six months (summer internships excepted). We are currently unable to pay interns but offer a transportation stipend.

The internship offers a wide-ranging introduction to the work of the magazine. Interns are involved in all aspects of n+1’s production and publication—research, fact-checking, proofreading, publicity, mailing, distribution, web administration, and bartending. Those with backgrounds in design and web administration are especially encouraged to apply.

To apply, please send the following application materials to the editors: a one-page cover letter explaining your interest in an internship at n+1, a résumé, and a one-page response to any piece in the most recent issue. Spring applications are due by December 1, summer applications by March 1, and fall applications by June 1.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.