

Heterogeneous Computing (incl. GPGPU)

Work with powerful debugging tools that let you fully optimize the performance of your CPU, GPU and APU.

CPU Development

These high-performance, energy-efficient tools help you create simpler, more portable and maintainable code.

Graphics Development

Maximize your GPU knowledge with these graphics development tools. Give your application access to amazing graphics capabilities.

Open Source

Long live open source! Read about some of the coolest open source tools that use heterogeneous computing technologies.

Archived Tools

Here lie old AMD software tools. They had a long and good life. We miss them, but can support them no more.

Heterogeneous computing is the future, and assuming most software developers can be made to recognize the benefits and program to take advantage of the new chips, I’m all for it. When additional CPU cores and smaller process nodes stop making the cut, heterogeneous computing is where the industry will look for performance gains.

-- Tim Verry


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