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New for the School of Health Science (Undergraduate - Bay Shore) : We are pleased to announce that Touro College has partnered with Akademos, the parent company of, to provide a new online bookstore and marketplace for the Touro community. understands how important it is for students to get the books they need, when they need them, and at affordable prices. Beginning this Spring 2011 term Akademos will be servicing the School of Health Science (Undergraduate - Bay Shore) .


Touro College attempts to make textbook information readily available to students so that students can be aware of their textbook needs on or about the time of registration. The information provided contains information on, among other things, the suggested textbooks and their International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Please be aware, however, that, in some cases, the textbook information may be listed, but such information may be incomplete, is subject to change, or additional textbooks are "To Be Determined." Touro College is not responsible for changes, modifications or substitutions of textbooks by faculty, because the academic freedom given to our instructors allows them to change the selection of college textbooks, supplemental materials, and other classroom materials. Thus, the timing of textbook purchase is left to the sole discretion of our students. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.