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BlogHer Recap Extravaganza

spacer Photo credit Tracy (Sellabit Mum)

Alternative title: Elmo is kind of a Perv, look at those googly eyes!

I’m back from the big blogging conference (a joy to explain what that is to people on the elevator)! I am siiiiiiick, emphasis on ick, but I persevere to write this recap for you. (And because ever since the placenta ate my brain my memory is not what it used to be.)

I am at a loss for words and at a (rare) time like this I would normally turn to my photos to rescue me and to convey all of the things that BlogHer was, but alas my camera broke.  (Yes, the irony of handing out business cards that say “photographer” on it and then NOT having a functioning camera is not lost on me.)

I learned so much and I have big plans to share more this week, but for now here are some tips and observations.

You don’t need your laptop- hilarious prank played on newbies. You don’t need a laptop at a social media conference, really? REALLY? Well what DO you need then, a clay tablet perhaps?

Swag- “Free” stuff that your airline will make you pour out in the security line or charge you hundreds of dollars to take home.

Expo Hall- magical place you sneak off to after lunch to eat just dipped Dove ice cream bars…not that I did this, just saying.

Afternoon Break- I took this waaay too literally and sprained my ankle, I am one confused underachiever.

Pedicabs- Biggest scam in the history of transportation. To the jerk that ripped me off, I want my money back and my dignity.

“I can’t wait to meet you at BlogHer!” - means absolutely nothing. If you want to see someone, make a plan, have their phone number and set up a time and place, otherwise you’re SOL.

Mean Bloggers- I suspect this is an urban myth, but I did hear from a friend that another friend came up to someone to introduce herself and that someone handed back their business card and wouldn’t take it because they had no idea who this person was. Ouch.

Did I learn a lot from sessions and (s)talking incredibly talented women after sessions? Absolutely!

Did I stay out way too late to hug friends and dance on stage? You bet.

Did I worry (needlessly) about how husband would handle all child rearing responsibilities while I flitted from session to session? Well duh. But I’m happy to report that there was only one meltdown that requried my presence (at the worst possible time, naturally.)

Did I miss my chance for fame and fortune? Alas I did. I slipped and fell in the lovely atrium area of the Mariott and was going to sue their behinds off but they made me sign one of those pesky waivers releasing them from legal responsibility and what not. However a plan is in the works for next year as New York seems like an accident waiting to happen (to me.)

Did I get overwhelmed and have moments of social anxiety and cry on the shoulders of sweet, caring people? Yeah I totally did that too and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

Was I jealous of people with brand meetings or sponsorships, of those honored to read on stage this year, those with better swag, those with better thighs or hair or what have you? No, no and no. In the words of a wise lady, if you are my friend then your joy is my joy. As for that last one, yeah I’m hard on myself about my appearance, and after this conference I might actually have the courage to write about it.

Was it everything I thought it would be and more? Well yes and no. There were people that surprised me in good ways and in bad, (I first wrote “in bed”, Freudian slip!) I reconnected with old friends, made new ones, was disappointed by others with whom I had clearly manufactured a relationship with in my mind and I felt both utterly content and totally incomplete from one moment to the next.

I hope to talk about the sessions later this week and share the nuggets of wisdom I may have gleaned, but for now I just want to give a shout out some of the folks that I met, that I had already met in some capacity. (Newbies will get a shout out later this week)

You were all so generous, way better than average, gracious, talented, inspirational, sillier than anticipated, giggle inducing, real (real awesome), hilarious, fun, the life of the party, poised, gorgeous, knowledgeable, eloquent, confident, nice, genuine, authentic, supportive, driven, warm, beautiful, lovely, friendly, smart, dancing queens, sassy, genius, creative, sweet, huggable, darling, happy, inspiring, evolved (hee hee) and more!

And of course my recap post would be incomplete without saying that I met my blogging idol, Kelle Hampton. I was a bumbling moron around her but she was nothing but sweet and gracious back to me.


And Aliza attacked Baby Nella and demanded to hug her and hold her, I tried to explain to Kelle that I visit her blog every day so my baby must think she knows her baby, but really Nella is going to have to get used to being the most recognizable sweet little face in the blogosphere! More to come later…


Tags: blogging about blogging

This entry was posted on Monday, August 8th, 2011 at 6:19 pm and is filed under Meta-Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

51 Responses to “BlogHer Recap Extravaganza”

  1. spacer Nichole says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    I love you. Beyond words.
    You are exactly who you portray yourself to be and so much more.
    Thank you for being my true friend…online and in real life.
    I count you amongst my life’s greatest blessings.

    • spacer Yuliya says:
      August 8, 2011 at 6:28 pm

      Why would you make me cry again after all the crying I did this weekend? Terrible person you.
      (Love you. So much.)

  2. spacer Dr. G says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    That made me feel like I was there. And you can manufacture a relationship with me – I promise to buy in. Come find me on Twitter. @AskDocG. I’m off to look for you now.

    Take care and feel better soon (doctor’s orders).

  3. spacer Cheryl @ Mommypants says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:33 pm

    I so loved meeting you. As Nichole says, you are everything I thought you’d be and so much more. You, my friend, are genuine. And gorgeous too.

    p.s. I won’t tell anyone about that crawling under the table incident at Red Pearl Kitchen. spacer


  4. spacer Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    I, for one, was absolutely heartbroken that your camera betrayed you.

    And don’t worry, beautiful – I was TOTALLY grateful about for the fork!!!

  5. spacer Erin I'm Gonna Kill Him says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:39 pm

    Yuliya -

    I loved meeting you; truly, ever minute was fun.

    And I’m so grateful to be included in this roundup…even if I think “deodorant failing” would be a better adjective for me.

  6. spacer gigi says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    Well done, Yuliya!!! It was delightful to meet you in person. You are a fun, warm, funny and genuine person and I’m glad to have crossed paths with you!

    And yes, those pedicabs are an absolute ripoff!! spacer

  7. spacer Morgan B. says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    I am so grateful for the little time we had together! Eliza is darling and you are even lovelier in person than you are on your blog. I can’t wait until next year! Hopefully we we won’t have our children there to distract us! xo

  8. spacer tracy says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    So thankful the pedicab boy did not kill us – living was the highlight of the trip, of course after getting so close to your gorgeous boobs.

  9. spacer Alexandra says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    That last picture? You had your blogging dream come true. Which is very cool.

    Happy I got the chance to sit next to you at Humor Forum.

    Glad you didn’t get hurt when you went flying.

    If you’re in NY next year, you’re right: if it’s not planned, it doesn’t happen. We have to say “meet you at breakfast”, or “meet you at the party at 11.”

    Because it just can’t happen. So much to do:not near enough hours.

    Glad you went, and met so many people, and that all went pretty well. Glad we had the chance to talk here and there and did run into each other.

    I searched for CiaoMom and never saw her.

    It just doesn’t happen.


    You looked gorgeous, especially in the ruffled number.

    I still think you have the best legs on the planet.

    You could write a post on your gams.

  10. spacer Tonya says:
    August 8, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    This was the perfect recap. Very heartfelt.


    Genuine… that’s one of the nicest compliments anyone could pay me. spacer

    I so enjoyed meeting you. You are beautiful inside and out!

    PLEASE keep me posted on the retreat. I’m in!!

  11. spacer angela says:
    August 8, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    I am soaking up all these recaps, and this one just moved me to tears. I think all of those people you felt so thrilled to meet were so lucky to meet you, too!

  12. spacer Sherri says:
    August 8, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    This? Awesome. And how you had the energy to do this today, being sick and all that, and make it so funny AND link up to so many lovelies???

    Well, you rock. So glad we went, and thank you so much for spending time with me and for the thigh grabs I got (Aliza’s, I mean).

  13. spacer Liz @ PeaceLoveGuac says:
    August 8, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Loved getting to hug you and hang out! That photo of you, Kelle and your girls is so fantastic! Beautiful ladies all around!

  14. spacer Jen says:
    August 8, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Blogher was more than I could every explain. I loved every single minute.

  15. spacer Dana says:
    August 8, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    I’m glad to hear you’re already talking about next year because I plan to go to NYC for BlogHer12. Thought I could swing a big trip out to the other coast this year but, in the end, I had to cancel. I’ll look forward to meeting you next year.

  16. spacer Jayme (The Random Blogette) says:
    August 8, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    I love that photo of you and Kelle! To meet your bloggy idol is awesome! I am really hoping that I can figure out a way to swing it to NYC next year.

  17. spacer Sandra says:
    August 8, 2011 at 8:36 pm

    Wasn’t there! So I loved this post. I want the details, but then again, I’m still wishing I had been a part of the excitement. Glad you met your fave blogger!

  18. spacer Natalie @ Mama Track says:
    August 8, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    This is such a great recap! I agree with it all. And I would add that I actually had one woman, who I used to follow on twitter, come up to me and hand me her card and leave. Before I could tell her anything about me or give her my card. Note that I said I used to follow her.

    But I thought most people were very friendly and great. And I had a wonderful time.

    So glad I got to meet you!

    BlogHer12 or bust!

  19. spacer Alison@Mama Wants This says:
    August 8, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Feel better soon!

    Gorgeous recap, and yay on meeting blogging idols!

  20. spacer Varda (SquashedMom) says:
    August 8, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    Ah, Yulia, see, for me, getting to hang out with you so much was also a highlight! Thank you so much for including me in the gang and I think *you* are completely huggable yourself, too! OK, I’m cross-eyed tired, but I gotta get MY wrap-up post up soon, right? OK, nose to grindstone now.And hugs. lots of cyber-hugs to you.

    And you WILL come to my city (NYC) next year and we WILL dance together (and no sprained ankles next time, please)

  21. spacer Elena says:
    August 8, 2011 at 9:48 pm

    Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! It was lovely to meet you and chat. You are truly fabulous and beautiful and funny–and I can’t wait to read when you are able to touch those touchy and hard topics like appearances. And seriously, if this is you sick, then you are even more amazing. xo

  22. spacer Elena says:
    August 8, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    Um…and really—you made me get all teary by calling me inspiring! Sending you healing hugs!

  23. spacer Elaine says:
    August 8, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    I love how Elmo is TOTALLY checking out your legs! ;-P

    I LOVED meeting and hanging out with you. And I MEAN that!!!! You’re amazing and such a ray of light. And your tips are great…

    And I had no idea Kelle Hampton was there! She’s amazing too. Wow. such a great shot of you two together with your babies. spacer

  24. spacer Rima says: