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Perl 5 version 16.2 documentation
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  • NAME
  • Part 1: The basics
    • Simple word matching
    • Using character classes
    • Matching this or that
    • Grouping things and hierarchical matching
    • Extracting matches
    • Backreferences
    • Relative backreferences
    • Named backreferences
    • Alternative capture group numbering
    • Position information
    • Non-capturing groupings
    • Matching repetitions
    • Possessive quantifiers
    • Building a regexp
    • Using regular expressions in Perl
  • Part 2: Power tools
    • More on characters, strings, and character classes
    • Compiling and saving regular expressions
    • Composing regular expressions at runtime
    • Embedding comments and modifiers in a regular expression
    • Looking ahead and looking behind
    • Using independent subexpressions to prevent backtracking
    • Conditional expressions
    • Defining named patterns
    • Recursive patterns
    • A bit of magic: executing Perl code in a regular expression
    • Backtracking control verbs
    • Pragmas and debugging
  • BUGS
    • Acknowledgments


perlretut - Perl regular expressions tutorial


This page provides a basic tutorial on understanding, creating and using regular expressions in Perl. It serves as a complement to the reference page on regular expressions perlre. Regular expressions are an integral part of the m//, s///, qr// and split operators and so this tutorial also overlaps with Regexp Quote-Like Operators in perlop and split.

Perl is widely renowned for excellence in text processing, and regular expressions are one of the big factors behind this fame. Perl regular expressions display an efficiency and flexibility unknown in most other computer languages. Mastering even the basics of regular expressions will allow you to manipulate text with surprising ease.

What is a regular expression? A regular expression is simply a string that describes a pattern. Patterns are in common use these days; examples are the patterns typed into a search engine to find web pages and the patterns used to list files in a directory, e.g., ls *.txt or dir *.*. In Perl, the patterns described by regular expressions are used to search strings, extract desired parts of strings, and to do search and replace operations.

Regular expressions have the undeserved reputation of being abstract and difficult to understand. Regular expressions are constructed using simple concepts like conditionals and loops and are no more difficult to understand than the corresponding if conditionals and while loops in the Perl language itself. In fact, the main challenge in learning regular expressions is just getting used to the terse notation used to express these concepts.

This tutorial flattens the learning curve by discussing regular expression concepts, along with their notation, one at a time and with many examples. The first part of the tutorial will progress from the simplest word searches to the basic regular expression concepts. If you master the first part, you will have all the tools needed to solve about 98% of your needs. The second part of the tutorial is for those comfortable with the basics and hungry for more power tools. It discusses the more advanced regular expression operators and introduces the latest cutting-edge innovations.

A note: to save time, 'regular expression' is often abbreviated as regexp or regex. Regexp is a more natural abbreviation than regex, but is harder to pronounce. The Perl pod documentation is evenly split on regexp vs regex; in Perl, there is more than one way to abbreviate it. We'll use regexp in this tutorial.

Part 1: The basics

Simple word matching

The simplest regexp is simply a word, or more generally, a string of characters. A regexp consisting of a word matches any string that contains that word:

  1. "Hello World" =~ /World/; # matches

What is this Perl statement all about? "Hello World" is a simple double-quoted string. World is the regular expression and the // enclosing /World/ tells Perl to search a string for a match. The operator =~ associates the string with the regexp match and produces a true value if the regexp matched, or false if the regexp did not match. In our case, World matches the second word in "Hello World" , so the expression is true. Expressions like this are useful in conditionals:

  1. if ("Hello World" =~ /World/) {
  2. print "It matches\n";
  3. }
  4. else {
  5. print "It doesn't match\n";
  6. }

There are useful variations on this theme. The sense of the match can be reversed by using the !~ operator:

  1. if ("Hello World" !~ /World/) {
  2. print "It doesn't match\n";
  3. }
  4. else {
  5. print "It matches\n";
  6. }

The literal string in the regexp can be replaced by a variable:

  1. $greeting = "World";
  2. if ("Hello World" =~ /$greeting/) {
  3. print "It matches\n";
  4. }
  5. else {
  6. print "It doesn't match\n";
  7. }

If you're matching against the special default variable $_ , the $_ =~ part can be omitted:

  1. $_ = "Hello World";
  2. if (/World/) {
  3. print "It matches\n";
  4. }
  5. else {
  6. print "It doesn't match\n";
  7. }

And finally, the // default delimiters for a match can be changed to arbitrary delimiters by putting an 'm' out front:

  1. "Hello World" =~ m!World!; # matches, delimited by '!'
  2. "Hello World" =~ m{World}; # matches, note the matching '{}'
  3. "/usr/bin/perl" =~ m"/perl"; # matches after '/usr/bin',
  4. # '/' becomes an ordinary char

/World/ , m!World!, and m{World} all represent the same thing. When, e.g., the quote (") is used as a delimiter, the forward slash '/' becomes an ordinary character and can be used in this regexp without trouble.

Let's consider how different regexps would match "Hello World" :

  1. "Hello World" =~ /world/; # doesn't match
  2. "Hello World" =~ /o W/; # matches
  3. "Hello World" =~ /oW/; # doesn't match
  4. "Hello World" =~ /World /; # doesn't match

The first regexp world doesn't match because regexps are case-sensitive. The second regexp matches because the substring 'o W' occurs in the string "Hello World" . The space character ' ' is treated like any other character in a regexp and is needed to match in this case. The lack of a space character is the reason the third regexp 'oW' doesn't match. The fourth regexp 'World ' doesn't match because there is a space at the end of the regexp, but not at the end of the string. The lesson here is that regexps must match a part of the string exactly in order for the statement to be true.

If a regexp matches in more than one place in the string, Perl will always match at the earliest possible point in the string:

  1. "Hello World" =~ /o/; # matches 'o' in 'Hello'
  2. "That hat is red" =~ /hat/; # matches 'hat' in 'That'

With respect to character matching, there are a few more points you need to know about. First of all, not all characters can be used 'as is' in a match. Some characters, called metacharacters, are reserved for use in regexp notation. The metacharacters are

  1. {}[]()^$.|*+?\

The significance of each of these will be explained in the rest of the tutorial, but for now, it is important only to know that a metacharacter can be matched by putting a backslash before it:

  1. "2+2=4" =~ /2+2/; # doesn't match, + is a metacharacter
  2. "2+2=4" =~ /2\+2/; # matches, \+ is treated like an ordinary +
  3. "The interval is [0,1)." =~ /[0,1)./ # is a syntax error!
  4. "The interval is [0,1)." =~ /\[0,1\)\./ # matches
  5. "#!/usr/bin/perl" =~ /#!\/usr\/bin\/perl/; # matches

In the last regexp, the forward slash '/' is also backslashed, because it is used to delimit the regexp. This can lead to LTS (leaning toothpick syndrome), however, and it is often more readable to change delimiters.

  1. "#!/usr/bin/perl" =~ m!#\!/usr/bin/perl!; # easier to read

The backslash character '\' is a metacharacter itself and needs to be backslashed:

  1. 'C:\WIN32' =~ /C:\\WIN/; # matches

In addition to the metacharacters, there are some ASCII characters which don't have printable character equivalents and are instead represented by escape sequences. Common examples are \t for a tab, \n for a newline, \r for a carriage return and \a for a bell (or alert). If your string is better thought of as a sequence of arbitrary bytes, the octal escape sequence, e.g., \033 , or hexadecimal escape sequence, e.g., \x1B may be a more natural representation for your bytes. Here are some examples of escapes:

  1. "1000\t2000" =~ m(0\t2) # matches
  2. "1000\n2000" =~ /0\n20/ # matches
  3. "1000\t2000" =~ /\000\t2/ # doesn't match, "0" ne "\000"
  4. "cat" =~ /\o{143}\x61\x74/ # matches in ASCII, but a weird way
  5. # to spell cat

If you've been around Perl a while, all this talk of escape sequences may seem familiar. Similar escape sequences are used in double-quoted strings and in fact the regexps in Perl are mostly treated as double-quoted strings. This means that variables can be used in regexps as well. Just like double-quoted strings, the values of the variables in the regexp will be substituted in before the regexp is evaluated for matching purposes. So we have:

  1. $foo = 'house';
  2. 'housecat' =~ /$foo/; # matches
  3. 'cathouse' =~ /cat$foo/; # matches
  4. 'housecat' =~ /${foo}cat/; # matches

So far, so good. With the knowledge above you can already perform searches with just about any literal string regexp you can dream up. Here is a very simple emulation of the Unix grep program:

  1. % cat > simple_grep
  2. #!/usr/bin/perl
  3. $regexp = shift;
  4. while (<>) {
  5. print if /$regexp/;
  6. }
  7. ^D
  8. % chmod +x simple_grep
  9. % simple_grep abba /usr/dict/words
  10. Babbage
  11. cabbage
  12. cabbages
  13. sabbath
  14. Sabbathize
  15. Sabbathizes
  16. sabbatical
  17. scabbard
  18. scabbards

This program is easy to understand. #!/usr/bin/perl is the standard way to invoke a perl program from the shell. $regexp = shift; saves the first command line argument as the regexp to be used, leaving the rest of the command line arguments to be treated as files. while (<>) loops over all the lines in all the files. For each line, print if /$regexp/; prints the line if the regexp matches the line. In this line, both print and /$regexp/ use the default variable $_ implicitly.

With all of the regexps above, if the regexp matched anywhere in the string, it was considered a match. Sometimes, however, we'd like to specify where in the string the regexp should try to match. To do this, we would use the anchor metacharacters ^ and $ . The anchor ^ means match at the beginning of the string and the anchor $ means match at the end of the string, or before a newline at the end of the string. Here is how they are used:

  1. "housekeeper" =~ /keeper/; # matches
  2. "housekeeper" =~ /^keeper/; # doesn't match
  3. "housekeeper" =~ /keeper$/; # matches
  4. "housekeeper\n" =~ /keeper$/; # matches

The second regexp doesn't match because ^ constrains keeper to match only at the beginning of the string, but "housekeeper" has keeper starting in the middle. The third regexp does match, since the $ constrains keeper to match only at the end of the string.

When both ^ and $ are used at the same time, the regexp has to match both the beginning and the end of the string, i.e., the regexp matches the whole string. Consider

  1. "keeper" =~ /^keep$/; # doesn't match
  2. "keeper" =~ /^keeper$/; # matches
  3. "" =~ /^$/; # ^$ matches an empty string

The first regexp doesn't match because the string has more to it than keep . Since the second regexp is exactly the string, it matches. Using both ^ and $ in a regexp forces the complete string to match, so it gives you complete control over which strings match and which don't. Suppose you are looking for a fellow named bert, off in a string by himself:

  1. "dogbert" =~ /bert/; # matches, but not what you want
  2. "dilbert" =~ /^bert/; # doesn't match, but ..
  3. "bertram" =~ /^bert/; # matches, so still not good enough
  4. "bertram" =~ /^bert$/; # doesn't match, good
  5. "dilbert" =~ /^bert$/; # doesn't match, good
  6. "bert" =~ /^bert$/; # matches, perfect

Of course, in the case of a literal string, one could just as easily use the string comparison $string eq 'bert' and it would be more efficient. The ^...$ regexp really becomes useful when we add in the more powerful regexp tools below.

Using character classes

Although one can already do quite a lot with the literal string regexps above, we've only scratched the surface of regular expression technology. In this and subsequent sections we will introduce regexp concepts (and associated metacharacter notations) that will allow a regexp to represent not just a single character sequence, but a whole class of them.

One such concept is that of a character class. A character class allows a set of possible characters, rather than just a single character, to match at a particular point in a regexp. Character classes are denoted by brackets [...] , with the set of characters to be possibly matched inside. Here are some examples:

  1. /cat/; # matches 'cat'
  2. /[bcr]at/; # matches 'bat, 'cat', or 'rat'
  3. /item[0123456789]/; # matches 'item0' or ... or 'item9'
  4. "abc" =~ /[cab]/; # matches 'a'

In the last statement, even though 'c' is the first character in the class, 'a' matches because the first character position in the string is the earliest point at which the regexp can match.

  1. /[yY][eE][sS]/; # match 'yes' in a case-insensitive way
  2. # 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', etc.

This regexp displays a common task: perform a case-insensitive match. Perl provides a way of avoiding all those brackets by simply appending an 'i' to the end of the match. Then /[yY][eE][sS]/; can be rewritten as /yes/i; . The 'i' stands for case-insensitive and is an example of a modifier of the matching operation. We will meet other modifiers later in the tutorial.

We saw in the section above that there were ordinary characters, which represented themselves, and special characters, which needed a backslash \ to represent themselves. The same is true in a character class, but the sets of ordinary and special characters inside a character class are different than those outside a character class. The special characters for a character class are -]\^$ (and the pattern delimiter, whatever it is). ] is special because it denotes the end of a character class. $ is special because it denotes a scalar variable. \ is special because it is used in escape sequences, just like above. Here is how the special characters ]$\ are handled:

  1. /[\]c]def/; # matches ']def' or 'cdef'
  2. $x = 'bcr';
  3. /[$x]at/; # matches 'bat', 'cat', or 'rat'
  4. /[\$x]at/; # matches '$at' or 'xat'
  5. /[\\$x]at/; # matches '\at', 'bat, 'cat', or 'rat'

The last two are a little tricky. In [\$x] , the backslash protects the dollar sign, so the character class has two members $ and x . In [\\$x] , the backslash is protected, so $x is treated as a variable and substituted in double quote fashion.

The special character '-' acts as a range operator within character classes, so that a contiguous set of characters can be written as a range. With ranges, the unwieldy [0123456789] and [] become the svelte [0-9] and [a-z] . Some examples are

  1. /item[0-9]/; # matches 'item0' or ... or 'item9'
  2. /[0-9bx-z]aa/; # matches '0aa', ..., '9aa',
  3. # 'baa', 'xaa', 'yaa', or 'zaa'
  4. /[0-9a-fA-F]/; # matches a hexadecimal digit
  5. /[0-9a-zA-Z_]/; # matches a "word" character,
  6. # like those in a Perl variable name

If '-' is the first or last character in a character class, it is treated as an ordinary character; [-ab] , [ab-] and [a\-b] are all equivalent.

The special character ^ in the first position of a character class denotes a negated character class, which matches any character but those in the brackets. Both [...] and [^...] must match a character, or the match fails. Then

  1. /[^a]at/; # doesn't match 'aat' or 'at', but matches
  2. # all other 'bat', 'cat, '0at', '%at', etc.
  3. /[^0-9]/; # matches a non-numeric character
  4. /[a^]at/; # matches 'aat' or '^at'; here '^' is ordinary

Now, even [0-9] can be a bother to write multiple times, so in the interest of saving keystrokes and making regexps more readable, Perl has several abbreviations for common character classes, as shown below. Since the introduction of Unicode, unless the //a modifier is in effect, these character classes match more than just a few characters in the ASCII range.

  • \d matches a digit, not just [0-9] but also digits from non-roman scripts

  • \s matches a whitespace character, the set [\ \t\r\n\f] and others

  • \w matches a word character (alphanumeric or _), not just [0-9a-zA-Z_] but also digits and characters from non-roman scripts

  • \D is a negated \d; it represents any other character than a digit, or [^\d]

  • \S is a negated \s; it represents any non-whitespace character [^\s]

  • \W is a negated \w; it represents any non-word character [^\w]

  • The period '.' matches any character but "\n" (unless the modifier //s is in effect, as explained below).

  • \N, like the period, matches any character but "\n", but it does so regardless of whether the modifier //s is in effect.

The //a modifier, available starting in Perl 5.14, is used to restrict the matches of \d, \s, and \w to just those in the ASCII range. It is useful to keep your program from being needlessly exposed to full Unicode (and its accompanying security considerations) when all you want is to process English-like text. (The "a" may be doubled, //aa , to provide even more restrictions, preventing case-insensitive matching of ASCII with non-ASCII characters; otherwise a Unicode "Kelvin Sign" would caselessly match a "k" or "K".)

The \d\s\w\D\S\W abbreviations can be used both inside and outside of character classes. Here are some in use:

  1. /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/; # matches a hh:mm:ss time format
  2. /[\d\s]/; # matches any digit or whitespace character
  3. /\w\W\w/; # matches a word char, followed by a
  4. # non-word char, followed by a word char
  5. /..rt/; # matches any two chars, followed by 'rt'
  6. /end\./; # matches 'end.'
  7. /end[.]/; # same thing, matches 'end.'

Because a period is a metacharacter, it needs to be escaped to match as an ordinary period. Because, for example, \d and \w are sets of characters, it is incorrect to think of [^\d\w] as [\D\W] ; in fact [^\d\w] is the same as [^\w], which is the same as [\W] . Think DeMorgan's laws.

An anchor useful in basic regexps is the word anchor \b . This matches a boundary between a word character and a non-word character \w\W or \W\w :

  1. $x = "Housecat catenates house and cat";
  2. $x =~ /cat/; # matches cat in 'housecat'
  3. $x =~ /\bcat/; # matches cat in 'catenates'
  4. $x =~ /cat\b/; # matches cat in 'housecat'
  5. $x =~ /\bcat\b/; # matches 'cat' at end of string

Note in the last example, the end of the string is considered a word boundary.

You might wonder why '.' matches everything but "\n" - why not every character? The reason is that often one is matching against lines and would like to ignore the newline characters. For instance, while the string "\n" represents one line, we would like to think of it as empty. Then

  1. "" =~ /^$/; # matches
  2. "\n" =~ /^$/; # matches, $ anchors before "\n"
  3. "" =~ /./; # doesn't match; it needs a char
  4. "" =~ /^.$/; # doesn't match; it needs a char
  5. "\n" =~ /^.$/; # doesn't match; it needs a char other than "\n"
  6. "a" =~ /^.$/; # matches
  7. "a\n" =~ /^.$/; # matches, $ anchors before "\n"

This behavior is convenient, because we usually want to ignore newlines when we count and match characters in a line. Sometimes, however, we w is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.