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Title: Caved in.
Posted: August 21, 2006 (01:44 PM)
So I decided to cave in and make one of these entries. I'm hoping to contribute more of my work to the site soon. And uhh.. that's it for now.
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Recent Contributions

Users with accounts on the HonestGamers site are able to contribute reviews and occasionally other types of content. Below, you'll find excerpts from as many as 20 of the most recent articles posted by peterl90. Be sure to leave some feedback if you find anything interesting!

spacer Type: Review
Game: Alvin and The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (DS)
Posted: February 14, 2010 (03:28 PM)
What The Squeakquel brings to the table is nothing new; we've all seen rhythm games in the past in the form of games such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero and even Dance Dance Revolution. Alvin's latest outing comes closest to the last of those three and consists of gameplay where the player must do nothing more than use the stylus to match on-screen arrows, but that's where the similarities between the two titles end.
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm (PlayStation 2)
Posted: August 21, 2007 (07:48 PM)
Most people today overlook the real beauty of what the 2D RPG is all about. Sure, there are lots of pretty looking RPGs these days like Star Ocean 3 or Final Fantasy X. But a 2D RPG has the beauty of the old days, when games didn't have to look pretty to catch an interest from someone. It gives you that feel of when you were playing games like Breath of Fire or Lufia II or maybe even Dragon View. Thankfully, Atelier Iris 3 still holds that charm of 2D RPGs, something that Atelier Iris 2 couldn't...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: TMNT (Game Boy Advance)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (04:07 PM)
I'm sure the majority of us adults will surely remember sitting in front of the TV, watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles way back in the 80's or 90's. Infact, I'm sure everyone one of us at least had one Turtles merchandise, whether it was a shirt, or action figure. Turtle mania was so huge back then, video games were released for the series. Though the first game was a flop, the second game is arguably the best Turtles game, as is the fourth one. Both of them played like an Arcade Beat 'Em...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Tales of Legendia (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (04:04 PM)
You know, I'm pretty sure that some of the people that trashed Tales of Legendia were completly spoiled by Tales of Symphonia. That's not to say Tales of Symphonia wasn't a good game, because it was, but because of it, Tales of Legendia seems to get the silent treatment from a lot of people. I've seen plenty of people say that Tales of Legendia sucks, and then they say they only played it for about two hours before giving up. And that's what just infuriates me right there. They don't play long e...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Super Puzzle Fighter II (Game Boy Advance)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (04:02 PM)
Anyone that knows me will tell you I'm not exactly the biggest puzzle guru out there. In fact, if I play anything that resembles puzzles or even a strategy type game, chances are that I'll suck at it. I can usually play the basic puzzle games like Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Bust-A-Move. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not always open to a new puzzle game. I had never heard of Super Puzzle Fighter II before, and when I stumbled across the game, I thought I'd go ahead and give it a shot. To my sur...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (04:00 PM)
By now, I'm sure the majority of gamers have heard of the two companies Squaresoft and Enix. Well, a few years ago, they formed into Square-Enix, which is widely known for its Final Fantasy franchise. Tri-Ace is also a popular company with gamers over the world. Star Ocean 3 was announced for the first time a long time ago, but the game was never released until 2003 in Japan, and 2004 in the United States. So with Tri-Ace making the game, and Square-Enix publishing the game, you'd think that wit...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Shadow Hearts From the New World (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:57 PM)
Shadow Hearts. A series that really isn't all that mainstream, such as the Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, or Kingdom Hearts series. Back in late 2001, Midway took a gamble, and took the game Shadow Hearts over to American Shores. Though it seemed enough copies were sold, the release date was around when Final Fantasy X was first released. Midway then took up the Shadow Hearts: Covenant project. After it was released, many fans of the series claimed it the best of the Shadow Hearts series, which is e...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:55 PM)
The Shadow Hearts series has been gaining ground in the world of video games lately, mainly with the latest addition of Shadow Hearts: From the New World. I remember I had never even heard of Shadow Hearts a few years ago, until a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of it. I recieved Shadow Hearts: Covenant as a Christmas gift from a friend in 2004, and not knowing what to expect, I played it. I was very glad I decided to try it, as Shadow Hearts: Covenant is easily one of the best RPGs f...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Shadow Hearts (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:50 PM)
I'm going to come out and say it. Shadow Hearts is easily my favorite RPG, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give it a 10 for everything. That would be close minded. I try to keep an open mind when playing a game and when reviewing it, meaning I try my best not to be biased at all. With that out of the way, I really do think it's a shame that Shadow Hearts was released around the same time as Final Fantasy X. That's most likely the main reason why this game was overlooked, and was only recently...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Koudelka (PlayStation)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:46 PM)
In a time where RPGs became mainstream due to the success of Final Fantasy VII, the Playstation was in its glory days. With the success of Final Fantasy VII came some other great RPGs for the Playstation. Breath of Fire III, Parasite Eve (though not really considered an RPG to some), Final Fantasy IX (yes, even a Final Fantasy game). However, in the shadows of these games lurked an epic gothic horror RPG released by Sacnoth, a company of ex-Square employees. Although it's not as popular or well ...
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Grandia III (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:40 PM)
I'll say it right now. Grandia III is my first game in the Grandia series, so I won't be comparing it to any other game in the series. However, the Grandia franchise is mostly known for its battle system, which is arguably one of the best there is out there in todays market. But a great battle system alone doesn't make a great RPG, and I think that Square Enix may have forgotten that.
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PlayStation 2)
Posted: June 09, 2007 (03:36 PM)
Let's face it. In today's gaming world, a lot of people have ripped on games that are on the 2D surface. Games like Atelier Iris 1 and 2 come to mind as good examples of this. However, just because a game has 2D Sprites doesn't mean it's going to be a bad game, and I wish people would accept that fact. Enter Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia.
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spacer Type: Review
Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PlayStation 2)
Posted: May 24, 2007 (11:42 PM)
The Shin Megami Tensei series isn't all that well known to the mainstream gamers of the United States or any other country outside of Japan. Infact, if you were to ask anyone to name one RPG franchise, the most likely response you would get would be "Final Fantasy". While no one can deny that the Final Fantasy series is one of the most popular RPG franchises, if not the most popular, the Shin Megami Tensei can hold its own in a conversation with Final Fantasy in it. To be honest, I had never eve...
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