
Promote Open Wireless Hotspots in Public Spaces

NYCwireless promotes open wireless hotspots in public spaces throughout the New York region. These public spaces include parks, coffee shops, and building lobbies. NYCwireless intends to work with public and other nonprofit organizations to bring broadband wireless Internet to under-served communities.

Provide a Forum for Wireless Networking

NYCwireless provides a forum for discussion and experimentation on emerging wireless technologies especially for those related to building wireless community networks. Through online discussion groups, workshops and meetings, NYCwireless provides information about wireless internet technology to individuals wishing to provide their own wireless access points as well as developers of wireless technology. The organization seeks to promote the development of wireless software applications based on the open source model. The organization also seeks to promote the research, development, and use of the next generation of mobile ad-hoc wireless mesh networks.

Advocate of Wireless Community Networking

NYCwireless serves as an advocacy group for wireless community networking. Through a community outreach program, communication with the press and participation in conferences, NYCwireless seeks to educate the general public and businesses about the benefits of wireless community networking. NYCwireless seeks to utilize existing wireless technologies and incorporate evolving wireless technologies as they become available.


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