Short Fiction

Category Archives: Short Fiction

My Obituary as Written by a Guy I Worked With a Few Years Ago and Kind of Knew

by Richard Light

A man struggles to properly eulogize an old acquaintance and fails.

Mr. Bromhidrosis

by Salvatore Difalco

Bromhidrosis: the secretion of foul-smelling sweat.
Mr. Bromhidrosis: A tale of failed expectations. Or is it expected failure?

You Don’t Bring a Knife to a Kidney Harvest

by Mike Reynolds

Monty Python once ate fried chicken at Buckingham Palace. That much is at least somewhat of a certainty. How they got there is not.

Birthday Gift

by A.A. Garrison

“What is it? It’s a bag, boy! No, you don’t open it. That’s what the chain and padlock are for.”

Unwanted Gifts

by Lorraine Sears

A Christmas story for the morning after, in which Santa Claus is blackmailed by a 10-year-old.