



SIGSOFT CAPS and Childcare at Conferences Program

Program to Support Conference Attendance

SIGSOFT is pleased to announce that the CAPS program now offers three distinct services to support conference attendance for SIGSOFT student members, SIGSOFT professional members, as well as non-member undergraduate students:


CAPS Funds to Support Graduate Students Travel

The SIGSOFT-CAPS program provides financial assistance to students to help defray costs of attending SIGSOFT-sponsored conferences and workshops.

Attendance at conferences and workshops to present papers and to interact with researchers and practitioners in software engineering is an important component of students' education and professional development. Moreover, students' presence at conferences and workshops enriches and broadens conference and workshop activities. Conferences and workshops are also a good way to introduce students to the services of SIGSOFT.

What can SIGSOFT CAPS funds pay for?

The funds can be used to assist with expenses incurred attending a conference or workshop that is sponsored or co-sponsored by SIGSOFT. The funds can only be used to pay for:

Please note that SIGSOFT CAPS funds have a limited budget and there are many qualified students. As a result, SIGSOFT CAPS can provide only partial support for attendance. The student's college or university, department, and/or research advisor is expected to also assist in paying the student's expenses.

The applicants must apply either for a Merit-based award, or a Need-based award. For each conference or workshop, funds are designated to both categories. Merit-based applicants generally can obtain necessary funds to attend the conference through their advisor/grants/department/etc, while Need-based applicants may not be able to attend the conference, without CAPS support.

Please note that it is important to provide an accurate estimation of the expenses and the available funds in various categories.

Common ways to reduce expenses are to buy airplane tickets early, to register for the conference early, and to share a room and/or seek out a cheaper hotel alternative than the conference hotel.

To be eligible to receive SIGSOFT CAPS funds, all the following must be true:

To apply for SIGSOFT CAPS funds, the student must submit the following:

  1. A resume, (should list the paper that is being presented at the conference/workshop)
  2. A completed application form including a budget.
  3. A brief note from the student's advisor or department chair supporting the application.

Initial funding of applications for a conference begins two months prior to the conference. Funding continues until the budget for that conference has been exhausted. Therefore, it is in your best interests to send in your application early, although there is no firm deadline for when applications must be received.

Initial funding of applications for a conference begins two months prior to the conference. Funding continues until the budget for that conference has been exhausted. Therefore, it is in your best interests to send in your application early, although there is no firm deadline for when applications must be received.

Please complete the online application form, and email the resume, and advisor's supporting note to SIGSOFT CAPS Coordinator.

CAPS Funds to Support Undergraduate Students Travel

SIGSOFT is pleased to provide funds to support undergraduate students to attend a SIGSOFT-sponsored event. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to experience attending a software engineering conference and become familiar with the state of research and practice in the discipline. The travel grants provide partial coverage of expenses related to registration and travel. It is expected that the students will obtain additional funds from other sources (such as the department, college, or other scholarships). Note that undergraduate students are not required to be an author or be presenting a paper at the conference. Furthermore, undergraduate students are not required to be SIGSOFT members. (To be eligible for reduced conference registration fees students are asked to become a SIGSOFT member for a small annual fee, after their CAPS award has been confirmed).

To be eligible to receive SIGSOFT CAPS funds, all the following must be true:

To apply for SIGSOFT CAPS funds, the student must submit the following:

  1. A resume
  2. A statement describing their interest in attending the specific event and how the CAPS travel support can help.
  3. A completed application form including a budget.
  4. A brief note from the student's academic advisor, the department chair, or a faculty supporting the application.

Initial funding of applications for a conference begins two months prior to the conference. Funding continues until the budget for that conference has been exhausted. Therefore, it is in your best interests to send in your application early, although there is no firm deadline for when applications must be received.

Please complete the online application form, and email the resume, statement, and advisor's supporting note to SIGSOFT CAPS Coordinator.

CAPS Funds for Childcare Support

Childcare Travel Support

SIGSOFT provides funds for a limited number of grants that support child care for both student and professional members that would like to participate in a SIGSOFT-sponsored event but are unable to do so without this support. SIGSOFT's financial assistance to defray the cost of a variety of child-care options: Due to limited availability of funds, there is a cap of $800 for Childcare Travel Support requests. For more information about this program or to apply for support, please send e-mail to the SIGSOFT CAPS Coordinator . Your email should include:

Initial funding of applications for a conference begins two months prior to the conference. Funding continues until the budget for that conference has been exhausted. Therefore, it is in your best interests to send in your application early, although there is no firm deadline for when applications must be received.

If you have any questions about this program please contact SIGSOFT CAPS Coordinator.

















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