You are here: start » overswarm » tutorial
Table of Contents
  • Step-by-step Install Tutorial
    • OMNet++ / Oversim
    • OverSwarm
    • OverSwarm Bundle

Step-by-step Install Tutorial

This tutorial will explain you, step-by-step how to experiment with OverSwarm and implement a swarm algorithm tutorial. It assumes you are using a Debian/Ubuntu Linux distribution.

OMNet++ / Oversim

Install the required dependencies:

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl \
tcl-dev tk-dev blt libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev openjdk-6-jre \
doxygen graphviz openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libpcap-dev libgmp3-dev

For RHEL/Centos/SL/Fedora the following should work:

yum install flex bison perl tcl-devel tk-devel blt libxml2-devel zlib-devel doxygen graphviz openmpi-devel libpcap-devel gmp-devel gcc java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel gcc-c++ make

Download OMNet++ 4.1 from to /tmp. We will install omnet under $HOME/sim

mkdir ~/sim
cd ~/sim
tar xzvf /tmp/omnetpp-4.1-src.tgz

Add the following in your $HOME/.bashrc :

export PATH=~/sim/omnetpp-4.1/bin:$PATH

Then run

source ~/.bashrc

Compile OMNet++

cd ~/sim/omnetpp-4.1

Download the patched INet from, uncompress and compile it:

cd ~/sim
tar xzvf /tmp/INET-OverSim-20101019.tgz
cd ~/sim/INET-OverSim-20101019

Download OverSim from, uncompress and compile it:

cd ~/sim
tar xzvf /tmp/OverSim-20101103.tgz
cd ~/sim/OverSim-20101103


Install the required packages:

sudo apt-get install git-core openjdk-6-jdk

Get the OverSim sources from Gitorious. Two packages are essential for running OverSwarm: the compiler and the library. The compiler repository is at the following address:


The compiler is written in Java. From the ~/sim directory, download the code with:

git clone git://

and compile all source files using javac.

cd ovswcompiler/src
for i in `find -name *.java`; do javac $i; done

The library (called OvSwLib) is at the following address:


and can be similarly downloaded with

cd ~/sim
git clone git://

Compile it with

cd ovswlib/oversim

Modify the OverSim Makefile (in ~/sim/OverSim-20101103) by adding the following line at the beginning:

OVSWDIR = <your home directory>/sim/ovswlib/oversim

Change ”<your home directory>” with the path to your home directory. Then modify the BUILD_OPTIONS line by adding the following directives:


Furthermore, in change the following line:

BUILD_OPTIONS += -- -lgmp -lovsw

Recompile OverSim from the ~/sim/OverSim-20101103 directory:

make makefiles

OverSwarm Bundle

Download and uncompress the overswarm-patch-20101103.diff.tar.gz into your OverSim install directory. Uncompress the tar.gz and apply patch:

cd ~/sim/OverSim-20101103
tar xvfz overswarm-patch-20101103.diff.tar.gz
patch -p1 < OverSwarm-Patch-20101103.diff
overswarm/tutorial.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/03 09:38 by attila
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