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My Name is Dave Winer

If you're in a hurry... spacer

 This page has been here for many many years. spacer

 I'm a software developer and web writer, and I run a news website, otherwise known as a weblog.

 My current products are Manila, Frontier and Radio UserLand. They run on most flavors of Windows and Macintosh (classic and OS X).

 In the 80s I did a series of products known as outliners. They influenced the design of many products that came out after it.

 I live in California. My email address is

 I am the founder and CEO of UserLand Software.

 I am the author or co-author the following specs: XML-RPC, SOAP, RSS and OPML.

 I've never taken a patent for my work. It's against my values. Ideas should build on each other. So many horrible patents have been issued in the last few years. You can't take it with you.

 I am both a commercial developer and an open source developer.

 My life as a software developer, part one. (Thru 1988.)

 My life as a software developer, part two. (Thru late 1997.)


If you came here from spacer

 The new home page for 24 Hours of Democracy is here on

 America OnlIne is bundling our IdleTime INIT with their new Mac chat program. A technical description of IdleTime is here. AOL's software uses the INIT to tell how long it's been since you moved or clicked the mouse, or pressed a key on the keyboard, or inserted a disk.

 Now I will taunt you!

My Name is Dave Winer spacer


 My name is Dave Winer. Yes! That's what I look like. Yah. OK.

 I really talk that way! I do. Uh hhhhuh.

 The picture was taken in the summer of 1995.

Hey -- I'm the sysop of this server.  spacer

 If you have a question relating to Frontier or any of my other software, please send mail to one of the Frontier mailing lists. I usually don't have time to answer questions one-to-one. Sorry! But I have a life. Or something like that. Still digging!

 That said, since I sometimes get flame-mail from strangers, if you are feeling respectful right now and you have something important to say, you may send me email at Cooool.

 Want to see a more recent picture? Glad you asked!


 That picture was taken by Steven Noreyko at Macworld Expo in San Francisco in January 1996. I think it's a great picture. Thanks Steven! We sang "Give Peace a Chance" that day. And I sang a little Aretha. Some people told me afterwards that it would be a good idea to stick with software. I thought I sang pretty well, actually.


 Dave Winer

 PS: If you want to point to me as a person, please point to this page.


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