tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:/forums/75329 CityCamp Colorado 2012 on UserVoice 2012-10-18T05:11:37+02:00 tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12354310 2012-10-18T05:11:37+02:00 2012-10-18T05:11:37+02:00 Best Practices in opensource deployments in other cities around the world. Real live case studies <p>sharmila Wijeyakumar suggested:<br />I can present case studies of best practice used in cities in the UK, Italy, spain etc for value gained from opensource deployements by citizens &amp; cities.</p> sharmila Wijeyakumar tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12326843 2012-10-15T05:34:47+02:00 2012-10-15T05:34:47+02:00 Create a platform (both spatial &amp; digital) that enables government and NGO organizations to collaborate with creatives &amp; researchers. <p>Julia Pellicciaro suggested:<br />City officials and NGO employees are continually making decisions regarding the allocation of city and community resources. How can these decision-makers best assess what and where to allocate in an effective manner? A platform enabling decision-makers, community researchers, and designers to regularly collaborate could channel pertinent community knowledge as well as human-centered design expertise on how to best address both citywide and community issues.</p> Julia Pellicciaro tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12267332 2012-10-06T00:50:30+02:00 2012-10-06T00:50:30+02:00 Brainstorm how we can leverage the cities.data.gov initiative and tie it in with opencolorado.org <p>Leslie Labrecque suggested:<br />The federal data.gov initiative recently announced a local open government initiative called cities.data.gov. How can we leverage the technology they are using and create a cohesive data set with opencolorado.org?</p> Leslie Labrecque tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12088065 2012-09-13T21:15:26+02:00 2012-09-13T21:15:26+02:00 Should cities create a petition system for citizens to raise issues <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />For example, the White House created the We the People petition site: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/</p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12088039 2012-09-13T21:13:09+02:00 2012-09-13T21:13:09+02:00 Should Denver (or other cities) develop a city council e-comment system <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Online commenting would give people who are unable to attend meetings in-person to have a voice in their city government.</p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12087973 2012-09-13T21:05:14+02:00 2012-09-13T21:05:14+02:00 Add the Colorado Information Marketplace to OpenColorado <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />The Colorado Information Marketplace has the potential for opening a wealth of state government information. The marketplace and OpenColorado have the ability to share data with each other. Centralizing state and city data under one catalog could be an extremely valuable resource.</p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12087918 2012-09-13T20:58:10+02:00 2012-09-13T20:58:10+02:00 Hold a data session for posting data sets / building the OpenColorado data catalog Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12082983 2012-09-13T07:43:59+02:00 2012-09-13T07:43:59+02:00 Hold technology training sessions <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />Hold a how-to session on using a specific technologies, such as: Wikis Twitter Facebook WordPress Google Drive</p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12082967 2012-09-13T07:38:32+02:00 2012-09-13T07:38:32+02:00 Create an open government evaluation template/form/process and review Denver&#39;s open government progress <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />A couple examples: OpenGov Indicators: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/opengovmetrics/dCz7dq9UHYw From the Local Open Government Directive: The evaluation will indicate if the city has not satisfied, partially satisfied, or fully satisfied the following criteria: (1) Experts and other stakeholders were consulted when creating the Open Government Plan; (2) The public was involved in developing the Open Government Plan; (3) The Open Government Plan includes all of the elements required in the Open Government Directive; (4) The city has established processes and a timeline for publishing information and data sets online; (5) The city has established processes and a timeline for making underlying, raw data available online; (6) The city has effectively promoted its open government efforts to the public; (7) The city has effectively promoted its open government efforts to private sector stakeholders; (8) The city has established efficient public feedback mechanisms; (9) The city has reviewed, responded to, and incorporated public feedback; and (10) The city has established processes to revise its Open Government Plan to reflect changing public needs and new technologies. As an alternative to the evaluation standards described, a 5-star rating system could be established to evaluate the city’s progress: 1-star: Make your stuff available on the web (whatever format) 2-stars: Make it available as structured data (e.g. excel instead of image scan of a table) 3-stars: Non-proprietary format (e.g. csv instead of excel) 4-stars: Use URLs to identify things, so that people can point at your stuff 5-stars: Link your data to other people’s data to provide context White House Open Gov Plan Evaluation: www.whitehouse.gov/open/documents/evaluation EPA Example: www.epa.gov/open/evaluate.html White House summary: www.whitehouse.gov/open/around</p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/12082822 2012-09-13T07:03:22+02:00 2012-09-13T07:03:22+02:00 Launch a competition at CityCamp Colorado for the best idea &amp; team to solve a community need. <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />CityCamp is an opportunity to connect needs and issues with solutions. Government, nonprofit, and other community leaders will be able to connect with policy, public affairs, and technology experts who can brainstorm ideas, find resources, and innovate. For example, see CityCamp Raleigh: opensource.com/government/12/6/what-open-source-can-teach-government-officials </p> Anonymous tag:citycampcolorado.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10099182 2011-10-25T15:38:30+02:00 2011-10-25T15:38:30+02:00 Launch a data catalog using OpenColorado.org [updated] <p>Open source web front ends are now available for opencolorado.org (PHP &amp; .NET - goo.gl/jzRza). Learn how your organization can quickly get online with an open data catalog that integrates with OpenColorado.org.</p><p>Allan Glen said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>A live demo of the .NET front end is available at <a class="goo.gl/3LC32" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">goo.gl/3LC32</a></p> <p>To see the PHP front end in action visit <a class="arvada.org/opendata" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">arvada.org/opendata</a></p></div></p> Allan Glen
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