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Working from both sides of the brain

AT delivers balanced-brain marketing: an unusual, un-agency blend of creativity for award-winning execution with business acumen that comes from experience in marketing business-as-a-product.

Why it’s important to market with your whole brain:

  1. A brand is not an ancillary function of your enterprise. Branding, marketing, and communications need to be dovetailed seamlessly with your operational imperatives and resource realities. It takes someone with business knowledge to truly understand (or help create) your strategic plan.
  2. Culture eats strategy for lunch. Anyone who has lead divisions, teams, or simply worked in an organization knows that superbly crafted strategies cannot be enacted if they aren’t in sync with the organization. The business of branding is about inspiring shared visions. And inspiring shared visions must be executed within the context of an enterprise’s culture.
  3. You have a plan. Now what? Leading teams to execute marketing and communications requires leadership and management experience. Experience to identity the right talent for the right job, and to translate your business objectives into execution. Leadership, in other words, to galvanize teams for exceptional performance.


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