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READ the “Burner” Interview with journalist, Adam Bernard.

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If you answer the question correctly, your name goes into a hat for a drawing that will take place the day after Christmas. That’s the HOLY SHII!! Giveaway.


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Read: M.C. Mars’ “Burner” interview with journalist, Adam Bernard

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On December 11th, RAPREVIEWS.COM, an online Hip-Hop magazine, published Adam Bernard’s ( interview with M.C. Mars, in which they discussed Mars’ new novel called “Burner.



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The T-Shirt as a Novel

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At a time when some people argue that the Gutenberg Universe is dead, and books are quickly becoming obsolete, and is desperately trying to sell us on the practicality of the Kindle— the time has come for a novel in the form of a T-shirt. Although I lay claim to this concept—this particular fusion of fashion and literature— I would expect you to be skeptical at this point.

The great Italian novelist, Italo Calvino, wrote an essay[1] on concise literature, in which he said: “I dream of immense cosmologies, sagas and epics all reduced to the dimensions of an epigram”.

When I first read this statement I was on the Elliptical machine at the gym, moving my make-believe skis in a counter-clockwise groove, and BAM, I stopped dead in my tracks. I walked over to the nearest mirror, put Calvino’s book up to my chest[2] and tried to imagine draining all of the text into a singularly potent phrase, a phrase that would capture the entire book and distil it to its essence.

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This entry was posted in Writing on by MC Mars.

Trailer for “Burner”

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Burner blends together hip-hop, quantum physics, and the stigmatized knowledge of Illuminati conspiracy theories, in a gritty tale that addresses the societal questions of “Who’s in control?” and “Are we as powerless as we’ve been made to feel?” 

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This entry was posted in Burner, Writing on by MC Mars.