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Tin Can Bookmarklet


Note: This is the latest version of the bookmarklet that works with Tin Can API version .95. You can find the older .90 version here.

The Tin Can API lets you record self-directed learning experiences, such as reading a web page.

The Tin Can Bookmarklet is a simple tool that shows a little bit of that power. A bookmarklet is a simple application that runs inside of a standard internet browser bookmark. The Tin Can API bookmarklet lets you record any webpage that you “experience” to an LRS.

Here are the steps to get going:

  1. Use the generator below to generate your own personal bookmarklet (it will just look like a link), then add the bookmarklet to your browser’s bookmarks (or bookmark toolbar). The easiset way to do this is to just drag the link to your bookmarks bar.
  2. After the bookmarklet has been added to your browser’s bookmarks, go to a web page, any web page, and click the bookmarklet from your bookmarks menu or toolbar.
  3. A Tin Can statement will be sent to the public LRS (or the LRS of your choice, should you enter a different endpoint and credentials from the default) that you have “experienced” that URL.
  4. Visit the public LRS (or the viewer for whichever LRS you chose) and see the statements that have been generated.

To generate your bookmarklet, just enter an email address, the LRS endpoint where you’d like to send your statements, and the LRS credentials. By default, the LRS info in the bookmarklet is set to send statements to our public LRS.

If you’d like to use the bookmarklet to send statements to your own SCORM Cloud LRS, you can get your endpoint and credentials by following the directions on the Building With SCORM Cloud + The Tin Can API page.

Note: when sending statements to the public LRS, remember that everyone will be able to see the email address that you choose, as well as the web sites that you generate statements for. Don’t do anything embarrassing!


Problems installing the bookmarklet? Watch this…


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