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Research Article
Generalized Theorems for Nonlinear State Space Reconstruction
  • Ethan R. Deyle,

    Affiliation: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States of America

  • George Sugihara mail

    * E-mail:

    Affiliation: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States of America

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Takens' theorem (1981) shows how lagged variables of a single time series can be used as proxy variables to reconstruct an attractor for an underlying dynamic process. State space reconstruction (SSR) from single time series has been a powerful approach for the analysis of the complex, non-linear systems that appear ubiquitous in the natural and human world. The main shortcoming of these methods is the phenomenological nature of attractor reconstructions. Moreover, applied studies show that these single time series reconstructions can often be improved ad hoc by including multiple dynamically coupled time series in the reconstructions, to provide a more mechanistic model. Here we provide three analytical proofs that add to the growing literature to generalize Takens' work and that demonstrate how multiple time series can be used in attractor reconstructions. These expanded results (Takens' theorem is a special case) apply to a wide variety of natural systems having parallel time series observations for variables believed to be related to the same dynamic manifold. The potential information leverage provided by multiple embeddings created from different combinations of variables (and their lags) can pave the way for new applied techniques to exploit the time-limited, but parallel observations of natural systems, such as coupled ecological systems, geophysical systems, and financial systems. This paper aims to justify and help open this potential growth area for SSR applications in the natural sciences.

Citation: Deyle ER, Sugihara G (2011) Generalized Theorems for Nonlinear State Space Reconstruction. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018295

Editor: Matej Oresic, Governmental Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Received: December 1, 2010; Accepted: February 24, 2011; Published: March 31, 2011

Copyright: © 2011 Deyle, Sugihara. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: This work was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) DEB1020372, NSF-NOAA CAMEO program (a partnership between the NSF and NOAA) NA08OAR4320894/CAMEO, EPA-STAR Fellowship, Sugihara Family Trust, Deutsche Bank-Jameson Complexity Studies Fund, and the McQuown Chair in Natural Sciences, University of California San Diego. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


A growing realization in many natural sciences is that simple idealized notions of linearly decomposable, fixed equilibrium systems often do not accord with reality. Rather, empirical measurements on ecosystems, metabolic systems, financial networks, and the like suggest a more complex, but potentially more information-rich paradigm at work [1]–[14]. Despite a long history of linear methods development in the engineering sciences, natural systems are generally not well described as sums of independent frequencies that can be sensibly decomposed, analyzed as non-interacting, and reassembled (e.g. Fourier or spectral analysis) in the style of traditional reductionism [15], [16]. Rather, quantitative measurements show many systems to be fundamentally non-equilibrium and unstable, in a manner more consistent with nonlinear (state dependent) dynamics occurring on a strange attractor manifold spacer , where relationships between state variables cannot be studied independently of the overall system state [17]–[27]. This emergent comprehensive view may help explain why many natural systems, such a those mentioned above, appear so difficult to understand and predict. Mirage correlations are commonplace in nonlinear systems where the manifold may contain trajectories that can temporarily exhibit positive correlations between variables for surprisingly long time periods (and in some regions of the state space) and can subsequently and rapidly exhibit negative correlations or no relationship in other time periods (and other regions of spacer ). This transient property of apparent non-stationarity in correlations is one of the confounding phenomena faced by traditional linear models that require continual refitting and exhibit little or no predictive power.

In this paper, we present two general theorems that addresses the problem of characterizing the coupled dynamics of nonlinear systems using time series observations on a manifold spacer . A special case of this theorem, attributed originally to Takens [12], provided the first sketch of a mathematical proof for reconstructing a diffeomorphic shadow manifold spacer using lags of a single time series as coordinate axes. The basic idea, that was earlier demonstrated by Packard, Crutchfield, Farmer, and Shaw [28] and Crutchfield [2], is that under generic conditions, a shadow manifold spacer can be created using time-lagged observations of spacer based on a single observation function (Cartesian coordinate variable) that is a smooth and smoothly invertible spacer mapping with spacer . Subsequently, Sauer, Yorke, and Casdagli [29] provided a definitive proof and an explicit extension of Takens' theorem to fractal sets; their theorems are also more powerful than the original theorem, as they show embeddings are not just generic in the sense of being open and dense in the set of all mappings, but in fact almost every mapping in the sense of prevalence [30] is an embedding (see [30] for an in-depth explanation of the advantages of “prevalence” over “generic”). The theorem was also extended by Stark, Broomhead, Davies, and Huke [31], [32] and Stark [33] to include certain classes of stochastic systems. Practical methods for reconstruction have also been explored, particularly to address the presence of noise in real data (e.g. [29], [34]). Casdagli et al. [35] give a thorough treatment of such techniques based on transformations of univariate maps, showing how optimal noise reduction can be achieved. These very important prior results all focused on reconstruction from a single time series; however, as proven below, they can be extended to the more practically significant case where multiple observation functions are used to generate spacer .

Here we prove the more general case of multivariate embeddings (embeddings using multiple time series and lags thereof), and show how time series information can be leveraged if multiple time series and their lags are used to construct embeddings of spacer . These theorems pave the way for more extensive use of state space reconstruction methods in practical applications where long time series may not be available, so that multiple diffeomorphic embeddings may be created in factorial fashion to more fully exploit the coupled non-redundant information that can be extracted from multiple time series (multiple observation functions of dynamics on a manifold) to create predictive shadow manifolds [36]. The use of multiple time series allows the possibility of noise reduction that exceeds the limitations of univariate reconstructions in the presence of noise [35].

The possibility of extending Takens' theorem to allow lags of multiple observation functions was mentioned in Remark 2.9 from [29], but was not explicitly proven. The remark was also restricted to mappings strictly formed from consecutive lags, which is not the only possibility that needs to be considered in the multivariate case. Given the potential importance of multivariate reconstructions, we believe a full proof is required—in particular, one that extends the generalization to non-consecutive lags. We show how Takens' theorem is a special case of our more general Theorem 2 (below) and by following the structure of Takens' original proof we clarify the logic and highlight the restrictions and special cases (non-generic cases) that can arise in its application to real world systems. We then give explicit proof of a stronger version of Remark 2.9 from Sauer et al. [29] that allows non-consecutive lags. This third theorem is stronger than the first two in the sense that it shows embeddings are prevalent and not just generic. For those less familiar, we begin with a brief overview of some basic terms and concepts used in our proofs.

Some Basic Concepts of Embedding Theory

Consider the classic Lorenz attractor [37] shown in Figure 1(a), consisting of trajectories in three-dimensional space that together define a butterfly shaped surface or manifold. For simplicity, a manifold can be thought of as a generalized, n-dimensional surface embedded in some higher dimensional space, where the dimension of the manifold may be fractal (as is the case for the Lorenz attractor). More generally, an embedding is a multivariate transformation of a manifold that resolves all trajectories on the original manifold without crossings. That is, an embedding is globally spacer in that it resolves all singularities in trajectories that define the manifold (singularities are points on the manifold where trajectories cross so that future paths are not uniquely determined).

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Figure 1. Lorenz attractor with three shadow manifolds.

The Lorenz attractor [37] is shown with three shadow manifolds created from lag-coordinate transformations. The typical parameters were used: spacer , spacer , and spacer , giving the three coupled equations as spacer , spacer , and spacer . The solution was computed using a fourth order Runge-Kutta method with a time step of spacer , and the time lag used to create the shadow manifolds was spacer . (A) The trajectory shown in the spacer , spacer , and spacer coordinates of the original system reveals a two-lobed manifold. (B) A univariate transformation using time lags of the spacer -coordinate, spacer , preserves this two-lobed structure (and other topological properties), verifying Takens' theorem. (C) A univariate transformation using time lags of the spacer -coordinate, spacer , does not preserve the two-lobed structure. Local neighborhoods of the original attractor are, however, preserved. Thus, though this mapping violates a genericity assumption of the original theorem and is not an embedding, it is an immersion of the original manifold. (D) A multivariate transformation using both the spacer - and spacer -coordinates, spacer , fulfills the assumptions of Theorems 2 and 7. As predicted, it also preserves the two-lobed structure of the Lorenz and is a valid embedding.


An immersion is a local embedding that may not preserve the global topology of a manifold. Rather an immersion preserves the topology of every local neighborhood of the original manifold, so that each point of the tangent space of the immersed manifold has the same dimensionality as the true manifold. Thus, an immersion is a mapping that is spacer between any given “piece” of the true manifold and the immersed manifold. However, this condition does not guarantee that the global topology is preserved. This is illustrated in Figure 1(c), where two different pieces of the original manifold are mapped to the same piece of the immersed manifold, producing an immersion that is not an embedding. Immersions are nonetheless a useful conceptual stepping stone for constructing proofs about embeddings, since all embeddings are necessarily immersions.

The Lorenz attractor, Figure 1(a), provides an excellent example to illustrate both of these concepts. Consider two different multivariate functions that transform the original manifold, spacer and spacer where spacer is a small time lag as in Takens' theorem. Both of these functions map points on the true manifold to points on a shadow manifold, shown in Figures 1(b) and 1(c). Examining these shadow manifolds, it is evident that both are immersions of the Lorenz attractor, because zooming in on a particular piece of either will reveal that the tangent spaces have the same dimensionality as the original. However, only Figure 1(b) is an embedding that successfully reproduces the two lobes of the butterfly. The reconstruction in Figure 1(c), based on lags of the spacer -coordinate, fails to do so, because the two fixed points of the original attractor have the same spacer -coordinate; they are mapped to the same point on the shadow manifold, so the two lobes are stacked on top of each other. This singularity is a consequence of a special, non-generic symmetry in the Lorenz system that violates an assumption of Takens' theorem. Figure 1(d) shows an embedding based on lags of both spacer - and spacer -coordinates and is an example of the generalized mappings addressed in this paper.


Two Theorems in the Style of Takens: The Generic Case

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