2013 Southeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at UCF


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The Southeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (SCUWP) is a three-day conference for undergraduate physics majors in the southeastern United States. The 2013 conference was held from the evening of Friday January 18th to the afternoon of Sunday January 20th.

SCUWP's goal is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas. Our program includes research talks by faculty, panel discussions about graduate school and careers in physics, presentations and discussions about women in physics, laboratory tours, student research talks, a student poster session, and several meals during which presenters and students interact with each other.

The 2013 conference included:


Eight simultaneous Science Cafes!


Career Panel in session.


Talk by Ellen Williams.


Graduate school workshop.


Poster session and Graduate school and industry fair.


Conference organizers!


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