It might be simplest to say we're looking for literary fiction and creative nonfiction. Though definitions of this tend to vary, we are not looking for anything genre-heavy, as in sci-fi, romance, mystery. The typical MFA story––where developed character A undergoes conflict B and eventually reaches resolution C, perhaps with a nice objective correlative of boughs swaying in the cold breeze to close––is not going to be dismissed outright, but is at a slight disadvantage unless it grabs us from the first paragraph. We like to be both challenged and entertained. We are not above humor and satire. We realize this sounds vague and maybe even a bit dickish, and that if we keep rambling we’ll eventually contradict ourselves, so… please send us your best work.

Simultaneous Submissions are okay with us. Just let us know in your cover letter and be sure to withdraw your submissoin ASAP should it be accepted elsewhere.

View Your Submissions

Burrow Press Review (online)

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Send one piece of fiction or one essay, or 3 pieces of flash fiction, at a time. No poetry, please. Must be previously unpublished. Accepted submissions will appear in the "Features" section of the BPR.

Include a 3rd-person bio.

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Make sure to withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere.

Word limit is 5,000 max. That said, stories ranging from 500 to 2,000 words have a better shot at acceptance.

Fiction should be more or less literary. No genre fiction, please. We're open to all types of essays–from memoir to lyric essay to craft essays to literary journalism–covering all types of cultural and pop-cultural topics.

Every submissions gets a fair shot and thorough read, so please give us a month to reply to your submissions.

If your submission comes with art or photos (that you have permission to use) you can upload 2 more files (JPG, GIF or PNG). If you have more than that to include, mention it in the cover letter.

RIGHTS: Burrow Press Review has First Serial Rights to publish on the BPR & Electronic Archival Rights. Rights revert back to you upon publication. If your submission is reprinted elsewhere, please give us props.

By submitting to BP Review, you agree to the above terms & conditions.

Also, we've added the email provided to our monthly e-update. We think you'll enjoy it quite a bit, but if not, it's easy to opt-out.


Photos & Art

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Burrow Press Review uses photos and art to accompany its weekly features (fiction, nonfiction and essays).

If you'd like to be added to Burrow's roster of artists and photographers, submit 3-5 samples in JPG, GIF or PNG (no need to use hi-res versions). If we feel your style fits, we'll send you an "acceptance" response.

Once accepted, you'll hear from us every month or two about submitting photos / art to highlight one our features.

We don't hold onto any rights for your work.

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