About the Headers

When I set up The Liturgical Day, I decided to use a randomly changing set of images as the headers for the pages on the site. If you refresh a page, odds are that you’ll get a different image.

I tried to pick what struck me as beautiful, liturgy-related images, some of which would be familiar and some of which would be a little less familiar.

Because of the less familiar ones, I thought I would put together a page which explains what the images are, so here they are, listed from most-obvious to least-obvious (according to my guesses of what people will recognize):


Obviously, the word “Amen.” Here it appears in a musical liturgical text.


The word “Alleluja”–the Latin form of “Hallelujah“–also appearing in a musical liturgical text.


Pope Benedict XVI incenses an altar at Mass.


The statues of the apostles that appear along the front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


A woodcut of the Last Supper from Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.


The silver star commemorating the spot where Christ was born. It is located in the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, underneath the Church of the Nativity.


The lamps that hang above the Stone of Anointing in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, commemorating the place where Christ’s body was prepared for burial.